Poetry International Poetry International

Simone Atangana Bekono


who are you?
and who am I, who thought she could love you? 

she looked up
and what did she see? 

I try to find you
there's nothing but white ceiling
how do you find a headless woman? 

the bottom of a grave hangs in the air
something was once said here
like cash wadded up in a rubber band                                             
that breaks as soon as I find it
scattered – in that room – somewhere
drifting in easy reach for a dog
a feather a wasp a shadow on the wall to nip at
a soft pre-thing protected by no thing
no divide between cheeks and teeth not even spit
it's paper-thin 

I've looked and found
a column of smoke on a hill in San Francisco
I found a column on a canal in Midwest Brabant
I found a column/s of smoke in a cave
smoke-stained places like they wanted to be caught 

but now I'm back in the room where everything began
here was our stuff and now our words suspended
here was I the butcher to your every wound
here you were the monster and I the rabid dog




wie ben je?
en wie ben ik, die dacht dat ze van je kon houden? 

keek ze omhoog
wat zag ze daar dan? 

ik probeer je te vinden
niks dan wit plafond
hoe vind je een vrouw zonder hoofd? 

de onderkant van een graf hangt in de lucht
er is hier ooit iets gezegd
als briefgeld in elastiek geperst
dat barst zo meteen als ik het vind
ergens – in die kamer – uiteen
het zweeft gemakkelijk bereikbaar voor een hond
een veertje een wesp een schaduw op de muur om naar te happen
een zacht pre-ding dat nergens door beschermd wordt
niks scheidt de wangen van tanden zelfs geen spuug
het is flinterdun

ik heb je gezocht en ik vond
een stapel rook op een heuvel in San Francisco
ik vond een stapel langs een kanaal in Midden-West Brabant
ik vond een stapel/massastapel rook in een grot
rookkleurige locaties alsof ze ontdekt wilden worden 

maar nu ben ik weer hier in de kamer waar alles begon
hier stonden onze spullen en hangen onze woorden
hier ben jij gewond geraakt en heb ik verwond
hier werd jij een monster en bleek ik een valse hond



who are you?
and who am I, who thought she could love you? 

she looked up
and what did she see? 

I try to find you
there's nothing but white ceiling
how do you find a headless woman? 

the bottom of a grave hangs in the air
something was once said here
like cash wadded up in a rubber band                                             
that breaks as soon as I find it
scattered – in that room – somewhere
drifting in easy reach for a dog
a feather a wasp a shadow on the wall to nip at
a soft pre-thing protected by no thing
no divide between cheeks and teeth not even spit
it's paper-thin 

I've looked and found
a column of smoke on a hill in San Francisco
I found a column on a canal in Midwest Brabant
I found a column/s of smoke in a cave
smoke-stained places like they wanted to be caught 

but now I'm back in the room where everything began
here was our stuff and now our words suspended
here was I the butcher to your every wound
here you were the monster and I the rabid dog



who are you?
and who am I, who thought she could love you? 

she looked up
and what did she see? 

I try to find you
there's nothing but white ceiling
how do you find a headless woman? 

the bottom of a grave hangs in the air
something was once said here
like cash wadded up in a rubber band                                             
that breaks as soon as I find it
scattered – in that room – somewhere
drifting in easy reach for a dog
a feather a wasp a shadow on the wall to nip at
a soft pre-thing protected by no thing
no divide between cheeks and teeth not even spit
it's paper-thin 

I've looked and found
a column of smoke on a hill in San Francisco
I found a column on a canal in Midwest Brabant
I found a column/s of smoke in a cave
smoke-stained places like they wanted to be caught 

but now I'm back in the room where everything began
here was our stuff and now our words suspended
here was I the butcher to your every wound
here you were the monster and I the rabid dog


Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère