No one knows anything of it, except its name,as if things exist only in utterance.
Skin devours pulp
and dust is another name for naught.
And this is not the worse of man’s wretchedness:
He descends into the vessel of You and is You.
and rises as the mist “I am
at your beck and call, O Lord.
Your beck and call!”
And here you are, Jerusalem, Al-Quds,
skating on the ice of meaning.
The sky houses her djinn and ifrits in you
to guard the oceans of language.
© Translation: 2013, Khaled Mattawa
Geen mens weet meer dan de naamalsof dingen niet bestaan dan in naam
huls verslindt kern
en stof is een andere naam voor verborgen
Wat een ellende voor de mens in al deze dingen
hij valt in de fles van jij bent jij
hij klimt op in de rook van tot uw dienst, tot uw dienst
Daar ben je, Jeruzalem – el-Qoeds
je glijdt uit in de sneeuw van wat het betekent
jouw hemel kent boze geesten en djinns
die over de oceanen van de taal heersen
© Vertaling: 2013, Kees Nijland en Assad Jaber
من ” سماء على الأرض“
لم يعد أحدٌ يعرف إلا الاسم،
كأنّ الأشياء غير موجودة إلا لفْظاَ.
القشرة تلتهم اللبّ
والغبارُ اسمٌ آخر للغيب.
وما أشدّ في هذا كلّه بؤسَ الإنسان:
يَهبط في قارورة الأنْتَ أنتَ،
يَصعد في دخان لَبّيك لبّيك.
وها أنتِ، أورشليم – القدسُ،
تزلّجين على ثلْج المعنى
وللسّماء فيكِ جنٌّ وعفاريتُ
يهيمنون على محيطات اللّغة.
( كونشيرتو القدس )
© 2012, Adonis
From: Kunshirtu ‘l-Quds
Publisher: Dâr al-Adâb, Beirut
From: Kunshirtu ‘l-Quds
Publisher: Dâr al-Adâb, Beirut
Poems of Adonis
No one knows anything of it, except its name,as if things exist only in utterance.
Skin devours pulp
and dust is another name for naught.
And this is not the worse of man’s wretchedness:
He descends into the vessel of You and is You.
and rises as the mist “I am
at your beck and call, O Lord.
Your beck and call!”
And here you are, Jerusalem, Al-Quds,
skating on the ice of meaning.
The sky houses her djinn and ifrits in you
to guard the oceans of language.
© 2013, Khaled Mattawa
From: Kunshirtu ‘l-Quds
From: Kunshirtu ‘l-Quds
No one knows anything of it, except its name,as if things exist only in utterance.
Skin devours pulp
and dust is another name for naught.
And this is not the worse of man’s wretchedness:
He descends into the vessel of You and is You.
and rises as the mist “I am
at your beck and call, O Lord.
Your beck and call!”
And here you are, Jerusalem, Al-Quds,
skating on the ice of meaning.
The sky houses her djinn and ifrits in you
to guard the oceans of language.
© 2013, Khaled Mattawa

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