Poetry International Poetry International

Yanko González


See I am his mother/ c/ see that his perception is warped/ doesn’t he c/ he’d be worse off on his own / he would suffer in vain / doesn’t he c/ c/ up until now you told me he was well adjusted / and why is he whipping us with the cord / c that he exaggerates/ he lacks nothing/ you c me / but I hammer on the door / sell clothes/ steal bottles/ it’s not healthy/ c/ If he’s is lacking something he should have told me/ he doesn’t c I’m the only one that suffers / And if I need him for something / I would have to find him first / but he won’t lift a finger / c/ one makes a lot of effort/ / He won’t raise the volume / / Even if I can’t hear/ c/ when I talk to him/ c/ I am not going out this Saturday/ and I’ll have beef stew for lunch/ c that he is still growing/ doesn’t he c he is like a reed/ he has to make a little effort c/

come on/
get up

do you want me to turn on the heater?


Ik ben je moeder weet je/ w’tje/ je zicht is troebel weet je/ w’tje wel/ als je opgeeft zijn de rapen gaar/ zit je voor niks op de blaren/ w’tje wel/ w’tje/ tot hier zegt je mond in orde te zijn/ en waarom sla je ons met de kabel/ dat geeft storing w’tje / ik heb alles voor je over/ dat w’tje /maar de deur inbeuken/ je kleren verkopen/ flessen stelen/ dat kan niet/ w’tje/ Als je hulp nodig hebt had je dat moeten zeggen/ w’tje wel dat ik hier tenige slachtoffer ben/ En als ik iets voor je zoek/ eigenlijk moest ik iets voor je zoeken/ maar als jij geen vinger uitsteekt/ w’tje / Ik heb al zoveel geprobeerd// Niet de tv harder zetten // Je hoort me niet eens/ w’tje/ terwijl ik tegen je praat/ w’tje/ Je gaat niet uit vanavond/ en je eet je soep op/ je bent nog in de groei w’tje / w’tje wel dat je eruit ziet als een bonenstaak/ je moet je best doen w’tje /

sta op

zal ik de geiser voor je aan doen?


Ve que soy su madre/ v/ ve que la visión suya está borrosa/ no v/ terminar sería la cola/ sacaría lastimarse por la pura/ no v/ v/ hasta aquí su labio dice que está entero/ y para qué nos pega con el cable/ v que distorsiona/ no le niego nada/ usted me v/ pero martillar la puerta/ vender la ropa/ robar botellas/ no es lo sano/ v/ Si le falta tratamiento debió haber avisado/ no v que acá soy la yúnica que sufro/ Y si le busco algo/ tendría que buscarle/ pero si no mueve el dedo/ v/ Son muchos los esfuerzos que se hacen// No suba la tele // Si no me oye/ v/ si cuando le hablo/ v/ No me va a salir hoy día sábado/ y me va almorzar la carbonada/ v que todavía está creciendo/ no v que está como una cana/ tiene que esforzarse v/


¿quiere que le prenda el cálifon?


See I am his mother/ c/ see that his perception is warped/ doesn’t he c/ he’d be worse off on his own / he would suffer in vain / doesn’t he c/ c/ up until now you told me he was well adjusted / and why is he whipping us with the cord / c that he exaggerates/ he lacks nothing/ you c me / but I hammer on the door / sell clothes/ steal bottles/ it’s not healthy/ c/ If he’s is lacking something he should have told me/ he doesn’t c I’m the only one that suffers / And if I need him for something / I would have to find him first / but he won’t lift a finger / c/ one makes a lot of effort/ / He won’t raise the volume / / Even if I can’t hear/ c/ when I talk to him/ c/ I am not going out this Saturday/ and I’ll have beef stew for lunch/ c that he is still growing/ doesn’t he c he is like a reed/ he has to make a little effort c/

come on/
get up

do you want me to turn on the heater?


See I am his mother/ c/ see that his perception is warped/ doesn’t he c/ he’d be worse off on his own / he would suffer in vain / doesn’t he c/ c/ up until now you told me he was well adjusted / and why is he whipping us with the cord / c that he exaggerates/ he lacks nothing/ you c me / but I hammer on the door / sell clothes/ steal bottles/ it’s not healthy/ c/ If he’s is lacking something he should have told me/ he doesn’t c I’m the only one that suffers / And if I need him for something / I would have to find him first / but he won’t lift a finger / c/ one makes a lot of effort/ / He won’t raise the volume / / Even if I can’t hear/ c/ when I talk to him/ c/ I am not going out this Saturday/ and I’ll have beef stew for lunch/ c that he is still growing/ doesn’t he c he is like a reed/ he has to make a little effort c/

come on/
get up

do you want me to turn on the heater?
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère