Poetry International Poetry International

Gerrit Komrij

on the in-between path

Thanks to the threesome craved for such a feat,
I can start searching. Nathan leads me. Days and
Soon weeks pass as we walk. The final street
Gives way to wilderness and ambuscading.

Stage right, a dance-floor fashioned from a lea.
A gaping pool stage left. The meadow: bright.
The torso dances with the effigy.
Bronze Rider and the sphinx enhance the sight.

Youth I am promised on this field of green.
Here my elusive mother’s for the picking.
‘Insight.’ – Way above Nathan’s head are seen
Six drifting clouds, like six deep-frozen chickens.

op het tussenpad

op het tussenpad

Dankzij het drietal zonder wie niets gaat
Kan ik op zoektocht. Nathan leidt me. Dagen
En weken lopen we. De laatste straat
Maakt plaats voor wildernis en hinderlagen.

Rechts ligt het weiland dat de dansvloer is.
Links gaapt een poel. ’t Is helder op de wei.
Daar danst de torso met de beeltenis.
Ook sfinx en Bronzen Ruiter zijn er bij.

Op deze wei is mij de jeugd beloofd.
Hier zal mijn moeder me niet meer ontglippen.
‘Inzicht.’ – Ik zie boven Nathans hoofd
Zes wolken drijven, als zes diepvrieskippen.

on the in-between path

Thanks to the threesome craved for such a feat,
I can start searching. Nathan leads me. Days and
Soon weeks pass as we walk. The final street
Gives way to wilderness and ambuscading.

Stage right, a dance-floor fashioned from a lea.
A gaping pool stage left. The meadow: bright.
The torso dances with the effigy.
Bronze Rider and the sphinx enhance the sight.

Youth I am promised on this field of green.
Here my elusive mother’s for the picking.
‘Insight.’ – Way above Nathan’s head are seen
Six drifting clouds, like six deep-frozen chickens.

on the in-between path

Thanks to the threesome craved for such a feat,
I can start searching. Nathan leads me. Days and
Soon weeks pass as we walk. The final street
Gives way to wilderness and ambuscading.

Stage right, a dance-floor fashioned from a lea.
A gaping pool stage left. The meadow: bright.
The torso dances with the effigy.
Bronze Rider and the sphinx enhance the sight.

Youth I am promised on this field of green.
Here my elusive mother’s for the picking.
‘Insight.’ – Way above Nathan’s head are seen
Six drifting clouds, like six deep-frozen chickens.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère