Inuo Taguchi
The Sea’s roar has become so senileLove too has been beaten by the salty wind
but I will take care of you, old Sea
I will see to it, having long loved you
I will be in touch with your family
I will write letters to your lovers
I will make visits to the alumni
who studied in the same classroom as you
The evening sun is setting on the horizon
coloring a seaside accident into crimson
Flotsam of memory and oblivion
sings the songs it learned in foreign lands
A bonfire burns sorrows into flames
A dream has also been buffeted by the salty wind
I will read a book of poems on the shore
for you, who do not say a word
I will take care of you, old Sea
for ever and ever
I will be with you
© Translation: 2012, Takako Lento
de zee in haar laatste momenten
het geluid van de branding is volstrekt senielzelfs liefde wordt ontdaan door zeewind
laat mij de oude zee van dienst zijn
laat mij die van de zee houdt dat zijn
familie van de zee zal ik berichten
haar minnaars zal ik brieven schrijven
en de oud-klasgenoten van de zee
zal ik een bezoek brengen
de avondzon die achter de horizon wegzakt
kleurt een ongeluk aan de kust bloedrood
wrakstukken van herinnering en vergetelheid
zingen een lied dat ze leerden in een ander land
een vuur verteert vlammend zorgen
zelfs dromen worden ontdaan door zeewind
voor jou die niets vertelt
zal ik een dichtbundel lezen op het strand
laat mij de oude zee van dienst zijn
en voor altijd en altijd
met haar samen zijn
© Vertaling: 2012, Ivo Smits
© 2012, Inuo Taguchi
Poems of Inuo Taguchi
The Sea’s roar has become so senileLove too has been beaten by the salty wind
but I will take care of you, old Sea
I will see to it, having long loved you
I will be in touch with your family
I will write letters to your lovers
I will make visits to the alumni
who studied in the same classroom as you
The evening sun is setting on the horizon
coloring a seaside accident into crimson
Flotsam of memory and oblivion
sings the songs it learned in foreign lands
A bonfire burns sorrows into flames
A dream has also been buffeted by the salty wind
I will read a book of poems on the shore
for you, who do not say a word
I will take care of you, old Sea
for ever and ever
I will be with you
© 2012, Takako Lento
The Sea’s roar has become so senileLove too has been beaten by the salty wind
but I will take care of you, old Sea
I will see to it, having long loved you
I will be in touch with your family
I will write letters to your lovers
I will make visits to the alumni
who studied in the same classroom as you
The evening sun is setting on the horizon
coloring a seaside accident into crimson
Flotsam of memory and oblivion
sings the songs it learned in foreign lands
A bonfire burns sorrows into flames
A dream has also been buffeted by the salty wind
I will read a book of poems on the shore
for you, who do not say a word
I will take care of you, old Sea
for ever and ever
I will be with you
© 2012, Takako Lento

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère