Gerrit Komrij
The notary
To start with, my life must be tidied up.The contract stipulates explicitly.
I think of cloths, sponge, broom and foaming suds.
Instead of which a notebook’s what I see.
A notary spoons into it the brains
From my skull-pan. Each time this is repeated
– Along with all the false and crudely framed –
His archiving leaves me the more depleted.
This is the way that fakirs and ascetics
Enable hidden powers to be refloated.
‘What’s fixed for good can safely be neglected,’
He says. I have his blessing. Duly noted.
De notaris
De notaris
Eerst moet mijn leven worden opgeruimd.Het staat in het contract. Ik denk aan doek
En spons en bezem en aan sop dat schuimt.
In plaats daarvan zie ik een opschrijfboek
Waarin mijn hersenpan door een notaris
Wordt leeggelepeld. Ik word punt voor punt
- Met alles wat onwaar is en ongaar is –
Door zijn archiefmachine uitgedund.
Zo komen ook bij fakirs en asceten
De eigen krachten aan de oppervlakte.
‘Wat vastligt kan een mens gerust vergeten,’
Zegt hij. Ik heb zijn zegen. Waarvan akte.
© 1997, Gerrit Komrij
From: Faust, zoveelste deel
From: Faust, zoveelste deel
Poems of Gerrit Komrij
The notary
To start with, my life must be tidied up.The contract stipulates explicitly.
I think of cloths, sponge, broom and foaming suds.
Instead of which a notebook’s what I see.
A notary spoons into it the brains
From my skull-pan. Each time this is repeated
– Along with all the false and crudely framed –
His archiving leaves me the more depleted.
This is the way that fakirs and ascetics
Enable hidden powers to be refloated.
‘What’s fixed for good can safely be neglected,’
He says. I have his blessing. Duly noted.
From: Faust, zoveelste deel
The notary
To start with, my life must be tidied up.The contract stipulates explicitly.
I think of cloths, sponge, broom and foaming suds.
Instead of which a notebook’s what I see.
A notary spoons into it the brains
From my skull-pan. Each time this is repeated
– Along with all the false and crudely framed –
His archiving leaves me the more depleted.
This is the way that fakirs and ascetics
Enable hidden powers to be refloated.
‘What’s fixed for good can safely be neglected,’
He says. I have his blessing. Duly noted.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère