Carolyn Forché
Ik denk aan jou in die gravenzee buiten de stad,waar veel stenen zijn achtergelaten, waaronder
die van mij: een brokje dolomiet dat een papiertje op zijn plek moet houden.
Ik had graag je handschoenen en je paraplu in de grafkist gelegd,
samen met nog één ochtend in Berlijn met Tanya, een uur
te midden van opfladderende duiven, seringen gewikkeld in nieuws-
berichten, een minuut op de barricaden, nog een ritje
op je vaders schouders door de knoflookvelden, zelfs sigaretten
overgehouden aan de bezetting had ik erin gelegd.
In plaats daarvan dit notitieboekje, een pen vol inkt, en dat korte
gedicht van Hölderlin waar je zo van hield, zodat jullie samen konden opgaan
in rook: jij, het notitieboekje, de pen, het gedicht van Hölderlin.
In de nasleep ben je emulsie op papier, een lijk, luisterend onder
de grond naar een trein die door een polaroid van wolken raast.
Het was Joseph die zei dat Venetië in alle eeuwigheid eenmalig was.
Je bent dus een geest die een geest langs zijn enige leven terug volgt.
Of zoals je nu zegt: er waren veel steden, maar nooit tweemaal dezelfde.
© Vertaling: 2021, Astrid Staartjes
I think of you in that sea of graves beyond the city,where many stones have been left, among them,
mine: a little piece of dolomite to weigh down a slip of paper.
I would have put your gloves and umbrella in the coffin,
along with one more morning in Berlin with Tanya, an hour
of pigeons rising around you, lilacs wrapped in news
stories, a minute at the barricades, another riding
on your father’s shoulders through the garlic fields, even cigarettes
left over from the occupation I would have placed there.
Instead, this notebook, a pen full of ink, and that short
poem by Hölderlin you loved, so you could go up in smoke
together: you, the notebook, the pen, the poem by Hölderlin.
In the aftermath, you are emulsion on paper, a corpse listening beneath
the ground to a train passing through a polaroid of clouds.
It was Joseph who said that for all eternity, Venice would happen only once.
You are a ghost then, following a ghost back through its only life.
Or as you say now: there were many cities, but never a city twice.
© 2020, Carolyn Forché
From: In the Lateness of the World
Publisher: Penguin, New York
From: In the Lateness of the World
Publisher: Penguin, New York
Poems of Carolyn Forché
I think of you in that sea of graves beyond the city,where many stones have been left, among them,
mine: a little piece of dolomite to weigh down a slip of paper.
I would have put your gloves and umbrella in the coffin,
along with one more morning in Berlin with Tanya, an hour
of pigeons rising around you, lilacs wrapped in news
stories, a minute at the barricades, another riding
on your father’s shoulders through the garlic fields, even cigarettes
left over from the occupation I would have placed there.
Instead, this notebook, a pen full of ink, and that short
poem by Hölderlin you loved, so you could go up in smoke
together: you, the notebook, the pen, the poem by Hölderlin.
In the aftermath, you are emulsion on paper, a corpse listening beneath
the ground to a train passing through a polaroid of clouds.
It was Joseph who said that for all eternity, Venice would happen only once.
You are a ghost then, following a ghost back through its only life.
Or as you say now: there were many cities, but never a city twice.
From: In the Lateness of the World

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