Poetry International Poetry International

Milo De Angelis

The nations drown, the towers collapse, a chaos

The nations drown, the towers collapse, a chaos
of languages and colours, traumas and new loves,
enters Bovisasca, wipes out the masterful loneliness
of the twentieth century, of our lines
suspended over the void. Other women wander amid
the scraps left from the market, in the new misery
of this moment. I sit at the downstairs café,
I look at the landscape Sironi made, on a lonely
August twelfth, I start to convene the shadows.

I see my father again in a seaside town, a breeze
of the Belle Epoque and a boy’s lost smile.
And then Paoletta who triumphed on the judo mat
three seconds before the end. And Roberta
who devoted her life. And Giovanna,
in a hospital silence, when time
reveals its great paradigms.

“The shadowy loves will return to life again
loves that left a thorn among the years
will return, will return, luminous.”

The nations drown, the towers collapse, a chaos

Affogano le nazioni, crollano le torri, un caos
di lingue e colori, traumi e nuovi amori,
entra alla Bovisasca, spazza via il novecento
della solitudine maestra, del nostro verso
sospeso nel vuoto. Altre donne si aggirano
tra gli scarti del mercato, nella nuova miseria
di questo istante. Io siedo al caffè sottocasa,
guardo il paesaggio che fu di Sironi, in un solitario
12 agosto, inizio a convocare le ombre.

Rivedo mio padre in una città di mare, una brezza
di Belle Epoque e un sorriso sperduto di ragazzo.
E poi Paoletta che sul tatami trovò la vittoria
a tre secondi dalla fine. E Roberta
che ha dedicato la sua vita. E Giovanna,
in un silenzio di ospedali, quando il tempo
rivela i suoi grandi paradigmi.

“Torneranno vivi gli amori tenebrosi
che in mezzo agli anni lasciarono
una spina, torneranno, torneranno luminosi”.

The nations drown, the towers collapse, a chaos

The nations drown, the towers collapse, a chaos
of languages and colours, traumas and new loves,
enters Bovisasca, wipes out the masterful loneliness
of the twentieth century, of our lines
suspended over the void. Other women wander amid
the scraps left from the market, in the new misery
of this moment. I sit at the downstairs café,
I look at the landscape Sironi made, on a lonely
August twelfth, I start to convene the shadows.

I see my father again in a seaside town, a breeze
of the Belle Epoque and a boy’s lost smile.
And then Paoletta who triumphed on the judo mat
three seconds before the end. And Roberta
who devoted her life. And Giovanna,
in a hospital silence, when time
reveals its great paradigms.

“The shadowy loves will return to life again
loves that left a thorn among the years
will return, will return, luminous.”

The nations drown, the towers collapse, a chaos

The nations drown, the towers collapse, a chaos
of languages and colours, traumas and new loves,
enters Bovisasca, wipes out the masterful loneliness
of the twentieth century, of our lines
suspended over the void. Other women wander amid
the scraps left from the market, in the new misery
of this moment. I sit at the downstairs café,
I look at the landscape Sironi made, on a lonely
August twelfth, I start to convene the shadows.

I see my father again in a seaside town, a breeze
of the Belle Epoque and a boy’s lost smile.
And then Paoletta who triumphed on the judo mat
three seconds before the end. And Roberta
who devoted her life. And Giovanna,
in a hospital silence, when time
reveals its great paradigms.

“The shadowy loves will return to life again
loves that left a thorn among the years
will return, will return, luminous.”
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère