Poetry International Poetry International

Radosław Jurczak


O Bitcoin exchange rate, Swallow, Lost memory cell
what desires sustain you, and what hand pushes you?

Swallow, Bitcoin exchange rate, semi-permeable membrane
between coin and hand, between whose faith

and whose desire will you steal? Non-existent swallow,
what eyes discern you, and what numbers will ensnare you

and stick to feathers like oil? where is the best perch
and water to quench thirst? in whose hands will you place your trust,

Bitcoin exchange rate, Swallow, Lost memory cells?


Bitcoinkoers, zwaluw, verloren geheugencel,
welke verlangens torsen je, welke hand drijft je?

zwaluw, bitcoinkoers, semipermeabel membraan
tussen munt en hand, tussen wiens wens

en wiens geloof sluip je naar binnen? onbestaande zwaluw,
welke ogen zullen je bedenken, en welke cijfers zullen je verstrengelen,

je veren besmeuren als mazout? voor wie, allerblindste stip,
de dorst, en voor wie het water? in welke handen zul je ons geloven,

bitcoinkoers, zwaluw, verloren geheugencel?


Kursie bitcoina, jaskółko, zgubiona komórko pamięci,
jakież cię niosą pragnienia, a jaka popycha cię dłoń?

jaskółko, kursie bitcoina, półprzepuszczalna membranko
między monetą a dłonią, pomiędzy czyje życzenie

a czyją zakradniesz się wiarę? nieistniejąca jaskółko,
jakież wymyślą cię oczy, a jakie cię cyfry oplotą,

oblepią piórka jak mazut? komu, najślepsza plamko,
pragnienie, a komu wodę? w jakie uwierzysz nam dłonie,

kursie bitcoina, jaskółko, zgubiona komórko pamięci?



O Bitcoin exchange rate, Swallow, Lost memory cell
what desires sustain you, and what hand pushes you?

Swallow, Bitcoin exchange rate, semi-permeable membrane
between coin and hand, between whose faith

and whose desire will you steal? Non-existent swallow,
what eyes discern you, and what numbers will ensnare you

and stick to feathers like oil? where is the best perch
and water to quench thirst? in whose hands will you place your trust,

Bitcoin exchange rate, Swallow, Lost memory cells?


O Bitcoin exchange rate, Swallow, Lost memory cell
what desires sustain you, and what hand pushes you?

Swallow, Bitcoin exchange rate, semi-permeable membrane
between coin and hand, between whose faith

and whose desire will you steal? Non-existent swallow,
what eyes discern you, and what numbers will ensnare you

and stick to feathers like oil? where is the best perch
and water to quench thirst? in whose hands will you place your trust,

Bitcoin exchange rate, Swallow, Lost memory cells?

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère