Poetry International Poetry International

Gerrit Komrij

The advocate

‘There is a dance-floor where the figures gather,’
Says Nathan. ‘Let me be your counsel there.’
He sketches in the feast of words, dreams, shadows
And sins – on the reverse side of this square.

That every month wild partying’s arranged.
A dance of wishes and of recollections
Where even the bronze sage will act deranged
And from the casts fly chips – or even sections.

‘They’re lavish there.’ A document appears.
‘They play in earnest – earnestness is play.’
He laughs. ‘I’ll take you. Pleased to sign this here.’
My playful flourish – he’s a winning way.

De advocaat

De advocaat

‘Er is een dansvloer waar de beelden samenkomen,’
Zegt Nathan. ‘Laat mij daar je pleiter zijn.’
Hij schetst het feest van woorden, vormen, dromen
En zonden aan de keerzij van dit plein

Dat elke maand uitzinnig wordt gevierd.
Een dans van wensen en herinneringen
Waar zelfs de bronzen wijsgeer raast en tiert
En scherven van de gipsafgietsels springen.

‘Ze zijn er gul.’ Hij toont me een papier.
‘Hun spel is ernst en onze ernst is spel.’
Hij lacht. ‘Ik breng je erheen. Signeer dit hier.’
Ik zet een speelse krul. Ik mag hem wel.

The advocate

‘There is a dance-floor where the figures gather,’
Says Nathan. ‘Let me be your counsel there.’
He sketches in the feast of words, dreams, shadows
And sins – on the reverse side of this square.

That every month wild partying’s arranged.
A dance of wishes and of recollections
Where even the bronze sage will act deranged
And from the casts fly chips – or even sections.

‘They’re lavish there.’ A document appears.
‘They play in earnest – earnestness is play.’
He laughs. ‘I’ll take you. Pleased to sign this here.’
My playful flourish – he’s a winning way.

The advocate

‘There is a dance-floor where the figures gather,’
Says Nathan. ‘Let me be your counsel there.’
He sketches in the feast of words, dreams, shadows
And sins – on the reverse side of this square.

That every month wild partying’s arranged.
A dance of wishes and of recollections
Where even the bronze sage will act deranged
And from the casts fly chips – or even sections.

‘They’re lavish there.’ A document appears.
‘They play in earnest – earnestness is play.’
He laughs. ‘I’ll take you. Pleased to sign this here.’
My playful flourish – he’s a winning way.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère