Samantha Barendson
When the alarm clock rings, strident, brutalyou should move your body and your courage out of bed to the shower,
to the tasteless coffee, to the garage, to the road, to the boring office
Poetry is useless . . .
When you clear snow from your doorstep,
when someone ignores your right of way,
when someone scratches your car,
when you spill your coffee, when you forget, when you miss,
when meetings run, when deadlines fall, when you forget to take home
bread and children
Is poetry useless?
When those absent leave our memories,
cleaned from pictures, deleted by distances, weather and worries
When their faces become blurry,
vague, pale or imprecise
Is poetry useful?
When TV screams out, of the world infamies, wars, death, dictatorships,
fears, hunger, hatred, despair, fury, horror, sorrow and tortures
Poetry is useful
When the alarm clock rings, whistling, jovial
and you know you are alive, present, standing-up
in your living space full of people, sounds and memories
Poetry helps
To enjoy your coffee, not to care
about deadlines, mediocrities and other requirements
It surrounds you when you laugh, when you cry, when you come
Poetry is an orgasm!
Wanneer de wekker rinkelt, schril, abrupt,en je je lijf en je moed van je bed naar de douche moet slepen, naar de slappe
koffie, naar de garage, de weg het klote kantoor
Dan heeft poëzie geen zin…
Wanneer je sneeuw ruimt voor je deur,
wanneer men je de pas afsnijdt, wanneer men je auto bekrast,
wanneer je koffie morst, wanneer je vergeet, wanneer je mislukt,
wanneer je non-stop vergadert, wanneer deadlines vallen, wanneer je
vergeet brood te kopen en de kinderen op te halen
Heeft poëzie dan zin?
Wanneer wie weg is, wordt gewist uit ons geheugen,
wanneer, onder invloed van afstand, tijd en zorgen, hun beeld vervaagt.
Wanneer hun gezicht wazig wordt,
nevelig, bleek of onscherp
Heeft poëzie dan enige zin?
Wanneer de tv alle gruwel van de wereld uitbraakt: oorlog, doden, dictaturen,
angst, honger, haat, wanhoop, razernij, horror, verdriet en pijniging
Dan heeft poëzie toch zin.
Wanneer de wekker vrolijk fluitend rinkelt,
en je weet dat je leeft, dat je er bent en er staat
in je ruimte bevolkt met mensen, klanken, herinneringen
Dan helpt poëzie je
Van je kopje koffie te genieten, maling te hebben
aan deadlines, middelmatigheid en diverse imperatieven
Ze omringt je wanneer je lacht, huilt of klaarkomt
Poëzie is een orgasme!
Quand sonne le réveil, strident, brutalet qu’il te faut bouger ton corps et ton courage du lit à la douche, au café insipide,
au garage, à la route, au bureau inutile
La poésie ne sert à rien . . .
Quand tu déneiges ton pallier,
quand on te grille la priorité, quand on te raye ta voiture,
quand tu renverses ton café quand tu oublies, quand tu rates,
quand pressent les réunions, quand tombent les deadlines,
quand tu oublies de passer prendre le pain et les enfants
La poésie ne sert à rien?
Quand partent les absents
de nos mémoires vides, de nos images effacées par la distance, le temps et les soucis
Quand leurs visages deviennent flous vagues, pâles ou imprécis
La poésie, sert-elle à quelque chose?
Quand crache la télé, du monde les infamies les guerres, les morts, les dictatures, les peurs, la faim, la haine, le désespoir, la rage, l’horreur, la peine et les tortures
La poésie sert à quelque chose
Quand sonne le réveil, sifflant, jovial
et que tu te sais vivant, présent, debout
dans ton espace peuplé de gens, de sons, de souvenirs
La poésie sert
À savourer ton café, à te foutre
des dates butoir, médiocrités et autres impératifs
Elle t’entoure dans tes rires, tes pleurs et tes orgasmes
La poésie est un orgasme!
Poems of Samantha Barendson
When the alarm clock rings, strident, brutalyou should move your body and your courage out of bed to the shower,
to the tasteless coffee, to the garage, to the road, to the boring office
Poetry is useless . . .
When you clear snow from your doorstep,
when someone ignores your right of way,
when someone scratches your car,
when you spill your coffee, when you forget, when you miss,
when meetings run, when deadlines fall, when you forget to take home
bread and children
Is poetry useless?
When those absent leave our memories,
cleaned from pictures, deleted by distances, weather and worries
When their faces become blurry,
vague, pale or imprecise
Is poetry useful?
When TV screams out, of the world infamies, wars, death, dictatorships,
fears, hunger, hatred, despair, fury, horror, sorrow and tortures
Poetry is useful
When the alarm clock rings, whistling, jovial
and you know you are alive, present, standing-up
in your living space full of people, sounds and memories
Poetry helps
To enjoy your coffee, not to care
about deadlines, mediocrities and other requirements
It surrounds you when you laugh, when you cry, when you come
Poetry is an orgasm!
When the alarm clock rings, strident, brutalyou should move your body and your courage out of bed to the shower,
to the tasteless coffee, to the garage, to the road, to the boring office
Poetry is useless . . .
When you clear snow from your doorstep,
when someone ignores your right of way,
when someone scratches your car,
when you spill your coffee, when you forget, when you miss,
when meetings run, when deadlines fall, when you forget to take home
bread and children
Is poetry useless?
When those absent leave our memories,
cleaned from pictures, deleted by distances, weather and worries
When their faces become blurry,
vague, pale or imprecise
Is poetry useful?
When TV screams out, of the world infamies, wars, death, dictatorships,
fears, hunger, hatred, despair, fury, horror, sorrow and tortures
Poetry is useful
When the alarm clock rings, whistling, jovial
and you know you are alive, present, standing-up
in your living space full of people, sounds and memories
Poetry helps
To enjoy your coffee, not to care
about deadlines, mediocrities and other requirements
It surrounds you when you laugh, when you cry, when you come
Poetry is an orgasm!

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère