Poetry International Poetry International

Yanko González


exaggerates. deepens his voice and opines and states. a case he says is emblematic. his argument moves along and he interrupts himself with a joke. generally undecipherable. generally offensive. babbles dribbles dubs. raises his tone manages to make himself understood asks forgiveness for his insistence. contributes sentences like ‘it doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate it’. ‘the hen is the strategy of the egg to make more eggs’. uses commas when it’s a matter of style. his anxiety makes him gain weight. imitates the cashier talking to the cashier. nothing occurs to him but to buy dried fruit to go to the doctor for his gastritis. for his sebaceous problems for his bruxism. wants to wear glasses and doesn’t need them. asks to speak and mistakenly cites george simmel germán arestizabal. they don’t pay attention to him. explains his problems with epistemological paradigms that he hasn’t translated well. gets them to follow his prolonged and off the cuff idea that he refuses to elaborate for lack of bibliography. for lack of good libraries for lack of good editors for lack of good researchers for lack of nightspots. at chamber concerts he sings along bangs on the seat in front. with his foot with the program with his keychain. they pick him for insignificant committees. what culture what expansion what friends of the museumplein. he accepts. they give him a movie ticket.           he misplaces it.


overdrijft. bralt beschouwt en presenteert. een casus die hij emblematisch noemt. beargumenteert en onderbreekt zichzelf af en toe met een grapje. meestal onbegrijpelijk. meestal beledigend. babbelt dribbelt draait. spreekt luider maakt zich verstaanbaar verontschuldigt zich voor zijn vasthoudendheid. draagt bij met zinnen als ‘het vormt geen beletsel het niet toe te juichen’. ‘de kip is de strategie van het ei om meer eieren te maken’. zet komma’s als het een kwestie van stijl is. wordt dik van de zenuwen. doet de caissière na wanneer hij met haar praat. kan niets anders verzinnen dan nootjes kopen dan naar de dokter gaan voor zijn gastritis. voor zijn huidproblemen voor zijn tandenknarsen. wil een bril maar heeft er geen nodig. vraagt het woord en citeert george simmel en germán arestizabal verkeerd. krijgt geen aandacht. vertelt over zijn problemen met epistemologische paradigma’s die hij slecht heeft vertaald. trekt aandacht. krijgt er een halsstarrig en wispelturig idee doorheen dat zich niet verder laat uitwerken naar eigen zeggen wegens gebrek aan bronnen. wegens gebrek aan goede bibliotheken gebrek aan goede uitgevers gebrek aan goede onderzoekers gebrek aan nachtcafés. neuriet tijdens huiskamerconcerten tikt tegen de stoel voor hem. met zijn voet met het programma met zijn sleutelhanger. wordt gevraagd voor onbelangrijke commissies. die cultuur die reikwijdte die vrienden van het Museumplein. gaat akkoord. krijgt een bioscoopkaartje cadeau.      raakt het kwijt.


exagera. se engola y opina expone. un caso que dice es emblemático. su argumento avanza y se interrumpe a sí mismo con una chanza. por lo general inentendible. por lo general ofensiva. cantinflea driblea dobla. sube el tono logra hacerse entender pide perdón por la insistencia. colabora con frases como ‘no es óbice para no festejarlo’. ‘la gallina es la estrategia del huevo para hacer más huevos’. pone comas cuando es cuestión de estilo. su ansiedad lo hace ganar peso. imita a la cajera hablando con la cajera. no se le ocurre nada más que comprar frutos secos que ir al médico por su gastritis. por sus problemas sebáceos por su bruxismo. quiere usar lentes y no los necesita. pide la palabra y cita erradamente a george simmel a germán arestizabal. no le prestan atención. cuenta sus problemas con paradigmas epistemológicos que no ha traducido bien. llama la atención. logra que le sigan una idea pertinaz y antojadiza que se rehúsa a desarrollar según confidencia por falta de bibliografía. por falta de buenas bibliotecas por falta de buenos editores por falta de buenos investigadores por falta de locales nocturnos. en conciertos de cámara tararea golpea la butaca delantera. con su pie con el programa con su llavero. lo eligen para comités insignificantes. que cultura que extensión que amigos del Museumplein. acepta. le regalan una entrada al cine.                                                       la extravía.



exaggerates. deepens his voice and opines and states. a case he says is emblematic. his argument moves along and he interrupts himself with a joke. generally undecipherable. generally offensive. babbles dribbles dubs. raises his tone manages to make himself understood asks forgiveness for his insistence. contributes sentences like ‘it doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate it’. ‘the hen is the strategy of the egg to make more eggs’. uses commas when it’s a matter of style. his anxiety makes him gain weight. imitates the cashier talking to the cashier. nothing occurs to him but to buy dried fruit to go to the doctor for his gastritis. for his sebaceous problems for his bruxism. wants to wear glasses and doesn’t need them. asks to speak and mistakenly cites george simmel germán arestizabal. they don’t pay attention to him. explains his problems with epistemological paradigms that he hasn’t translated well. gets them to follow his prolonged and off the cuff idea that he refuses to elaborate for lack of bibliography. for lack of good libraries for lack of good editors for lack of good researchers for lack of nightspots. at chamber concerts he sings along bangs on the seat in front. with his foot with the program with his keychain. they pick him for insignificant committees. what culture what expansion what friends of the museumplein. he accepts. they give him a movie ticket.           he misplaces it.


exaggerates. deepens his voice and opines and states. a case he says is emblematic. his argument moves along and he interrupts himself with a joke. generally undecipherable. generally offensive. babbles dribbles dubs. raises his tone manages to make himself understood asks forgiveness for his insistence. contributes sentences like ‘it doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate it’. ‘the hen is the strategy of the egg to make more eggs’. uses commas when it’s a matter of style. his anxiety makes him gain weight. imitates the cashier talking to the cashier. nothing occurs to him but to buy dried fruit to go to the doctor for his gastritis. for his sebaceous problems for his bruxism. wants to wear glasses and doesn’t need them. asks to speak and mistakenly cites george simmel germán arestizabal. they don’t pay attention to him. explains his problems with epistemological paradigms that he hasn’t translated well. gets them to follow his prolonged and off the cuff idea that he refuses to elaborate for lack of bibliography. for lack of good libraries for lack of good editors for lack of good researchers for lack of nightspots. at chamber concerts he sings along bangs on the seat in front. with his foot with the program with his keychain. they pick him for insignificant committees. what culture what expansion what friends of the museumplein. he accepts. they give him a movie ticket.           he misplaces it.

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère