Poetry International Poetry International

Porfirio Barba Jacob

The Sound of the Wind

The sound of the wind in the arcade
holds within it the key to myself:
I am a strengthened puissance,
I am a lamentation of the abyss.

In the midst of the sidereal choirs
I hear a thing in me that’s out of tune.
My actions and my songs
had a very particular rhythm.

I came to the torrent of life
in Santa Rosa de Osos,
in a midnight all in fire
in luminaries of blurry omens.

I took possession of the earth,
mine in dreams, linen and bread;
and, changing the rules of war
I was Eve… and I was Adam.

I embraced the ripe field
as if it were a woman,
and a dark wine of pleasure
muddled me.

I relished the voice of the wind
as if it were a ripe fruit,
and I ate it… with a plaint
of greediness in my heart.

And in the day winged skiff
and to the beat of the sea at night
my fantasy drifted
in a beam of solar light.

I went after the supreme form,
after the cloud and the nightingale
and the crystal, the youth and the gem
of heartache.

I went to the Orient, the Orient,
towards the islands of light,
where an ardent people raised
sublime hymns to the blue.

Crossing then Palestine
I saw the face of Benjamin,
his fine mouth, his limpid eye
and his crimson rapture.

Or in Greece in the golden day,
when Pan gave it the pipe,
Socrates loved in the sonorous
choir that sings of joy.

Or with the zeal and the ardor of the dove
in rut, in the Araby of Allah
I followed the course of Mahomet
for the beauty of Abdallah.

Abdallah was something more beautiful
than laurel and lyre and flute and honey;
when a maiden was taken to him,
a hundred maidens died for him!

My hands gathered in the boundaries
to measure the immensity,
but my heart looked elsewhere
for the light, for love, for truth.

My feet dug in the ground
like the very hoof of Lucifer,
and something in me wanted to fly
through the mist, towards the rose of dawn.

But the mysterious lady
of the splendorous hair
comes and lays her hand
and instills in me a fatal love.

And all other things in life
are nothing but that fatal love,
with a few lamps lit
before the altar of the ideal.

And to wander, wander alone,
the light of Saturn on my brow,
broken topmast on the waves,

And a glory in my choleric soul
that defies the frowning destiny:
the pride of being — oh America! —
the Ashaverus of your poetry…

And in the fleeting flower of the moment
searching for the lost aroma,
and in a pleasure without thoughts
discovering the key of oblivion.

Afterwards a wind… a wind… a wind…
and in that wind, my lamentation!

El son del viento

El son del viento

El sol del viento en la arcada
tiene la clave de mí mismo:
soy una fuerza exarcebada
y soy un clamor de abismo.

Entre los coros estelares
oigo algo mío disonar.
Mis acciones y mis cantares
tenían ritmo particular.

Vine al torrente de la vida
en Santa Rosa de Osos,
una media noche encendida
en astros de signos borrosos.

Tomé posesión de la tierra,
mía en el sueño y el lino y el pan;
y moviendo a las normas guerra,
fui Eva y fui Adán.

Yo ceñía el campo maduro
como si fuera una mujer,
y me enturbiaba un vino obscuro
de placer.

Yo gustaba la voz del viento
como una piñuela en sazón,
y me la comía… con lamento
de avidez en el corazón.

Y, alígero esquife al día
y a la noche y al tumbo del mar,
bogaba mi fantasía
en un rayo de luz solar.

Iba tras la forma suprema,
tras la nube y el ruiseñor
y el cristal y el doncel y la gema
del dolor.

Iba al Oriente, al Oriente,
hacia las islas de la luz,
a donde alzara un pueblo ardiente
sublimes himnos a lo azul.

Ya, cruzando la Palestina,
veía el rostro de Benjamín,
su ojo límpido, su boca fina
y su arrebato de carmín.

O de Grecia en el día de oro
do el cañuto le daba Pan,
amaba a Sófocles en el coro
sonoro que canta el Peán.

Y con celo y ardor de paloma
en celo, en la Arabia de Alá,
seguía el curso de Mahoma
por la hermosura de Abdalá.

Abdalá era cosa más bella
que lauro y lira y flauta y miel;
cuando le llevó una doncella,
¡cien doncellas murieron por él!

Mis manos se alzaron al ámbito
para medir la inmensidad,
pero mi corazón buscaba ex ámbito
la luz, el amor, la verdad.

Mis pies se hincaban en el suelo
cual pezuña de Lucifer,
y algo de mí tendía el vuelo
por la niebla, hacia el rosicler…

Pero la dama misteriosa
de los cabellos de fulgor
viene y en mí su mano posa
y me infunde un fatal amor.

Y lo demás de mi vida
no es sino aquel amor fatal,
con una que otra lámpara encendida
ante el ara del ideal.

Y errar, errar, errar a solas
la luz de Saturno en mi sien,
roto mástil sobre las olas
en vaivén.

Y una prez en mi alma colérica
que al torvo sino desafía:
el orgullo de ser, oh América,
el Ashaverus de tu poesía…

Y en la flor fugaz del momento
buscar el aroma perdido,
y en un deleite sin pensamiento
hallar la clave del olvido.

Después un viento… un viento… un viento…
y en ese viento mi alarido!

The Sound of the Wind

The sound of the wind in the arcade
holds within it the key to myself:
I am a strengthened puissance,
I am a lamentation of the abyss.

In the midst of the sidereal choirs
I hear a thing in me that’s out of tune.
My actions and my songs
had a very particular rhythm.

I came to the torrent of life
in Santa Rosa de Osos,
in a midnight all in fire
in luminaries of blurry omens.

I took possession of the earth,
mine in dreams, linen and bread;
and, changing the rules of war
I was Eve… and I was Adam.

I embraced the ripe field
as if it were a woman,
and a dark wine of pleasure
muddled me.

I relished the voice of the wind
as if it were a ripe fruit,
and I ate it… with a plaint
of greediness in my heart.

And in the day winged skiff
and to the beat of the sea at night
my fantasy drifted
in a beam of solar light.

I went after the supreme form,
after the cloud and the nightingale
and the crystal, the youth and the gem
of heartache.

I went to the Orient, the Orient,
towards the islands of light,
where an ardent people raised
sublime hymns to the blue.

Crossing then Palestine
I saw the face of Benjamin,
his fine mouth, his limpid eye
and his crimson rapture.

Or in Greece in the golden day,
when Pan gave it the pipe,
Socrates loved in the sonorous
choir that sings of joy.

Or with the zeal and the ardor of the dove
in rut, in the Araby of Allah
I followed the course of Mahomet
for the beauty of Abdallah.

Abdallah was something more beautiful
than laurel and lyre and flute and honey;
when a maiden was taken to him,
a hundred maidens died for him!

My hands gathered in the boundaries
to measure the immensity,
but my heart looked elsewhere
for the light, for love, for truth.

My feet dug in the ground
like the very hoof of Lucifer,
and something in me wanted to fly
through the mist, towards the rose of dawn.

But the mysterious lady
of the splendorous hair
comes and lays her hand
and instills in me a fatal love.

And all other things in life
are nothing but that fatal love,
with a few lamps lit
before the altar of the ideal.

And to wander, wander alone,
the light of Saturn on my brow,
broken topmast on the waves,

And a glory in my choleric soul
that defies the frowning destiny:
the pride of being — oh America! —
the Ashaverus of your poetry…

And in the fleeting flower of the moment
searching for the lost aroma,
and in a pleasure without thoughts
discovering the key of oblivion.

Afterwards a wind… a wind… a wind…
and in that wind, my lamentation!

The Sound of the Wind

The sound of the wind in the arcade
holds within it the key to myself:
I am a strengthened puissance,
I am a lamentation of the abyss.

In the midst of the sidereal choirs
I hear a thing in me that’s out of tune.
My actions and my songs
had a very particular rhythm.

I came to the torrent of life
in Santa Rosa de Osos,
in a midnight all in fire
in luminaries of blurry omens.

I took possession of the earth,
mine in dreams, linen and bread;
and, changing the rules of war
I was Eve… and I was Adam.

I embraced the ripe field
as if it were a woman,
and a dark wine of pleasure
muddled me.

I relished the voice of the wind
as if it were a ripe fruit,
and I ate it… with a plaint
of greediness in my heart.

And in the day winged skiff
and to the beat of the sea at night
my fantasy drifted
in a beam of solar light.

I went after the supreme form,
after the cloud and the nightingale
and the crystal, the youth and the gem
of heartache.

I went to the Orient, the Orient,
towards the islands of light,
where an ardent people raised
sublime hymns to the blue.

Crossing then Palestine
I saw the face of Benjamin,
his fine mouth, his limpid eye
and his crimson rapture.

Or in Greece in the golden day,
when Pan gave it the pipe,
Socrates loved in the sonorous
choir that sings of joy.

Or with the zeal and the ardor of the dove
in rut, in the Araby of Allah
I followed the course of Mahomet
for the beauty of Abdallah.

Abdallah was something more beautiful
than laurel and lyre and flute and honey;
when a maiden was taken to him,
a hundred maidens died for him!

My hands gathered in the boundaries
to measure the immensity,
but my heart looked elsewhere
for the light, for love, for truth.

My feet dug in the ground
like the very hoof of Lucifer,
and something in me wanted to fly
through the mist, towards the rose of dawn.

But the mysterious lady
of the splendorous hair
comes and lays her hand
and instills in me a fatal love.

And all other things in life
are nothing but that fatal love,
with a few lamps lit
before the altar of the ideal.

And to wander, wander alone,
the light of Saturn on my brow,
broken topmast on the waves,

And a glory in my choleric soul
that defies the frowning destiny:
the pride of being — oh America! —
the Ashaverus of your poetry…

And in the fleeting flower of the moment
searching for the lost aroma,
and in a pleasure without thoughts
discovering the key of oblivion.

Afterwards a wind… a wind… a wind…
and in that wind, my lamentation!
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Ludo Pieters Gastschrijver Fonds
Lira fonds
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère