Poetry International Poetry International

Marcel Beyer


Fenland, evidence, descent and breakage.
Deeper incisions, but we talk, among
nests, over the veins, the leechings, the polish.

Caterpillar nest, shafts, brick and cast.
Not terra firma, not walkable, but I talk, among
the weaker evidences of earth, talk
softened by geology, a lightened chest.

Wooden gates, nights, a firmer grasp. No
narration, no pores, no lights, nothing
left to draw, nothing to drill for, nothing left
to salvage, nothing that bleaches dry.



Hochmoor, Gefälle, Zeichen und Bruch.
Tiefere Stiche, doch wir erzählen, unter
den Nestern, über den Adern, dem Schliff.

Raupennest, Schächte, Ziegel und Guß.
Nichts zu begehen, doch ich erzähle, über
der Erde schwächere Zeichen, unter dem
Landstrich verschliffene Rede, hellere Brust.

Holztore, Nächte, festerer Griff. Keine
Geschichte, Poren und Lichter, nichts
bleibt zu zeichnen, nichts bleibt zu bohren,
nichts bleibt zu heben, nichts bleicht.


Fenland, evidence, descent and breakage.
Deeper incisions, but we talk, among
nests, over the veins, the leechings, the polish.

Caterpillar nest, shafts, brick and cast.
Not terra firma, not walkable, but I talk, among
the weaker evidences of earth, talk
softened by geology, a lightened chest.

Wooden gates, nights, a firmer grasp. No
narration, no pores, no lights, nothing
left to draw, nothing to drill for, nothing left
to salvage, nothing that bleaches dry.


Fenland, evidence, descent and breakage.
Deeper incisions, but we talk, among
nests, over the veins, the leechings, the polish.

Caterpillar nest, shafts, brick and cast.
Not terra firma, not walkable, but I talk, among
the weaker evidences of earth, talk
softened by geology, a lightened chest.

Wooden gates, nights, a firmer grasp. No
narration, no pores, no lights, nothing
left to draw, nothing to drill for, nothing left
to salvage, nothing that bleaches dry.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère