Poetry International Poetry International

Danae Sioziou


As I open the door to my house,
I think that poetry is a privilege
like the expensive toys of childhood
or listening to your favorite song for the hundredth time
under ideal listening conditions
like kissing the love of your life
like millions of sparkling ponies
like life on other planets
like honey that dissolves completely in tea
like herds of lightning in the distance
and I like writing poems
as I like lying in the grass
eating cream with apricots, petting dogs
and even if people don’t like to hear poems
I like their sound
the way you put the words in order
the way you open the door holding the keys
to an inviolable house
I like writing poems
like cats like licking themselves in the sun
and I want to get good at this work
I want to get good at this work.


Terwijl ik de deur van mijn huis open,
bedenk ik dat poëzie een privilege is
zoals het dure speelgoed uit onze kindertijd
of voor de honderdste keer naar je favoriete nummer luisteren
onder de ideale luisteromstandigheden
als zoenen met de liefde van je leven
als miljoenen glanzende pony’s
als het leven op andere planeten
als honing die helemaal oplost in thee
als kuddes bliksemschichten in de verte
en zelf hou ik van gedichten schrijven
zoals ik hou van op het gras liggen
room met abrikozen eten, honden aaien
en als mensen niet houden van naar gedichten luisteren
zelf hou ik van die klank
van de manier waarop je de woorden ordent
van de manier waarop je de deur opent met in je hand de sleutels
tot een onschendbaar huis
ik hou van gedichten schrijven
zoals katten ervan houden zich te wassen in de zon
en ik wil goed worden in dit werk
ik wil goed worden in dit werk.



Καθώς ανοίγω την πόρτα του σπιτιού μου,
σκέφτομαι ότι η ποίηση είναι ένα προνόμιο
όπως τα πολύ ακριβά παιχνίδια της παιδικής ηλικίας
ή η εκατοστή ακρόαση του αγαπημένου σου τραγουδιού
σε ιδανικές ακουστικές συνθήκες
σαν φιλί με τον έρωτα της ζωής σου
σαν εκατομμύρια λαμπερά πόνυ
σαν τη ζωή σε άλλους πλανήτες
σαν το μέλι που διαλύεται εντελώς μέσα στο τσάι
σαν κοπάδια κεραυνών από απόσταση
κι εμένα μου αρέσει να γράφω ποιήματα
όπως μου αρέσει να ξαπλώνω στο γρασίδι
να τρώω κρέμα με βερίκοκα, να χαϊδεύω σκύλους
κι αν στους ανθρώπους δεν αρέσει ν’ ακούνε ποιήματα
εμένα μου αρέσει αυτός ο ήχος
ο τρόπος να βάζεις τις λέξεις στη σειρά
ο τρόπος ν’ ανοίγεις την πόρτα κρατώντας κλειδιά
για ένα απαραβίαστο σπίτι
μου αρέσει να γράφω ποιήματα
όπως στα γατιά αρέσει να γλείφονται στον ήλιο
και θέλω να γίνω καλή στη δουλειά
θέλω να γίνω καλή στη δουλειά.



As I open the door to my house,
I think that poetry is a privilege
like the expensive toys of childhood
or listening to your favorite song for the hundredth time
under ideal listening conditions
like kissing the love of your life
like millions of sparkling ponies
like life on other planets
like honey that dissolves completely in tea
like herds of lightning in the distance
and I like writing poems
as I like lying in the grass
eating cream with apricots, petting dogs
and even if people don’t like to hear poems
I like their sound
the way you put the words in order
the way you open the door holding the keys
to an inviolable house
I like writing poems
like cats like licking themselves in the sun
and I want to get good at this work
I want to get good at this work.


As I open the door to my house,
I think that poetry is a privilege
like the expensive toys of childhood
or listening to your favorite song for the hundredth time
under ideal listening conditions
like kissing the love of your life
like millions of sparkling ponies
like life on other planets
like honey that dissolves completely in tea
like herds of lightning in the distance
and I like writing poems
as I like lying in the grass
eating cream with apricots, petting dogs
and even if people don’t like to hear poems
I like their sound
the way you put the words in order
the way you open the door holding the keys
to an inviolable house
I like writing poems
like cats like licking themselves in the sun
and I want to get good at this work
I want to get good at this work.

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère