Milo De Angelis
Where the blood rippled, where our perfect
Where the blood rippled, where our perfect
wholeness was most our own, there’s the shadow
cast by the geranium, things crucified,
a metre of asphalt and nothingness
and the breath comes from asphalt, the lips come from asphalt,
the silence and the parting
come from asphalt. The ultimatum, even that,
comes from the asphalt, the asphalt.
Where the blood rippled, where our perfect
Dove ondeggiava il sangue, dove il perfetto
insieme era più nostro, c’è l’ombra
del geranio, le sostanze crocifisse,
un metro d’asfalto e di nulla
e il respiro è d’asfalto, le labbra d’asfalto,
il silenzio e l’andarsene
sono d’asfalto. L’ultimatum, anche quello,
ce l’ha dato l’asfalto, l’asfalto.
From: Tema dell\'addio
Publisher: Mondadori, Milan
Where the blood rippled, where our perfect
Where the blood rippled, where our perfect
wholeness was most our own, there’s the shadow
cast by the geranium, things crucified,
a metre of asphalt and nothingness
and the breath comes from asphalt, the lips come from asphalt,
the silence and the parting
come from asphalt. The ultimatum, even that,
comes from the asphalt, the asphalt.
From: Tema dell\'addio
Where the blood rippled, where our perfect
Where the blood rippled, where our perfect
wholeness was most our own, there’s the shadow
cast by the geranium, things crucified,
a metre of asphalt and nothingness
and the breath comes from asphalt, the lips come from asphalt,
the silence and the parting
come from asphalt. The ultimatum, even that,
comes from the asphalt, the asphalt.