L.K. Holt
Time takes too much time! zong je toen we voortgedrevenop de wind onze haren uit onze monden trokken
en lucht uitademden die nog steeds vlokschuim was.
In de twee resterende grijzen van het laatste licht
kwam de storm aan op de rug van het koningstij;
tegen de ochtend zou de pier aan diggelen liggen.
Die nacht stonden we op het klampende worteleind van de pier
en holden. De golven braken over beide kanten heen
om speciaal voor ons een prieel van dreiging en glinster te maken;
we sprongen over losgeslagen planken die zee! zee!
klakten in debiele vreugde toen wij het spruiteind bereikten.
Je kneep je kruis vast in blije vrees
en verloor je hoed. De reling was helemaal weg:
we stonden op een presenteerblaadje, aangeboden.
© Vertaling: 2012, Erik Bindervoet en Robbert-Jan Henkes
Time takes too much time! you sang as we tookto the wind, pulling our hair from our mouths
and breathing out air still spindrift.
In the two remaining greys of last light
the storm came in on the king tide’s back;
by morning the jetty would be broken to bits.
That night we stood at the jetty’s clinging root-end
and ran. The waves broke over both sides
to make us an arbour of threat and glisten;
we jumped the loosed planks that clacked
in retarded joy sea! sea! as we reached the sprig-end.
You clutched your crotch in happy fear
and lost your hat. The railings were all gone:
we were standing on a platter, offered up.
© 2010, L.K. Holt
From: Patience, Mutiny
Publisher: John Leonard Press, Melbourne
From: Patience, Mutiny
Publisher: John Leonard Press, Melbourne
Poems of L.K. Holt
Time takes too much time! you sang as we tookto the wind, pulling our hair from our mouths
and breathing out air still spindrift.
In the two remaining greys of last light
the storm came in on the king tide’s back;
by morning the jetty would be broken to bits.
That night we stood at the jetty’s clinging root-end
and ran. The waves broke over both sides
to make us an arbour of threat and glisten;
we jumped the loosed planks that clacked
in retarded joy sea! sea! as we reached the sprig-end.
You clutched your crotch in happy fear
and lost your hat. The railings were all gone:
we were standing on a platter, offered up.
From: Patience, Mutiny

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère