Poetry International Poetry International

Signe Gjessing

'The universe does a cartwheel in my heart'

The universe does a cartwheel in my heart 

because it just won everything!
(Creation often participates in the dust’s senior gatherings.)


The stars do not go quietly with the doors, with your heart beating fast. Neither does the blue spring.
(The world can’t be avoided by those who are interested in what creation makes.)


The universe stands in a flock of universes and discusses everything—you dare not interrupt to ask the universe if we may run freely through it.
(The world is probably going to stay away longer from the created from now on.)


Your skin is something the star-space has just taken out of the freezer because there were no more fresh stars.
(The world is an excellent place to start if you want anything to do with flowers but aren’t ready to let go of the transcendental completely.)


The star-space starts to sweat from my heartbeat—it dries itself on your skin. (The world is in the mind when using a strong world to lift a sunflower seed.)


The stars cling to my veins. So that’s how poetry feels!
(During the creation, the ideal really satisfied its desire. And now it just blooms.)


The physical version of the universe is nearly impossible to get ahold of. The stars go amok when they see it.
(A world is the last thing reality has use for right now with all those dreamhorses.)


Most star-spaces would have backed out when they saw you write your name on the star’s stomach,
it was my idea.
(The world is pre-floral.)

'Het universum maakt radslagen in mijn hart'

Het universum maakt radslagen in mijn hart

omdat het zojuist alles heeft gewonnen!
(De schepping neemt vaak deel aan bijeenkomsten van ouderen van stof.)


De sterren maken er geen geheim van dat jouw hart snel slaat. Dat doet de
blauwe bron trouwens evenmin.
(Wie zich interesseert voor wat de schepping doet, komt niet
om de wereld heen.)


Het universum staat in een groep universa en bespreekt alles – je durft niet te onderbreken om
het universum te vragen of we er vrij doorheen mogen rennen.
(De wereld gaat waarschijnlijk in de toekomst langere tijd weg zijn van het geschapene.)


Je huid is iets dat de sterrenruimte zojuist uit de vriezer heeft gehaald omdat er geen
verse sterren meer waren.
(De wereld is een voortreffelijke plek om te beginnen als je graag iets met bloemen wilt,
maar niet bereid bent om het transcendente helemaal los te laten.)


De sterrenruimte gaat zweten van mijn hartkloppingen – droogt zich af aan jouw
(De wereld is in je gedachten, als er een sterke wereld nodig is om een zonnebloempit op te tillen.)

Sterren klampen zich vast aan mijn aderen. Dus zo is de poëzie er aan toe!
(Tijdens de schepping kreeg het ideale werkelijk zijn lust in bedwang. En nu bloeit het

De fysieke versie van het universum is bijna niet te krijgen. Sterren gaan
amok als ze die zien.
(Een wereld is het laatste dat de werkelijkheid nu nodig heeft met al die


De meeste sterrenruimtes zouden afgehaakt hebben, als ze zagen dat je je naam op
hun buik schreef,
dat was mijn idee.
(De wereld is voor-floraal.)

'Universet slår vejrmøller'

Universet slår vejrmøller i mit hjerte
fordi det lige har vundet alt!
(Skabelsen deltager ofte i støvets ældresammenkomster.)


Stjernerne går ikke stille med dørene med, at dit hjerte slår hurtigt. Det gør den
blå kilde så godt nok heller ikke.
(Verden er ikke til at komme uden om for den, der interesserer sig for, hvad
skabelsen laver.)


Universet står i en flok universer og diskuterer alt – du tør ikke afbryde og
spørge universet, om vi må løbe frit igennem det.
(Verden kommer nok til at være længere tid væk fra det skabte fremover.)


Din hud er noget, stjernerummet lige har taget op af fryseren, fordi der ikke
var flere friske stjerner.
(Verden er et udmærket sted at starte, hvis man gerne vil noget med blomster,
men ikke er klar til at slippe det transcendentale helt.)


Stjernerummet kommer til at svede af mine hjerteslag – det tørrer sig i din
(Verden er i tankerne, når der skal bruges en stærk verden til at løfte et


Stjerner klamrer sig til mine blodårer. Så det er sådan, poesien har det!
(Under skabelsen fik det ideale virkelig sin lyst styret. Og nu blomstrer det


Den fysiske version af universet er næsten umulig at opdrive. Stjerner går
amok, når de ser den.
(En verden er det sidste, virkeligheden har brug for lige nu, med alle de


De fleste stjernerum var nok sprunget fra, når de så, at du skrev dit navn på
stjernernes maver,
dét var min idé.
(Verden er før-floral.)


'The universe does a cartwheel in my heart'

The universe does a cartwheel in my heart 

because it just won everything!
(Creation often participates in the dust’s senior gatherings.)


The stars do not go quietly with the doors, with your heart beating fast. Neither does the blue spring.
(The world can’t be avoided by those who are interested in what creation makes.)


The universe stands in a flock of universes and discusses everything—you dare not interrupt to ask the universe if we may run freely through it.
(The world is probably going to stay away longer from the created from now on.)


Your skin is something the star-space has just taken out of the freezer because there were no more fresh stars.
(The world is an excellent place to start if you want anything to do with flowers but aren’t ready to let go of the transcendental completely.)


The star-space starts to sweat from my heartbeat—it dries itself on your skin. (The world is in the mind when using a strong world to lift a sunflower seed.)


The stars cling to my veins. So that’s how poetry feels!
(During the creation, the ideal really satisfied its desire. And now it just blooms.)


The physical version of the universe is nearly impossible to get ahold of. The stars go amok when they see it.
(A world is the last thing reality has use for right now with all those dreamhorses.)


Most star-spaces would have backed out when they saw you write your name on the star’s stomach,
it was my idea.
(The world is pre-floral.)

'The universe does a cartwheel in my heart'

The universe does a cartwheel in my heart 

because it just won everything!
(Creation often participates in the dust’s senior gatherings.)


The stars do not go quietly with the doors, with your heart beating fast. Neither does the blue spring.
(The world can’t be avoided by those who are interested in what creation makes.)


The universe stands in a flock of universes and discusses everything—you dare not interrupt to ask the universe if we may run freely through it.
(The world is probably going to stay away longer from the created from now on.)


Your skin is something the star-space has just taken out of the freezer because there were no more fresh stars.
(The world is an excellent place to start if you want anything to do with flowers but aren’t ready to let go of the transcendental completely.)


The star-space starts to sweat from my heartbeat—it dries itself on your skin. (The world is in the mind when using a strong world to lift a sunflower seed.)


The stars cling to my veins. So that’s how poetry feels!
(During the creation, the ideal really satisfied its desire. And now it just blooms.)


The physical version of the universe is nearly impossible to get ahold of. The stars go amok when they see it.
(A world is the last thing reality has use for right now with all those dreamhorses.)


Most star-spaces would have backed out when they saw you write your name on the star’s stomach,
it was my idea.
(The world is pre-floral.)

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère