Poetry International Poetry International

Lêdo Ivo


A closed door is not enough for a man
to hide his love. He also needs an open door
so he can leave and lose himself in the crowd when that love explodes
like a barrel of powder in the arsenal hit by lightning.
A roof is not enough to protect a man
from heat and storm. To flee the thunderbolt
he needs a body stretched out in bed
and within reach of his hand still afraid
to advance in the dark as the rain falls on the silence of the world open like a fruit
between two thunderclaps.
In the night that falls, in the day that breaks,
man needs it all: love and the lightning bolt.


Een gesloten deur is niet voldoende voor een mens om
zijn liefde te verbergen. Hij heeft ook behoefte aan een open deur
om weg te lopen en in de massa op gaan wanneer die liefde ontploft
zoals een kruitvat in het arsenaal, getroffen door de bliksem.
Een dak volstaat niet voor een mens om zich te weren
tegen hitte en onweer. Om te ontkomen aan de bliksemschicht
heeft hij een lichaam nodig dat in bed ligt
en dat hij kan raken met zijn hand die nog beschroomd is
in het donker voort te gaan wanneer het regent in de stilte van de wereld,
            open als een vrucht,
tussen twee donderslagen.
In de nacht die neigt en in de dag die aanbreekt
heeft de mens behoefte aan alles: de liefde en de bliksem.


Uma porta fechada não é suficiente para que o homem
esconda o seu amor. Ele também necessita de uma porta aberta
para poder partir e se perder na multidão quando esse amor explodir
como o barril de pólvora no arsenal alcançado pelo raio.
Um telhado não basta para que o homem se proteja
do calor e da tempestade. Para fugir ao relâmpago
ele precisa de um corpo estendido na cama
e ao alcance de sua mão ainda temerosa
de avançar no excuro quando a chuva cai no silêncio do mundo aberto como uma fruta
entre dios estrondos.
Na noite que declina, no dia que nasce,
o homem precisa de tudo: do amor e do raio.


A closed door is not enough for a man
to hide his love. He also needs an open door
so he can leave and lose himself in the crowd when that love explodes
like a barrel of powder in the arsenal hit by lightning.
A roof is not enough to protect a man
from heat and storm. To flee the thunderbolt
he needs a body stretched out in bed
and within reach of his hand still afraid
to advance in the dark as the rain falls on the silence of the world open like a fruit
between two thunderclaps.
In the night that falls, in the day that breaks,
man needs it all: love and the lightning bolt.


A closed door is not enough for a man
to hide his love. He also needs an open door
so he can leave and lose himself in the crowd when that love explodes
like a barrel of powder in the arsenal hit by lightning.
A roof is not enough to protect a man
from heat and storm. To flee the thunderbolt
he needs a body stretched out in bed
and within reach of his hand still afraid
to advance in the dark as the rain falls on the silence of the world open like a fruit
between two thunderclaps.
In the night that falls, in the day that breaks,
man needs it all: love and the lightning bolt.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère