Poetry International Poetry International

Paul Bogaert


First some fresh air.

All those names. Do not forget
to put the scissors in the vote of thanks.

All those names make me
tipsy, I’m alive and well-off: here sunlight
slips through the Venetian blinds over the chicken curry salad!
Those present swap quotes and couture colours. I revolve in
in the hullabaloo, roll myself in the felicitations
and am royally glazed in the quatre-mains of the day.

Surrounded by all-rounders and hand-clapping specialists
I am no longer alone.
Considerations are for later. Contaminations as well.
In the assuagement of the real needs I learn to be flexible.

I shall certainly get to know somebody.
In association after association.
I am voracious and free
and I can cry.



Eerst wat lucht.

Al die namen. Niet vergeten
de schaar in het dankwoord te zetten.

Al die namen maken mij
tipsy, ik leef, ik ben rijk: zonlicht
glijdt hier door de luxaflex over de kipcurrysalade!
De aanwezigen ruilen quotes en modekleuren. Ik rol mij
door het geroezemoes, draai mij om in de felicitaties
en word royaal gepaneerd in de quatre-mains van de dag.

Omringd door allrounders en handjeklapspecialisten
ben ik nooit meer alleen.
Bedenkingen zijn voor later. Besmettingen ook.
In de leniging van de reële noden leer ik soepel zijn.

Ik zal dus wel iemand leren kennen.
In vereniging na vereniging.
Ik ben gulzig en vrij
en ik kan huilen.


First some fresh air.

All those names. Do not forget
to put the scissors in the vote of thanks.

All those names make me
tipsy, I’m alive and well-off: here sunlight
slips through the Venetian blinds over the chicken curry salad!
Those present swap quotes and couture colours. I revolve in
in the hullabaloo, roll myself in the felicitations
and am royally glazed in the quatre-mains of the day.

Surrounded by all-rounders and hand-clapping specialists
I am no longer alone.
Considerations are for later. Contaminations as well.
In the assuagement of the real needs I learn to be flexible.

I shall certainly get to know somebody.
In association after association.
I am voracious and free
and I can cry.


First some fresh air.

All those names. Do not forget
to put the scissors in the vote of thanks.

All those names make me
tipsy, I’m alive and well-off: here sunlight
slips through the Venetian blinds over the chicken curry salad!
Those present swap quotes and couture colours. I revolve in
in the hullabaloo, roll myself in the felicitations
and am royally glazed in the quatre-mains of the day.

Surrounded by all-rounders and hand-clapping specialists
I am no longer alone.
Considerations are for later. Contaminations as well.
In the assuagement of the real needs I learn to be flexible.

I shall certainly get to know somebody.
In association after association.
I am voracious and free
and I can cry.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère