Poetry International Poetry International

Paul Bogaert

Take now

Take now
the tip of the tongue of X
in the pinna of Y: beautiful

example of a yes-no question
that is impossible to answer.
Other than with the Y-tongue in the X-ear.

There you have the ruffian and there you have the expert
for the hinges and locks of the nerve centre.
One knows the region well.
The other knows how to deal with so much beaufort.
So they slip away in informal deliberation.

Without us!
We are stretching the best basic principles,
twisting evidence, comparing functions,
celebrating what’s premature.

Neem nu

Neem nu
de tongpunt van X
in de oorschelp van Y: mooi

voorbeeld van een ja-neevraag
die onmogelijk beantwoord kan worden.
Tenzij met de Y-tong in het X-oor.

Daar heb je de bruut en daar heb je de vakman
voor het hang- en sluitwerk in het zenuwcentrum.
De ene kent de regio goed.
De andere weet wel raad met zoveel beaufort.
Die glijden dus weg in een informeel overleg.

Zonder ons!
Wij stretchen de leukste grondbeginselen,
verdraaien bewijzen, vergelijken functies,
vieren het voorbarige.

Take now

Take now
the tip of the tongue of X
in the pinna of Y: beautiful

example of a yes-no question
that is impossible to answer.
Other than with the Y-tongue in the X-ear.

There you have the ruffian and there you have the expert
for the hinges and locks of the nerve centre.
One knows the region well.
The other knows how to deal with so much beaufort.
So they slip away in informal deliberation.

Without us!
We are stretching the best basic principles,
twisting evidence, comparing functions,
celebrating what’s premature.

Take now

Take now
the tip of the tongue of X
in the pinna of Y: beautiful

example of a yes-no question
that is impossible to answer.
Other than with the Y-tongue in the X-ear.

There you have the ruffian and there you have the expert
for the hinges and locks of the nerve centre.
One knows the region well.
The other knows how to deal with so much beaufort.
So they slip away in informal deliberation.

Without us!
We are stretching the best basic principles,
twisting evidence, comparing functions,
celebrating what’s premature.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère