Poetry International Poetry International

Ingmar Heytze


With a bit of luck you start off in a hedgehog’s nest, warm and blissful
in the summer. Like a swallow you will grow, fleeing from
autumn. After sufficient travelling you will land on the water
like a swan. You’ll find the loved one in spring, 

build a nest, fly out, live on like the hares
in their house full of space cushions. Bigger and more layered
all things become, they make lines in your hair
and your face, you leave the lair and start 

a spacious, warm badger sett under
the stiffly frozen ground, where everything goes on
branching out, older, greyer, wiser. One day
you’re the first one to disappear, no drama, an empty branch 

on which a robin just sat, just sat –
or you stay a little longer, the biggest catfish in the pond,
seen so little that no one knows whether you really
exist or sometimes exist only in this poem
with a bit of luck.



Met wat geluk begin je in een egelnest, warm en zalig
in de zomer. Als een zwaluw zal je groeien, vluchten voor
de herfst. Na voldoende reizen land je op het water
als een zwaan. Je vindt de liefste in de lente,

bouwt een nest, vliegt uit, leeft verder als de hazen
in hun huis vol ruimtekussens. Groter en gelaagder
worden alle dingen, ze maken lijnen in je haar
en je gezicht, je verlaat het leger en begint 

een ruime, warme dassenburcht onder
de stijf bevroren grond, war alles doorgaat
met vertakken, ouder, grijzer, wijzer. Op een dag
verdwijn je als eerste, geen drama, een lege tak 

waarop zonet een roodborst zat, meer niet –
of je blijft nog even, de grootste meerval in de vijver,
zo weinig gezien dat niemand weet of je nu echt
bestaat of soms alleen in dit gedicht
met wat geluk.







With a bit of luck you start off in a hedgehog’s nest, warm and blissful
in the summer. Like a swallow you will grow, fleeing from
autumn. After sufficient travelling you will land on the water
like a swan. You’ll find the loved one in spring, 

build a nest, fly out, live on like the hares
in their house full of space cushions. Bigger and more layered
all things become, they make lines in your hair
and your face, you leave the lair and start 

a spacious, warm badger sett under
the stiffly frozen ground, where everything goes on
branching out, older, greyer, wiser. One day
you’re the first one to disappear, no drama, an empty branch 

on which a robin just sat, just sat –
or you stay a little longer, the biggest catfish in the pond,
seen so little that no one knows whether you really
exist or sometimes exist only in this poem
with a bit of luck.


With a bit of luck you start off in a hedgehog’s nest, warm and blissful
in the summer. Like a swallow you will grow, fleeing from
autumn. After sufficient travelling you will land on the water
like a swan. You’ll find the loved one in spring, 

build a nest, fly out, live on like the hares
in their house full of space cushions. Bigger and more layered
all things become, they make lines in your hair
and your face, you leave the lair and start 

a spacious, warm badger sett under
the stiffly frozen ground, where everything goes on
branching out, older, greyer, wiser. One day
you’re the first one to disappear, no drama, an empty branch 

on which a robin just sat, just sat –
or you stay a little longer, the biggest catfish in the pond,
seen so little that no one knows whether you really
exist or sometimes exist only in this poem
with a bit of luck.

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère