Lêdo Ivo
I cannot accept that dreamsare the privilege of human beings alone.
Fish also dream.
In the swampy pond, amongst miasmas
aspiring to the thickened dignity of life,
they dream with eyes always open.
Fish dream motionless, in the bliss
of fetid water. They aren’t like men, who toss
and turn in their unhappy beds. In truth,
fish are different from us, who have not yet learned to dream,
and we struggle, as if drowning, in turbid water
among hideous images and the bones of long-dead fish.
Beside the pond I ordered to be hollowed out,
making a troublesome dream of childhood come true,
I question the dark water. The tilapias hide
from my suspicious owner’s gaze
and refuse to teach me how I ought to dream.
© Translation: 2010, Alexis Levitin
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2010
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2010
Het wil er bij mij niet in dat dromenvoorrecht zouden zijn van mensenkinderen.
Ook vissen dromen.
In het modderige meer, tussen miasmen
die streven naar de ingedikte waardigheid des levens,
dromen zij met altijd open ogen.
Vissen dromen roerloos, in de gelukzaligheid
van het stinkende water. Zij zijn niet als mensen, die liggen te woelen
in hun desastreuze bedden. Welbeschouwd
verschillen vissen veel van ons, die nog niet hebben geleerd te dromen
en die spartelen, als drenkelingen, in het vuile water
te midden van afgrijselijke beelden en graten van dode vissen.
Aan de oever van de vijver die ikzelf heb laten graven,
aldus een ongemakkelijke jeugddroom waarheid makend,
ondervraag ik het donkere water. De natalbaarzen vluchten
voor mijn argwanende bezittersblik
en weigeren mij te leren hoe ik dromen moet.
Não posso admitir que os sonhossejam um privilégio das criaturas humanas.
Os peixes também sonham.
No lago pantanaso, entre miasmas
que aspiram à espessa dignidade da vida,
eles sonham com os olhos sempre abertos.
Os peixes sonham imóveis, na bem-aventurança
da água fétida. Não são como os homens, que se agitam
em seus leitos desastrados. Na verdade,
os peixes diferem de nós, que ainda não aprendemos a sonhar
e nos debatemos, como afogados, na água turva
entre imagens hediondas e espinhas de peixes mortos.
Junto ao lago que eu mandei cavar,
tornando verdade um incômodo sonho de infância,
interrogo a água escura. As tilapias se escondem
de meu suspeitoso olhar de proprietário
e se recusam a ensinar-me como devo sonhar.
© 1987, Lêdo Ivo
From: Mar Oceano
Publisher: Editora Record, Rio de Janeiro
From: Mar Oceano
Publisher: Editora Record, Rio de Janeiro
Poems of Lêdo Ivo
I cannot accept that dreamsare the privilege of human beings alone.
Fish also dream.
In the swampy pond, amongst miasmas
aspiring to the thickened dignity of life,
they dream with eyes always open.
Fish dream motionless, in the bliss
of fetid water. They aren’t like men, who toss
and turn in their unhappy beds. In truth,
fish are different from us, who have not yet learned to dream,
and we struggle, as if drowning, in turbid water
among hideous images and the bones of long-dead fish.
Beside the pond I ordered to be hollowed out,
making a troublesome dream of childhood come true,
I question the dark water. The tilapias hide
from my suspicious owner’s gaze
and refuse to teach me how I ought to dream.
© 2010, Alexis Levitin
From: Mar Oceano
Publisher: 2010, First published on PIW, Rio de Janeiro
From: Mar Oceano
Publisher: 2010, First published on PIW, Rio de Janeiro
I cannot accept that dreamsare the privilege of human beings alone.
Fish also dream.
In the swampy pond, amongst miasmas
aspiring to the thickened dignity of life,
they dream with eyes always open.
Fish dream motionless, in the bliss
of fetid water. They aren’t like men, who toss
and turn in their unhappy beds. In truth,
fish are different from us, who have not yet learned to dream,
and we struggle, as if drowning, in turbid water
among hideous images and the bones of long-dead fish.
Beside the pond I ordered to be hollowed out,
making a troublesome dream of childhood come true,
I question the dark water. The tilapias hide
from my suspicious owner’s gaze
and refuse to teach me how I ought to dream.
© 2010, Alexis Levitin
Publisher: 2010, First published on PIW,
Publisher: 2010, First published on PIW,

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère