Poetry International Poetry International

K. Schippers


I run the bath and think,
now put on coffee
in the bath’s time.
What a duo. Lots more
can happen. But what?
Bath, coffee, in their time
you turn on two lights
and fill your pen.
Loading the seconds
with warmth and smells,
with light and ink.
Not separate but inter-
woven, like strands
of a single moment.
draping a tea towel
over a radiator. The seconds
drying. You can also
let them talk on the phone,
if someone calls. The
chairs are so quiet
in the bath’s time.
I open a balcony door.
The air streams
in. Toast some
bread too, the smell,
the light, the ink,
the dryness, the fresh air,
I juggle all those plates
in something else’s
time. O, stay with me now,
deep focus, it’s getting
iffy. The water, the
smell, and beyond it, the toast,
the clouds, the flowing seconds,
the sky and the universe.



Ik zet het bad aan en denk
nu koffiezetten in
de tijd van het bad.

Wat een duo. Er kan nog
veel meer gebeuren.
Maar wat? Bad, koffie, in

hun tijd doe je twee lampen
aan en vul je je pen.
Zo laad je de seconden

met warmte en geur, met
licht en inkt. Niet
afzonderlijk, maar door

elkaar heen, alsof het
strengen zijn van het
zelfde ogenblik. Vlug

een theedoek over een
radiator. De seconden
drogen. Je kunt ze ook

laten telefoneren, als
er wordt opgebeld. De
stoelen zo stil in

de tijd van het bad.
Ik doe een balkondeur
open. De lucht stroomt

naar binnen. Toast er
een boterham bij, de
geur, het licht, de inkt,

de droogte, de buitenlucht,
jongleer ik met al die
bordjes in de tijd van iets

anders. O, houd me bij,
deep focus, ’t wordt nou
kiele, kiele. Het water, de

geur en erachter de toast,
de wolken, stromen de seconden,
de hemel en het heelal.


I run the bath and think,
now put on coffee
in the bath’s time.
What a duo. Lots more
can happen. But what?
Bath, coffee, in their time
you turn on two lights
and fill your pen.
Loading the seconds
with warmth and smells,
with light and ink.
Not separate but inter-
woven, like strands
of a single moment.
draping a tea towel
over a radiator. The seconds
drying. You can also
let them talk on the phone,
if someone calls. The
chairs are so quiet
in the bath’s time.
I open a balcony door.
The air streams
in. Toast some
bread too, the smell,
the light, the ink,
the dryness, the fresh air,
I juggle all those plates
in something else’s
time. O, stay with me now,
deep focus, it’s getting
iffy. The water, the
smell, and beyond it, the toast,
the clouds, the flowing seconds,
the sky and the universe.


I run the bath and think,
now put on coffee
in the bath’s time.
What a duo. Lots more
can happen. But what?
Bath, coffee, in their time
you turn on two lights
and fill your pen.
Loading the seconds
with warmth and smells,
with light and ink.
Not separate but inter-
woven, like strands
of a single moment.
draping a tea towel
over a radiator. The seconds
drying. You can also
let them talk on the phone,
if someone calls. The
chairs are so quiet
in the bath’s time.
I open a balcony door.
The air streams
in. Toast some
bread too, the smell,
the light, the ink,
the dryness, the fresh air,
I juggle all those plates
in something else’s
time. O, stay with me now,
deep focus, it’s getting
iffy. The water, the
smell, and beyond it, the toast,
the clouds, the flowing seconds,
the sky and the universe.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère