Poetry International Poetry International


for an animal’s sake

for an animal’s sake
            wholly made of tetra pak
            that devours itself as it moves
this calligram-animal
that trespasses the alphabet with its body
and the street’s filth through time
fucking factory against
the sky’s thousand tectonic shambles
layers of rubble with inner mechanics
floor-tiled rhinoceros
and even death is more meaningful when we fuck
a power plant generating opposite powers
or yet more
that ordinariness that lives off complexity:
the day-to-day softly swapping of
empty plots ordered lines of houses train wagons

voor een dier

voor een dier
geheel gemaakt van tetrapak
dat zichzelf verslindt terwijl het beweegt
dit calligram-beest
dat het alfabet oversnijdt doorheen het lichaam
en de vuiligheid van de straat doorheen de tijd
strontfabriek tegen
de duizend tektonische breuken van de hemel
inwendig gelede platen van puin
de neushoorn in zijn tegels
en zelfs de dood is zinvoller wanneer we neuken
krachtfabriek die tegenkrachten wekt
of anders
de lompheid die leeft van complexe dingen :
de traag wisselende alledaagsheid
de braakliggende terreinen de orde der huizen de treinwagons

por um animal
todo-feito de tetra-pak
que se devora enquanto se move
esse animal-caligrama
que transpassa o alfabeto através do corpo
e a imundície da rua através do tempo
usina de merda contra
as mil falhas tectônicas do céu
placas de entulho articuladas por dentro
o rinoceronte em seu ladrilho
e mesmo a morte faz mais sentido quando fodemos
usina de força gerando forças contrárias
ou ainda
esse ordinário que vive das coisas complexas :
o dia a dia alternando suave
os terrenos baldios a ordem das casas os vagões de trem

for an animal’s sake

for an animal’s sake
            wholly made of tetra pak
            that devours itself as it moves
this calligram-animal
that trespasses the alphabet with its body
and the street’s filth through time
fucking factory against
the sky’s thousand tectonic shambles
layers of rubble with inner mechanics
floor-tiled rhinoceros
and even death is more meaningful when we fuck
a power plant generating opposite powers
or yet more
that ordinariness that lives off complexity:
the day-to-day softly swapping of
empty plots ordered lines of houses train wagons

for an animal’s sake

for an animal’s sake
            wholly made of tetra pak
            that devours itself as it moves
this calligram-animal
that trespasses the alphabet with its body
and the street’s filth through time
fucking factory against
the sky’s thousand tectonic shambles
layers of rubble with inner mechanics
floor-tiled rhinoceros
and even death is more meaningful when we fuck
a power plant generating opposite powers
or yet more
that ordinariness that lives off complexity:
the day-to-day softly swapping of
empty plots ordered lines of houses train wagons
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère