Nachoem M. Wijnberg
My grandfather is in his garden when the Christian comes to visit.He can see how well his neighbours who believe in Jesus Christ are doing.
My grandfather says that he is doing well too.
That’s an advance payment, the Christian says, because Jesus Christ assumes that later a man like my grandfather will start believing in him.
If he believed in Jesus Christ he would do better than his neighbours, because he is a better man and works harder.
He is sure of it, the Christian says, and could my grandfather possibly cut down the biggest tree in his garden, as an advance payment.
My grandfather asks why, he doesn’t believe in the tree, or do his neighbours think he does.
The Christian says that the neighbours don’t think that my grandfather believes in the tree, but that the tree still helps him.
They are stupid people, the Christian says, if Jesus Christ didn’t take pity on them they would be on the street and starving.
© Translation: 2009, David Colmer
Mijn grootvader staat in zijn tuin als de Christen op bezoek komt.Hij kan zien hoe goed het met zijn buren gaat die in Jezus Christus geloven.
Mijn grootvader zegt dat het met hem toch ook goed gaat.
Dat is vooruitbetaling, zegt de Christen, omdat Jezus Christus aanneemt dat een man als mijn grootvader later in hem zal gaan geloven.
Als hij in Jezus Christus zou geloven zou het hem beter dan zijn buren gaan, omdat hij een beter man is en harder werkt.
Hij is er zeker van, zegt de Christen, en zou mijn grootvader misschien de grootste boom in zijn tuin willen omhakken, als vooruitbetaling.
Mijn grootvader vraagt waarom, hij gelooft niet in die boom, of denken zijn buren dat hij dat doet.
De Christen zegt dat de buren niet denken dat mijn grootvader in de boom gelooft, maar dat de boom hem toch helpt.
Het zijn domme mensen, zegt de Christen, als Jezus Christus geen medelijden met hen zou hebben zouden zij op straat zitten en verhongeren.
From: Het leven van
Publisher: Contact, Amsterdam
Publisher: Contact, Amsterdam
Poems of Nachoem M. Wijnberg
My grandfather is in his garden when the Christian comes to visit.He can see how well his neighbours who believe in Jesus Christ are doing.
My grandfather says that he is doing well too.
That’s an advance payment, the Christian says, because Jesus Christ assumes that later a man like my grandfather will start believing in him.
If he believed in Jesus Christ he would do better than his neighbours, because he is a better man and works harder.
He is sure of it, the Christian says, and could my grandfather possibly cut down the biggest tree in his garden, as an advance payment.
My grandfather asks why, he doesn’t believe in the tree, or do his neighbours think he does.
The Christian says that the neighbours don’t think that my grandfather believes in the tree, but that the tree still helps him.
They are stupid people, the Christian says, if Jesus Christ didn’t take pity on them they would be on the street and starving.
© 2009, David Colmer
From: Het leven van
From: Het leven van
My grandfather is in his garden when the Christian comes to visit.He can see how well his neighbours who believe in Jesus Christ are doing.
My grandfather says that he is doing well too.
That’s an advance payment, the Christian says, because Jesus Christ assumes that later a man like my grandfather will start believing in him.
If he believed in Jesus Christ he would do better than his neighbours, because he is a better man and works harder.
He is sure of it, the Christian says, and could my grandfather possibly cut down the biggest tree in his garden, as an advance payment.
My grandfather asks why, he doesn’t believe in the tree, or do his neighbours think he does.
The Christian says that the neighbours don’t think that my grandfather believes in the tree, but that the tree still helps him.
They are stupid people, the Christian says, if Jesus Christ didn’t take pity on them they would be on the street and starving.
© 2009, David Colmer

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère