Qin Xiaoyu
Step out of the tipi all hung with skins,and all the deep nights slap you in the face,
attaching themselves to you in an endless series.
You grip your soul pouch tight.
If you fall into a trance, then you’re a shaman,
wearing for the first time that hundredweight costume,
like the bears that fear the day of snow-melt,
you’re afraid of this night condensing.
The sky is one vast coldly gleaming torture chamber. The dark of green pine
and white birch is the bond between the camp and the faraway hills.
Touching the ice-cold blackness,
you gaze out on dazzling black like a
steadily shrinking wild beast. All around you
the rise and fall of breathing has you corralled for the kill.
Behind you human speech as ardent as the campfire
is now the only shore on this vast ocean of trees.
But oh what a storm-tossed shore it is!
Go ashore, go ashore, step into a blizzard of booze.
© Translation: 2013, Brian Holton
Loop je de met dierenhuiden volgehangen joert uit,slaan de diepe nachten je in het gezicht,
nemen bezit van je, een voor een.
Je grijpt je zielenzakje stevig vast.
Mocht je in trance zijn, dan ben je
een sjamaan die voor het eerst een gewaad van honderd pond draagt.
Net zoals beren bang zijn voor dooidagen
vrees jij deze nacht voor vriezen.
Martelwerktuig van koud licht in de lucht. Donker van pijnbomen en berken
vormt een bezeten band die het kamp en de verre bergen verenigt.
Je tast naar het ijskoude zwart,
staart naar het felgekleurde zwart, als een
enigszins krimpend beest.
De golvende en hijgende omgeving sluit je dreigend in.
De taal, hartstochtelijk als het vreugdevuur achter je,
is de enige oever van de zee van bomen.
Maar wat een onstuimige oever is dat!
Aan wal, aan wal, ga de sneeuwstorm van brandewijn binnen.
© Vertaling: 2013,
© 2013, Qin Xiaoyu
Poems of Qin Xiaoyu
Step out of the tipi all hung with skins,and all the deep nights slap you in the face,
attaching themselves to you in an endless series.
You grip your soul pouch tight.
If you fall into a trance, then you’re a shaman,
wearing for the first time that hundredweight costume,
like the bears that fear the day of snow-melt,
you’re afraid of this night condensing.
The sky is one vast coldly gleaming torture chamber. The dark of green pine
and white birch is the bond between the camp and the faraway hills.
Touching the ice-cold blackness,
you gaze out on dazzling black like a
steadily shrinking wild beast. All around you
the rise and fall of breathing has you corralled for the kill.
Behind you human speech as ardent as the campfire
is now the only shore on this vast ocean of trees.
But oh what a storm-tossed shore it is!
Go ashore, go ashore, step into a blizzard of booze.
© 2013, Brian Holton
Step out of the tipi all hung with skins,and all the deep nights slap you in the face,
attaching themselves to you in an endless series.
You grip your soul pouch tight.
If you fall into a trance, then you’re a shaman,
wearing for the first time that hundredweight costume,
like the bears that fear the day of snow-melt,
you’re afraid of this night condensing.
The sky is one vast coldly gleaming torture chamber. The dark of green pine
and white birch is the bond between the camp and the faraway hills.
Touching the ice-cold blackness,
you gaze out on dazzling black like a
steadily shrinking wild beast. All around you
the rise and fall of breathing has you corralled for the kill.
Behind you human speech as ardent as the campfire
is now the only shore on this vast ocean of trees.
But oh what a storm-tossed shore it is!
Go ashore, go ashore, step into a blizzard of booze.
© 2013, Brian Holton

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère