Poetry International Poetry International

Maya Sarishvili

The child’s roughly used clothes

The child’s roughly used clothes.
Yes, that’s what let me recognize clarity.
I shall come here, I said,
And silently they dropped me off there.
The things took off their headscarf,
So that I could see how big the ears had grown. Words I had heard
Were watching from there
And I recognized the room, too . . .
Two opaque children
Came up to my bed.

The child’s roughly used clothes

ბავშვის უდიერად ნახმარი ტანსაცმელი.
აი, რით ვიცანი ცხადი.
მე აქ ჩამოვალ - მეთქი
და უხმოდ ჩამომსვეს.
მერე თავსაფრები მოიხსნეს ნივთებმა,
რომ დამენახა, როგორ დაზრდოდათ ყურები.
იქიდან იჭყიტებოდნენ
განაგონი სიტყვები
და ვიცანი ოთახიც...
ჩემს საწოლთან მოვიდა
ორი გაუმჭვირვალე ბავშვი.

The child’s roughly used clothes

The child’s roughly used clothes.
Yes, that’s what let me recognize clarity.
I shall come here, I said,
And silently they dropped me off there.
The things took off their headscarf,
So that I could see how big the ears had grown. Words I had heard
Were watching from there
And I recognized the room, too . . .
Two opaque children
Came up to my bed.

The child’s roughly used clothes

The child’s roughly used clothes.
Yes, that’s what let me recognize clarity.
I shall come here, I said,
And silently they dropped me off there.
The things took off their headscarf,
So that I could see how big the ears had grown. Words I had heard
Were watching from there
And I recognized the room, too . . .
Two opaque children
Came up to my bed.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère