Poetry International Poetry International

Paul Bogaert

Just wait until your goddess Aurora

Just wait until your goddess Aurora
starts going on about her receding gums
and you realize that you have spent a fortune
on placebos and coloured spotlights.

Just wait until you are asked to
call back
the demon of noon, who fritters away his days
in an espresso bar.

Just wait until full of understanding
at the door at dusk a Smurf comes to
fob you off with two morphine pumps.

Wacht maar tot je godin Aurore

Wacht maar tot je godin Aurore
over haar terugtrekkende tandvlees begint
en je beseft dat je een fortuin hebt besteed
aan placebo’s en kleurspots.

Wacht maar tot jou gevraagd wordt
terug te bellen
naar de demon van het middaguur, die in een espressobar
zijn dagen slijt.

Wacht maar tot er een smurf vol begrip
aan de deur in het schemerdonker jou
twee morfinepompen aansmeert.

Just wait until your goddess Aurora

Just wait until your goddess Aurora
starts going on about her receding gums
and you realize that you have spent a fortune
on placebos and coloured spotlights.

Just wait until you are asked to
call back
the demon of noon, who fritters away his days
in an espresso bar.

Just wait until full of understanding
at the door at dusk a Smurf comes to
fob you off with two morphine pumps.

Just wait until your goddess Aurora

Just wait until your goddess Aurora
starts going on about her receding gums
and you realize that you have spent a fortune
on placebos and coloured spotlights.

Just wait until you are asked to
call back
the demon of noon, who fritters away his days
in an espresso bar.

Just wait until full of understanding
at the door at dusk a Smurf comes to
fob you off with two morphine pumps.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère