Poetry International Poetry International

Hans Verhagen


Future, our former trump card, is plundered
as present with a waterhead from the past
and in countless tiny little pieces cut up with humbug
like a shroud in luscious flowing red
snowed out across the millions

A chosen test pilot takes in
his view, puts his insight on hold
and orders a Gregorian hymn
before delving into the picnic on the lawn

His transition is almost seamless,
but such a downward spiral as a source of inspiration
makes one see more and more freelance prophets
taking a dip in still water
To stand still forever



Toekomst, onze troef van vroeger, wordt als heden
met een waterhoofd uit het verleden leeggeroofd en
in ontelb’re piepkleine stukjes met humbug versneden
gelijk een lijkwade in kwistig stromend rood
over de miljoenen uitgesnowd

Een uitverkoren testpiloot haalt z’n
uitzicht binnen, schort z’n inzicht op
en bestelt gregoriaans gezang
alvorens zich te boren in de picknick op de lawn

Vrijwel naadloos is zijn overgang,
maar met zo’n neerwaartse spiraal als inspiratiebron
zie je steeds meer loslopende profeten hoopvol
kopje-onder gaan in stilstaand water
Om daar stil te blijven staan


Future, our former trump card, is plundered
as present with a waterhead from the past
and in countless tiny little pieces cut up with humbug
like a shroud in luscious flowing red
snowed out across the millions

A chosen test pilot takes in
his view, puts his insight on hold
and orders a Gregorian hymn
before delving into the picnic on the lawn

His transition is almost seamless,
but such a downward spiral as a source of inspiration
makes one see more and more freelance prophets
taking a dip in still water
To stand still forever


Future, our former trump card, is plundered
as present with a waterhead from the past
and in countless tiny little pieces cut up with humbug
like a shroud in luscious flowing red
snowed out across the millions

A chosen test pilot takes in
his view, puts his insight on hold
and orders a Gregorian hymn
before delving into the picnic on the lawn

His transition is almost seamless,
but such a downward spiral as a source of inspiration
makes one see more and more freelance prophets
taking a dip in still water
To stand still forever
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère