Poetry International Poetry International


knife in the water

knife in the water
slicing the water
water house
            the river and opposite
enormous cranes
            assembling even bigger cranes
this provisional state of life
            neither here nor there
            right in the middle
            in the middle
the meeting of languages
it’s from the fluency of the accents
that individuality emerges among speakers
even the formula of the mouthwash
varies according to idiom
the feminine
             [fearful water]
between           two breasts fuller than peaches
             in cruelty love rises
life is ridden by the frustration of each meeting
             we are only strong when we are serious
[the poem doesn’t inform life
but neither does life inform the poem]
             and we are only serious when we feel solitude

mes in het water

                        mes in het water
plakjes water snijdend
                        de rivier en langs de rivier
enorme kranen
                        die nog grotere kranen verwekken
deze voorlopige staat van leven
                        niet daar niet hier
                        pal in het midden
                        in het midden
de ontmoeting van talen
uit de vloeiendheid van tongvallen
verrijst de individualiteit tussen sprekers
want zelfs de formule van antiseptisch mondwater
varieert naar gelang het idioom
                        het vrouwelijke
                        [ vreselijk water ]
tussen              twee borsten die perziken overtreffen
                        in de wreedheid verschijnt de liefde
het leven bereden door de frustratie van iedere ontmoeting
                        wij zijn alleen sterk wanneer serieus
[het gedicht slaat geen acht op het leven
maar het leven slaat ook geen acht op het gedicht]
                        en wij zijn alleen serieus wanneer wij alleen zijn

faca dentro da água
fatiando água
casa d água
o rio e diante do rio
guindastes enormes
montando guindastes ainda maiores
esse estado provisório de vida
nem lá nem cá
plenamente no meio
no meio
o encontro das línguas
é na fluência dos acentos
que surge individualidade entre os falantes
pois até a fórmula do antiséptico bucal
varia conforme o idioma
o feminino
[ água terrível ]
entre    dois seios esmerando pêssegos
na crueldade surge o amor
a vida montada pela frustração de cada encontro
só estamos fortes quando sérios
[o poema não dá conta da vida
mas a vida também não dá conta do poema]
e só estamos sérios quando estamos sós

knife in the water

knife in the water
slicing the water
water house
            the river and opposite
enormous cranes
            assembling even bigger cranes
this provisional state of life
            neither here nor there
            right in the middle
            in the middle
the meeting of languages
it’s from the fluency of the accents
that individuality emerges among speakers
even the formula of the mouthwash
varies according to idiom
the feminine
             [fearful water]
between           two breasts fuller than peaches
             in cruelty love rises
life is ridden by the frustration of each meeting
             we are only strong when we are serious
[the poem doesn’t inform life
but neither does life inform the poem]
             and we are only serious when we feel solitude

knife in the water

knife in the water
slicing the water
water house
            the river and opposite
enormous cranes
            assembling even bigger cranes
this provisional state of life
            neither here nor there
            right in the middle
            in the middle
the meeting of languages
it’s from the fluency of the accents
that individuality emerges among speakers
even the formula of the mouthwash
varies according to idiom
the feminine
             [fearful water]
between           two breasts fuller than peaches
             in cruelty love rises
life is ridden by the frustration of each meeting
             we are only strong when we are serious
[the poem doesn’t inform life
but neither does life inform the poem]
             and we are only serious when we feel solitude
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère