Victoria Chang
Fiesta, 1985
Fiesta, 1985
Agnes zei dat schilderen niet draait om ideeën of persoonlijke gevoelens, dat het doel vrijheid is. Op het eerste gezicht overheersen de 6 dikkere lijnen, maar juist van de 12 dunne lijnen ertussen kan ik mijn ogen niet afhouden, vanwege hun stilte, hun bijna verdwijnen. Gisteren, toen ik uit het raam keek, dacht ik dat ik een dik touw zag hangen aan het eind van de oprit. Toen ik later nog eens keek, was het weg. Zodra iets is opgeschreven, verdwijnt het. Voor iets is opgeschreven, is het volstrekt mogelijk. Zodra de lijn is getrokken, vernauwt het licht zich tot een speldenprik. Kunst is niets anders dan een poging iets te doen lijken op wat het was voor het gemaakt werd, toen het nog onbekend was en vrij. Het verlangen een lijn te tekenen is het stellen van een retorische vraag. Alle toekomstige lijnen zijn een poging die vraag te beantwoorden. Afgelopen jaar zette ik dingen op papier die ik kon lezen, die mij wat zeiden maar die niemand anders kon begrijpen. Ik schreef een heel jaar lang en toen ik opkeek, was de zee opgedroogd, een stel mannen tekende nog wat verdragen, en de maan was per opbod verkocht.
Fiesta, 1985
Agnes said that painting is not about ideas or personal emotion, that the object is freedom. The 6 thicker lines seem to dominate, but it’s the 12 thin lines between them that I can’t stop looking at, because of their silence, their near disappearance. Yesterday, when I looked out the front window, I thought I saw a thick rope at the end of the driveway. When I looked again later, it was gone. Once something is written, it disappears. Before anything is written, it is completely possible. Once the line is drawn, the light narrows to a pinhole. What is art but trying to make something resemble what it was before it was made, when it was still unknown and free? The desire to draw a line is to ask a rhetorical question. All future lines are an attempt to answer that question. This year, I scribbled things down that I could read, that made sense to me, but no one else could understand. I wrote for an entire year and when I looked up, the ocean was dry, some men were signing more treaties, and the moon had been sold at auction.
From: With My Back to the World
Publisher: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York City
Fiesta, 1985
Agnes said that painting is not about ideas or personal emotion, that the object is freedom. The 6 thicker lines seem to dominate, but it’s the 12 thin lines between them that I can’t stop looking at, because of their silence, their near disappearance. Yesterday, when I looked out the front window, I thought I saw a thick rope at the end of the driveway. When I looked again later, it was gone. Once something is written, it disappears. Before anything is written, it is completely possible. Once the line is drawn, the light narrows to a pinhole. What is art but trying to make something resemble what it was before it was made, when it was still unknown and free? The desire to draw a line is to ask a rhetorical question. All future lines are an attempt to answer that question. This year, I scribbled things down that I could read, that made sense to me, but no one else could understand. I wrote for an entire year and when I looked up, the ocean was dry, some men were signing more treaties, and the moon had been sold at auction.
Fiesta, 1985