Poetry International Poetry International

Yanko González


I mean
he was shoveling feces for many years
even though      come on
we all called him the shit-shoveler
that translated to his language would end up as
cold shower     or     stone-shoveler.

Let’s agree that shit is memory
in the same way a word
is the memory of its meaning
he kept on calling attention to himself
opening or closing the weight of the oranges
by anne michaels with drawings by john berger.

But come on
a Shit Job
to be topped off with black like black shit
how to explain it in our language
it could translate as
a ‘truly’ thankless job.

And even though he used a suit gloves mask and a lovely
green helmet
he stank
on the inside and on the outside
in fact I was the one that dubbed him
inside&outside that in our language
means something like
the fetid external overshadows the fetid internal
amalgamating into an extreme stench.

The point is that he spent his good years

absorbing that
and as it’s already known
even though the flies change
the rocks will always be the same.

And from those sentences he put down
as if for his future redemption
an obvious fatal exhaustion grew
automatic words rod probe coupling
monkey wrench residency document maybe fifteen.
A lot of shit.

He published something
and returned to Upper Volta
but he smelled foul
his family nicknamed him the ‘white shit’
that comes to mean more or less without certainty
moving away from or moving toward the semantic field
he worked as a poet
for those who bring
or take away the wheat
from our mouth.
                          I mean.


hij heeft jarenlang ontlasting geruimd
of afijn
voor ons was hij de strontschepper
wat in zijn taal zou neerkomen op
koude douche  of steenschepper.

Laten we stellen dat stront geheugen is
op dezelfde manier waarop een woord
het geheugen is van zijn betekenis
herhaalde hij om interessant te doen
terwijl hij het gewicht van sinaasappels open- of dichtsloeg
van anne michaels met illustraties van john berger.

Maar afijn
een Strontbaan
en bovendien zo zwart als zwarte stront
hoe leg je dat uit in onze taal
je zou het kunnen vertalen als
‘echt’ ondankbaar werk.

En ook al droeg hij een pak handschoenen masker en een mooie
groene helm
hij stonk
van binnen en van buiten
en ik was het dus die hem
de vanbinnen&vanbuiten doopte wat in onze taal
zoiets betekent als
het externe stinken overschaduwt het interne stinken
en vermengt zich tot een extreme pestlucht.

Het punt is dat hij daar na al die jaren

van doordrongen is geraakt
en we weten allemaal
al hangen er andere vliegen omheen
een steen is en blijft een steen.

En van de zinnen die hij uitsloeg
als voor zijn toekomstige verlossing
bleef een duidelijk fatale vermoeidheid over
automatische woorden veer klauw koppelstuk
Engelse sleutel verblijf papier misschien vijftien.
Veel stront.

Hij publiceerde wat
en ging terug naar Opper-Volta
maar er zat een luchtje aan hem
‘witte kak’ werd hij thuis genoemd
en dat betekent ongeveer min of meer bij benadering
afhankelijk van de afstand tot het semantisch veld
hij die als dichter werkte
voor hen die ons
het graan brengen of
uit de mond stoten.


O sea
estuvo muchos años extrayendo heces
aunque     vamos
todos le decíamos el saca-mierdas
que traducido a su idioma vendría a ser
ducha fría           o         saca-piedras.

Convengamos que la mierda es memoria
del mismo modo que una palabra
es la memoria de su significado
repetía haciéndose el interesante
abriendo o cerrando el peso de las naranjas
de anne michaels con dibujos de john berger.

Pero vamos
un Trabajo de Mierda
para colmo en negro como la mierda negra
cómo explicarlo en nuestra lengua
se podría traducir como
un trabajo “verdaderamente” ingrato.

Y aunque usaba un traje guantes máscara y un lindo
casco verde
por dentro y por fuera
de hecho yo fui el que le puse
el pordentro&porfuera que en nuestro idioma
significa algo así como
el fétido externo ensombrece al fétido interno
amalgamándose hasta la hediondez extrema.

El punto es que se pasó sus buenos años

absorbiendo aquello
y ya se sabe
aunque las moscas cambien
las piedras siempre serán las mismas.

Y de esas frases que soltaba
como para su redención futura
fue quedando un fatal cansancio obvio
automáticas palabras varilla sonda acople
llave inglesa papel residencia quizás quince.
Mucha mierda.

Publicó algo
y volvió al Alto Volta
pero olía mal
el “caca blanca” le apodó su familia
que viene a significar más o menos sin certeza
alejándose o acercándose al campo semántico
aquel que trabajó como poeta
para los que nos traen
o nos quitan el trigo
de la boca.
                   O sea.


I mean
he was shoveling feces for many years
even though      come on
we all called him the shit-shoveler
that translated to his language would end up as
cold shower     or     stone-shoveler.

Let’s agree that shit is memory
in the same way a word
is the memory of its meaning
he kept on calling attention to himself
opening or closing the weight of the oranges
by anne michaels with drawings by john berger.

But come on
a Shit Job
to be topped off with black like black shit
how to explain it in our language
it could translate as
a ‘truly’ thankless job.

And even though he used a suit gloves mask and a lovely
green helmet
he stank
on the inside and on the outside
in fact I was the one that dubbed him
inside&outside that in our language
means something like
the fetid external overshadows the fetid internal
amalgamating into an extreme stench.

The point is that he spent his good years

absorbing that
and as it’s already known
even though the flies change
the rocks will always be the same.

And from those sentences he put down
as if for his future redemption
an obvious fatal exhaustion grew
automatic words rod probe coupling
monkey wrench residency document maybe fifteen.
A lot of shit.

He published something
and returned to Upper Volta
but he smelled foul
his family nicknamed him the ‘white shit’
that comes to mean more or less without certainty
moving away from or moving toward the semantic field
he worked as a poet
for those who bring
or take away the wheat
from our mouth.
                          I mean.


I mean
he was shoveling feces for many years
even though      come on
we all called him the shit-shoveler
that translated to his language would end up as
cold shower     or     stone-shoveler.

Let’s agree that shit is memory
in the same way a word
is the memory of its meaning
he kept on calling attention to himself
opening or closing the weight of the oranges
by anne michaels with drawings by john berger.

But come on
a Shit Job
to be topped off with black like black shit
how to explain it in our language
it could translate as
a ‘truly’ thankless job.

And even though he used a suit gloves mask and a lovely
green helmet
he stank
on the inside and on the outside
in fact I was the one that dubbed him
inside&outside that in our language
means something like
the fetid external overshadows the fetid internal
amalgamating into an extreme stench.

The point is that he spent his good years

absorbing that
and as it’s already known
even though the flies change
the rocks will always be the same.

And from those sentences he put down
as if for his future redemption
an obvious fatal exhaustion grew
automatic words rod probe coupling
monkey wrench residency document maybe fifteen.
A lot of shit.

He published something
and returned to Upper Volta
but he smelled foul
his family nicknamed him the ‘white shit’
that comes to mean more or less without certainty
moving away from or moving toward the semantic field
he worked as a poet
for those who bring
or take away the wheat
from our mouth.
                          I mean.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère