Poetry International Poetry International

Yehuda Amichai

Anniversary of Love

Anniversary of love. A hymn from the forties.
Letters like banners waving in the wind
or folded in a cupboard. Bound up in our bundles.

“I live among orange groves,
Ramatayim or Givat Haim,
I live near the water tower.
I draw from it great strength and great love,
you will understand in years to come.”

The stalk releases its smell when you break it,
leaves release their smell when you rub them
thinly between your fingers. So will our love be,
you will understand in years to come.

You will cross great distances,
but you were never in the distance between my eyes
and you never will be. You will understand.
You will be in places with no orange groves,
you will forget this love
as you forgot the child's voice
you once had. You will under­stand in years to come.

Jubileum van liefde

Jubileum van een liefde. Een gezang uit de jaren veertig.
De brieven als vlaggen wapperend in de wind
of keurig in de kast in bundeltjes samengebonden.

“Ik woon tussen citrusgaarden,” schreef ze,
“Ramatayim of Ramat Chaim,
Ik woon bij de watertoren.
Daaruit put ik veel kracht en liefde
over jaren zul je dat begrijpen.”

De stengel geeft zijn geur af als je hem breekt
de bladeren geuren als je ze heel dun
fijnwrijft tussen je vingers. Zo zal onze liefde zijn
over jaren zul je dat begrijpen.

Je zult grote afstanden afleggen
maar in de afstand tussen mijn ogen ben je niet geweest
en zul je ook niet komen. Dat zul je begrijpen.
Je zult komen op plaatsen zonder citrusgaarden,
je zult deze liefde vergeten
zoals je de heldere kinderstem bent vergeten
die je vroeger had. Over jaren zul je dat begrijpen.


Anniversary of Love

Anniversary of love. A hymn from the forties.
Letters like banners waving in the wind
or folded in a cupboard. Bound up in our bundles.

“I live among orange groves,
Ramatayim or Givat Haim,
I live near the water tower.
I draw from it great strength and great love,
you will understand in years to come.”

The stalk releases its smell when you break it,
leaves release their smell when you rub them
thinly between your fingers. So will our love be,
you will understand in years to come.

You will cross great distances,
but you were never in the distance between my eyes
and you never will be. You will understand.
You will be in places with no orange groves,
you will forget this love
as you forgot the child's voice
you once had. You will under­stand in years to come.

Anniversary of Love

Anniversary of love. A hymn from the forties.
Letters like banners waving in the wind
or folded in a cupboard. Bound up in our bundles.

“I live among orange groves,
Ramatayim or Givat Haim,
I live near the water tower.
I draw from it great strength and great love,
you will understand in years to come.”

The stalk releases its smell when you break it,
leaves release their smell when you rub them
thinly between your fingers. So will our love be,
you will understand in years to come.

You will cross great distances,
but you were never in the distance between my eyes
and you never will be. You will understand.
You will be in places with no orange groves,
you will forget this love
as you forgot the child's voice
you once had. You will under­stand in years to come.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère