Poetry International Poetry International

Signe Gjessing

'The universe needs some hearts to step up'

The universe needs some hearts to step up and take responsibility for all the love. No problem.
(The world can be persuaded to rise so we can see where we have put the packets with flower seeds.)


The stars want to go out and see
a bit
of the universe, and they ask you which 100 places they need to see before they extinguish.
You point to my smile: — You need to get out there! Looking forward to hearing what you have to say!
(After all, the sunflower seeds have the creation to show them how everything unravels.)


Your heart sprays itself internally with the stars’ perfume after the blood has stopped. (Creation treads water with a world.)


My blood must begin a new
orbit of the universe for the blood of all ages,
                                                       so it can use up some of all that energy.
(The world welcomes with a warm hand every dimension. Many small streams.)


My skin managed to keep my body secret from the universe until the stars found it and screamed:
Look, it glows like a supernova! 
(The sunflowers have not even noticed that the world is still un-created.)

'Het universum heeft nodig dat'

Het universum heeft nodig dat sommige harten de verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor al die
liefde. No problem.
(De wereld is best over te halen om op te staan, zodat we kunnen zien waar we de brieven met
bloemzaadjes neer hebben gelegd.)


De sterren willen er graag uit om wat te
van het universum, en ze vragen je welke 100 plaatsen ze moeten zien voor ze uitdoven.

Je wijst op mijn glimlach: – jullie moeten daarheen! Verheug me r op om te horen wat jullie zeggen!
(De zonnebloempitten hebben immers de schepping om ze te laten zien hoe alles uitkomt.)


Je hart besproeit zich inwendig met het parfum van de sterren, nadat het bloeden is
(De schepping watertrappelt met een wereld.) 


Mijn bloed moet beginnen in een nieuw aangevangen
kringloop in het universum voor bloed van alle leeftijden,
                                               zodat het iets van al die energie kan gebruiken.
(De wereld ontvangst met kushandjes iedere dimensie. Vele kleine maken.)


Het was mijn huid gelukt om het lichaam geheim te houden voor het universum precies
totdat de sterren het vonden en riepen: kijk dit eens, het geeft licht als een superno  va!
(De zonnebloemen hebben helemaal niet gemerkt dat de wereld nog on-geschapen is.)

'Universet har brug for'

Universet har brug for, at nogle hjerter går ind og tager ansvaret for al den
kærlighed. No problem.
(Verden kan godt overtales til at opstå, så vi kan se, hvor vi har lagt brevene
med blomsterfrø.)


Stjernerne vil gerne ud og se
af universet, og de spørger dig, hvilke 100 steder, de skal se, før de slukkes.

Du peger på mit smil: – I skal derud! Glæde r mig til at høre, hvad I siger!
(Solsikkefrøene har jo skabelsen til at vise dem, hvordan alting går op.)


Dit hjerte sprøjter sig indvendigt med stjernernes parfume, efter at blodet er
(Skabelsen træder vande med en verden.)


Mit blod skal begynde i et nystartet
kredsløb i universet for blod i alle aldre,
                                                   så det kan få brugt noget af al den energi.
(Verden tager med kyshånd imod enhver dimension. Mange bække små.)


Det var lykkedes for min hud at holde kroppen hemmelig for universet lige
indtil stjernerne fandt den og skreg: Se det her, det lyser som en superno va!
(Solsikkerne har slet ikke lagt mærke til, at verden endnu er u-skabt.)


'The universe needs some hearts to step up'

The universe needs some hearts to step up and take responsibility for all the love. No problem.
(The world can be persuaded to rise so we can see where we have put the packets with flower seeds.)


The stars want to go out and see
a bit
of the universe, and they ask you which 100 places they need to see before they extinguish.
You point to my smile: — You need to get out there! Looking forward to hearing what you have to say!
(After all, the sunflower seeds have the creation to show them how everything unravels.)


Your heart sprays itself internally with the stars’ perfume after the blood has stopped. (Creation treads water with a world.)


My blood must begin a new
orbit of the universe for the blood of all ages,
                                                       so it can use up some of all that energy.
(The world welcomes with a warm hand every dimension. Many small streams.)


My skin managed to keep my body secret from the universe until the stars found it and screamed:
Look, it glows like a supernova! 
(The sunflowers have not even noticed that the world is still un-created.)

'The universe needs some hearts to step up'

The universe needs some hearts to step up and take responsibility for all the love. No problem.
(The world can be persuaded to rise so we can see where we have put the packets with flower seeds.)


The stars want to go out and see
a bit
of the universe, and they ask you which 100 places they need to see before they extinguish.
You point to my smile: — You need to get out there! Looking forward to hearing what you have to say!
(After all, the sunflower seeds have the creation to show them how everything unravels.)


Your heart sprays itself internally with the stars’ perfume after the blood has stopped. (Creation treads water with a world.)


My blood must begin a new
orbit of the universe for the blood of all ages,
                                                       so it can use up some of all that energy.
(The world welcomes with a warm hand every dimension. Many small streams.)


My skin managed to keep my body secret from the universe until the stars found it and screamed:
Look, it glows like a supernova! 
(The sunflowers have not even noticed that the world is still un-created.)

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère