Poetry International Poetry International

Paul Bogaert


What you said was undiluted.
And it proved effective too:
I can’t see a thing. My head is clean
now and white. It’s done.

First I pushed my eyes in
and tilted my head back.
Then I filled up the holes
with eau de javel and white spirit.

That anything goes is a delusion.
It’s the air that is tenuous.
Give me time to come round.

Bury me where I requested
water and let me be – out of reach –
of fish.



Wat je zei was onverdund.
En het bleek ook efficiënt:
ik zie niks meer. Mijn hoofd is proper
nu en wit. Het is gedaan.

Ik duwde eerst mijn ogen in
en hield mijn hoofd naar achteren.
Dan goot ik de gaten vol
met eau de javel en white spirit.

Dat alles weggaat is een waan.
Het is de lucht die ijlig is.
Geef me tijd om bij te komen.

Begraaf me waar ik water
vroeg en laat me zijn – buiten bereik –
van vis.


What you said was undiluted.
And it proved effective too:
I can’t see a thing. My head is clean
now and white. It’s done.

First I pushed my eyes in
and tilted my head back.
Then I filled up the holes
with eau de javel and white spirit.

That anything goes is a delusion.
It’s the air that is tenuous.
Give me time to come round.

Bury me where I requested
water and let me be – out of reach –
of fish.


What you said was undiluted.
And it proved effective too:
I can’t see a thing. My head is clean
now and white. It’s done.

First I pushed my eyes in
and tilted my head back.
Then I filled up the holes
with eau de javel and white spirit.

That anything goes is a delusion.
It’s the air that is tenuous.
Give me time to come round.

Bury me where I requested
water and let me be – out of reach –
of fish.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère