Sonja Prins
the main thing in the voice of the animals
is encouragement
the role of mother-ancestor
cooing to the little ones
the prehistoric crowd of primeval sapiens and birds
had already started with cries
and found its fate and overwhelming force
in reverberations
yet the main thing were the intonations
that were needed
to either enter love
or cheer on the infants
zonder titel
zonder titel
het voornaamste in de stem van de dieren
is de aanmoediging
de moeder-voorgangerrol
het gekir tegen de kleinen
de prehistorische menigte van oer-sapiens en vogels
begon toen al wel met gekrijs
en vond zijn lot en overweldigende kracht
in de weergalming
maar het voornaamste waren toch de intonaties
die nodig waren
om of de liefde te betreden
of het klein grut moed te geven
Publisher: Uitgeverij Papieren Tijger, Breda
the main thing in the voice of the animals
is encouragement
the role of mother-ancestor
cooing to the little ones
the prehistoric crowd of primeval sapiens and birds
had already started with cries
and found its fate and overwhelming force
in reverberations
yet the main thing were the intonations
that were needed
to either enter love
or cheer on the infants
From: Weegschaal de aarde 6 - Rondom de Boshut en Gedichten 1982-2005
the main thing in the voice of the animals
is encouragement
the role of mother-ancestor
cooing to the little ones
the prehistoric crowd of primeval sapiens and birds
had already started with cries
and found its fate and overwhelming force
in reverberations
yet the main thing were the intonations
that were needed
to either enter love
or cheer on the infants