Poetry International Poetry International

Lea Schneider

Autumn in Nánjīng

this is the more southern capital, the capital that is no more. its presidential palace is non-european. its presidential palace is as european as a colonial villa. its presidential palace can be viewed for 40¥, and then you stay all day. the government stayed until the winter of 1937. when it left, the city gates were locked. in the next six weeks the japanese army killed 400,000 civilians. in the next four weeks the japanese army raped 20,000 women. the city walls are still standing, and they can be viewed for 20¥, and then you stay all day. it is the only completely preserved city wall in china. i did not know that.

the heat in the wūlóngtǎn park is sticky. everything could be very new or very old, the difference refuses to emerge. i write letters to t., who is lying next to me in the grass. i write letters to c., who will read them in a small european city, in other words: i write letters to the past. the past, l. says, is there where not everything happens at once; where the present is not a simultaneity accelerated to 350km/h.

and that is exactly the problem, b. says, and reaches for her beer: we don’t have time to think. my students need 30 years to realize what they actually want, and then they’ve already done what everyone else does. what we need urgently, b. says, is individualism. by that she means something different than i do.

x. says individualism will get here, it’ll only take a little time.

h. says he’s constantly been thinking on the 70s recently, it feels like the 70s were coming back, and i ask myself what all i wouldn’t take for granted if i was part of my parents’ generation, or the generation before, what i would fight for more, what i would be more afraid of. in the 70s there was no press, just the government papers, h. says. three months ago he gave up his job as editor in chief and founded an ad agency.

h. says he’s constantly been thinking on the 70s recently, it feels like the 70s were coming back, and i ask myself what all i wouldn’t take for granted if i was part of my parents’ generation, or the generation before, what i would fight for more, what i would be more afraid of. in the 70s there was no press, just the government papers, h. says. three months ago he gave up his job as editor in chief and founded an ad agency.
zāng dì: rise up like a snow mountain (2011)

so collect everything because everything should be seen: the slices of ginger and the nutmeg broth, the 20x20 cm flagstones, each with a circle, four curves, and sixteen squares on the edges – an eye with lots of sleep in the corners. the noodle stand and the pancake stand, the man from the portable key service sitting on the side of the road reading his newspaper, a water hose in the university garden. the fat, sleeping campus cats, radios, loudspeaker announcements, a car alarm that catches in the plane trees, red ribbons in the branches and bicycles, freight bicycles,  zìxíngchē. liùshí niándài de zìxíngchē, says x., bicycles like from the 60s: wherever they go, they’re driving through dusty afternoon light.
sūn wénbō: bicycles in the 60s (2002)

in other words nostalgia, says l.: a heat where everything nods off, gets heavy, and loses importance. the streets go along hills, along something familiar mediterranean. in nánjīng i first think of italy and then of something that i no longer have to compare to like it.

this is not the city of swallows. this is the city in which i love you. its walls washed white like a file, the gates round like a ball slowly becoming deflated. you can still walk through. Through a past, which is one among many, which is an earworm of the present, which is exactly as it should be, namely rènao. rènao is a word for the kind of coziness that emerges when a large group of people all talk at once and produce so much noise that you forget what’s up and what’s down – a tiredness in which everything becomes soft, relaxed, and loses importance.
li-young lee: the city in which i love you (1990)
yú jiān: file 0 (2002)

in nánjīng i see a poverty that looks like tiredness, a poverty that sells everything it can get hold of, things i had no clue you could sell, a poverty that carries around plastic sacks, a poverty made of red-white-blue-white-red-white-blue-striped, water-resistant, all-purpose tarps stapled together, a poverty that hangs from a construction scaffold to protect privacy.

in nánjīng i see plane trees wherever i go, most of them were planted before the government left. nánjīng is a city made of plane trees, a city of parks and lakes, whose great, joyful story was never written. in nánjīng there is a constant sawing, a shoving of hoarse chirps from branches. when i pass by, the crickets briefly turn down their volume. as if it they were embarrassed by it.

in nánjīng i read an essay by lǐ chénjiǎn, the dean of yuánpéi college, that everyone read because it was online for almost a day before the censor authorities noticed the clicks. cynicism, lǐ chénjiǎn writes, forms the basis of our society, and there’s a simple reason. if everyone who dares voice their opinion is eliminated, then what’s left are those who have none. zhūjūn, jù zuò quǎnrú, writes lǐ chénjiǎn: we should never be cynics.
lǐ chénjiǎn: 120 years after the hundred days’ reform (2018)

so: collect everything because everything should be named. a decision to not just let things be; not to become accustomed, not for the sake of simplicity, and not to this miserable fear. a decision in the present because of the present; that rejects all kind of mourning; that one in the wūlóngtǎn park on the little island behind a beverage dispenser – coca-cola: kěkǒu kělè – behind garbage separation and willow branches and lunch breaks, behind herb ice tea in cans and plastic take-away bags, behind a decision, behind which it does not retreat: say it too fast and it sounds like a platitude: exactly the kind of reductive, crushing generality i want to try to avoid.
eileen j. cheng: literary remains. death, trauma, and lǔ xùn's refusal to mourn (2013)
kate briggs: this little art (2018)

this country is complicated, b. says, hard to say whether it is good or bad, at any rate interesting. no clue what will happen in two years; i can hardly remember how it was two years ago.

so collect everything because everything will be different: sun shades, tomatoes with sugar glaze, the bar district behind the campus, the xuánwǔ lake, when you look down from the city wall, the regatta route for the row boats – tiny needles between the islands, thick cauliflowers in the lake. y. says after school she came here when she wanted to be alone. y. says I should drink more, duō hē diǎn, and that’s what everyone says. boiled water: kāishuǐ: opened water.

y. says everyone is waiting for the real estate bubble to burst; y. says she doesn’t know if she’ll go back to berlin then. the first time y. went to berlin it took two months until the wall fell. 1989, that was a terrible year for china, y. says, i didn’t return for a long time. while taking her into my heart, i ask myself, what i actually want to hear from her. y. works for the state. y. hates xí jìngpíng because xí jìnpíng hates intellectuals. he has that in common with máo, y. says, that petty bourgeois scorn for the enlightenment. y. says she’s no longer interested in foreign culture policy that only consists of calligraphy courses; y. says china is more complicated than that. yes, i say, and that’s why it’s so interesting. y. gives me a tired smile.

and below us lies the lake, lies the calm in the city, which had been forgotten, in chinese: the calm of a city that had been forgotten to be remembered; the calm of a city that had somehow been overlooked since the 50s; the calm of a city with 8 million people.

in nánjīng, in an autumn that is a summer, that we stuffed full of conversations like a jiǎozi, filled so greedily that it burst when cooked, in an autumn that is a beginner’s mistake, that is more beautiful than objectively possible, and is a summer, i lay the lexicon of modern chinese next to t.’s coffee cup on a table on a balcony on which drying towels hang, footnotes to footnotes, outriggers on the bridges of languages that break with us, promise us.

even though german and chinese are so similar, y. says., both claim their words, crude translations, where other languages agree on elegance, chinese and german agree on literality. children’s languages in which everything is called what it is, in which it isn’t called fernsehen, but distant looking, diànshì, electronic looking. coarse languages with low tolerance for foreign words, which approach the world with tenderness, with the tenderness with which you carve a fish.

and that is no connection, x. says, no anthropological constant, no line of tradition, that is a hole in the paper that is big enough, one of these chance structural similarities that logicians characterize as miracles, all of these somehow congenial monsters that wave frantically from their islands in history and want attention.
david der-wei wang: the monster that is history (2004)

so collect everything because everything belongs in language: tea eggs, yóutiáo, the censored newspapers at the kiosk next to the metro station gǔlóu, which no one reads, the critical reporting in nánfāng zhōumò and on cáixìn, which everyone reads, the koi pond and the magpies standing in front of the temples, their floating decorative fins, the royal blue under their speculum, on their necks. what color are the birds flying their neglect away?
xī chuān: night birds (ca. 1992)

in nánjīng i see a kingfisher, the only kingfisher i’ve ever seen, in xiānlín on the edge of a canal covered with concrete at the second to last stop on the metro no. 2 to jīngtiān lù.

in nánjīng the plane trees are painted white up to a meter over the ground and the walls in the old city are painted pastel yellow, in nánjīng the air conditioners are from hǎi'ěr, in nánjīng the power cables hold the sky together.

in nánjīng i learn the difference between pragmatics and pragmatism. the difference lies in a decision, and it lies in the price you pay: pragmatics wants to have it as small as possible, pragmatists calculate it as high as possible. not due to desire for pain, not due to heroics, not due to hope – hope, writes lǔ xùn, is the same illusion as despair – but rather due to a decision, a commitment, a refusal. due to the refusal to become cynical, the refusal to become accustomed to letting things be, due to the inability to let things be, due to the hopeless seriousness with which people devote themselves to a game, promise.
lǔ xùn: preface to self-selected works (1933)

no, i am truly uninterested in hope, l. says, i am interested in agency.

i write because people hate it, says lǔ xùn. the world is full of people lacking comfort, and there are also those intent on nothing other than creating a realm of comfort for themselves. this should not be so cheaply achieved, and we should thus place some odious things before them to afflict them in their zone of comfort.
deniz utlu: i'm not interested in hope, i'm interested in agency (2018)
lǔ xùn: graves (1927)

suǒyǐ yào jué mù, nǐ jiù gǎnkuài dòng shǒu ba, b. says: if you want to dig up the graves, well, get started then.

the poster behind the kiosk in wūlóngtǎn park says send your love on valentine’s day, send it with a speedy courier. tóngchéng fēisòng, just 5¥, delivery within the city, just 6 hours. valentine’s day, qīxì, the seventh day of the seventh month, is in autumn in nánjīng, which is a summer.
xī chuān: the moon ( ca. 1995)

qiūfēng qiūyǔ / chóu shā rén, says qiū jǐn, china’s first feminist, the anarchist with autumn in her last name and the sword from mirror lake in her pen name, on july 13, 1907, the evening before her execution: autumn rain, autumn wind / this miserable fear. millions of chinese schoolchildren who learn her poems by heart, say qiūfēng qiūyǔ / chóu shā rén.

sooner or later, h. says, we’ll all get a bullet in the head. it is unavoidable, and that’s why we have to assure that we get it from our opponents, and not from ourselves.
qiū jǐn: autumn wind, autumn rain (1907)

cǐkè, shéi méiyǒu fángwū jí bùbì ànjiē dàikuǎn, h. says: whoever has no house now, will have no mortgage to pay. and anyway, h. says, i never understood why anyone would work for the state, by now there’s so many ways to earn money in china. h. pays for my lunch and laughs. you should be careful, i remind myself, when cherished people give away something too big: it will be a parting gift.
jure detela via tibor hrs pandur: manifest ilegale (ca. 1975)
hán bó: freedom nu. 2 (2017)
marina cvetaeva: story about sonechka (1938)

Herfst in Nánjīn

dit is de hoofdstad in het zuiden, de hoofdstad die dat niet meer is. het presidentiële paleis daar is niet europees. het presidentiële paleis daar is zo europees als een koloniale villa. het regeringspaleis daar kan voor 40¥ bezichtigd worden, en dan blijf je de hele dag. de regering bleef tot de winter van 1937. toen ze wegging, werden de stadspoorten afgesloten. in de zes weken daarna doodde het japanse leger 400.000 burgers. in de vier weken erna verkrachtte het japanse leger 20.000 vrouwen. de stadsmuur staat er nog, hij kan voor 20¥ bezichtigd worden, en dan blijf je de hele dag. het is de enige compleet bewaarde stadsmuur in china. ik wist dat niet.

in het wūlóngtǎn-park plakt de hitte. alles kan evengoed heel nieuw als heel oud zijn, het verschil dringt zich niet op. ik schrijf brieven aan t., die naast me in de schaduw ligt. ik schrijf brieven aan c., die ze in een europees stadje leest, dat wil zeggen: ik schrijf brieven naar het verleden. het verleden, zegt l., is daar waar niet alles gelijktijdig gebeurt; waar het heden geen gelijktijdigheid is die met een snelheid van 350 km/u voortraast.

en dat is nou net het probleem, zegt b., en pakt haar glas bier: we hebben geen tijd om na te denken. mijn studenten hebben 30 jaar nodig om door te krijgen wat ze eigenlijk willen, en dan hebben ze al gedaan wat alle anderen doen. wat we dringend nodig hebben, zegt b., is individualisme. ze bedoelt er iets anders mee dan ik.

x. zegt dat het individualisme komen zal, maar dat dat nog eventjes duurt.
h. zegt dat hij de laatste tijd steeds aan de jaren 70 moet denken, het lijkt erop dat de jaren 70 terugkomen, en ik vraag me af wat ik niet allemaal vanzelfsprekend zou vinden als ik tot de generatie van mijn ouders behoorde, of tot de generatie daarvoor, waar zou ik harder voor vechten, waar zou ik banger voor zijn. in de jaren 70 was er geen pers, alleen regeringskranten, zegt h., die drie maanden geleden zijn baan als hoofdredacteur heeft opgezegd en een reclamebureau is gestart.

dit is niet de stad van de zwaluwen. het is de stad die vergeten werd. vergeten: wàngjì, letterlijk: vergeten om je iets in te prenten. natuurlijk kun je dat ook anders zeggen. dit is geen gedicht over de niet geheel doorziene samenhang van taal en denken. in het beste geval is het: een gat in het papier dat groot genoeg is om er doorheen te willen. groot genoeg om de vissen erachter te zien zwemmen. de pokémon.
zāng dì: opstijgen zoals sneeuwbergen doen (2011)

dus alles verzamelen omdat alles gezien moet worden: de plakken gember en de muskaatbouillon, de 20x20 cm grote stoeptegels, telkens een kring, vier krullen en zestien vierkanten aan de rand – een oog met heel veel slaap in de hoeken. de noedelkraam en de pannenkoekenkraam, de man van de mobiele sleuteldienst die aan de kant van de weg een krant leest, een waterslang in de tuin van de universiteit. de vette, slapende campuskatten, radio’s, aankondigingen via luidsprekers, een autoalarm dat blijft steken in de platanen, rode linten in de takken en fietsen, bakfietsen, zìxíngchē. liùshí niándài de zìxíngchē, zegt x., fietsen zoals in de jaren 60: waar ze ook naartoe rijden, ze rijden door stoffig middaglicht.
孙文波:六十年 代的自行车
sūn wénbō: fietsen in de jaren zestig (2002)

nostalgie dus, zegt l.: een hitte waarin alles en iedereen zogezegd wegdut, zwaar wordt en aan belang verliest. de wegen gaan over heuvels, langs iets vertrouwd mediterraans. in nánjīng denk ik eerst aan italië en dan aan iets wat ik niet meer hoef te vergelijken om het plezierig te vinden.

dit is niet de stad van de zwaluwen. dit is de stad waarin ik van je hou. de muren ervan wit gekalkt als een akte, de poorten rond als een langzaam platter wordende bal. je kunt er nog doorheen lopen. door een verleden, een van de vele, een oorwurm van het heden, precies zoals ze moet zijn, rènao namelijk. rènao is een woord voor de vorm van gezelligheid die ontstaat als in een grote groep mensen iedereen door elkaar heen praat en een volume bereikt wordt waardoor je boven en onder vergeet – een vermoeidheid waarin alles week wordt, alle verkramptheid en belang verliest.
li-young lee: the city in which i love you (1990)
yú jiān: akte 0 (2002)

in nánjīng zie ik armoe die eruit ziet als vermoeidheid, een armoe die alles verkoopt waar ze de hand op kan leggen, dingen waarvan ik niet wist dat ze je kon verkopen, een armoe die reusachtige plastic zakken met zich meezeult, een armoe uit roodwitblauwwitroodwitblauw gestreepte, waterafstotende, aan elkaar geklonken zeilen voor alle gelegenheden, armoe die als bescherming tegen inkijk voor een bouwsteiger hangt.

in nánjīng zie ik platanen waar ik ook heen ga, de meeste bomen waren al geplant voordat de regering vertrok. nánjīng is een stad van platanen, een stad van parken en meren, en haar grote geluksgeschiedenis is nog niet geschreven. in nánjīng wordt er voortdurend gezaagd, maar het is geen zagen, de hese tsjirpers duwen hun gekras van de takken. als ik langsloop dimmen de krekels even hun volume. alsof ze het pijnlijk vinden.

in nánjīng lees ik een essay van lǐ chénjiǎn, de decaan van het yuánpéi-college, dat iedereen gelezen heeft omdat het bijna een dag lang online stond voordat de censuur het aantal clicks in de gaten had. cynisme, schrijft lǐ chénjiǎn, vormt de basis van onze maatschappij, en daar is een eenvoudige reden voor. als je alle mensen verwijdert die hun mening geven, dan blijven diegenen over die er geen hebben. zhūjūn, jù zuò quǎnrú, schrijft lǐ chénjiǎn: geachte dames en heren, weerstaat de verleiding om cynisch te zijn.
lǐ chénjiǎn: cynisme en ruggengraat. 120 jaar universiteit běijīng (2018)

dus: alles verzamelen omdat alles moet worden genoemd. een beslissing om het niet goed te laten zijn; er niet aan wennen, niet omwille van het gemak, en niet aan die afschuwelijke angst. een beslissing, in het heden omwille van het heden; die elk verdriet verbiedt; die in het wūlóngtǎn-park op het eilandje achter een frisdrankautomaat – coca cola: kěkǒu kělè – achter afvalscheiding en wilgentakken en middagpauze, achter kruidenijsthee in blikjes en take-way in plastic tasjes, achter een beslissing waar ze achter blijft staan: say it too fast and it sounds like a platitude: exactly the kind of reductive, crushing generality i want to try to avoid.
eileen j. cheng: literary remains, death, trauma, and lǔ xùn's refusal to mourn (2013)
kate briggs: this little art (2018)

dit land is gecompliceerd, zegt b., moeilijk te zeggen of dat goed of slecht is, het is in ieder geval interessant. geen idee hoe het over twee jaar zal zijn; ik kan me haast niet herinneren hoe het twee jaar geleden was.

dus alles verzamelen omdat alles anders zal zijn: parasols, tomaten met suikerglazuur, de kroegenstraat achter de campus, het xuánwǔ-meer als je vanaf de stadsmuur naar beneden kijkt, het regattaparcours van de roeiboten – minieme naalden tussen de eilanden, die dikke koppen bloemkool in het meer. y. zegt dat ze na school hier naartoe ging als ze alleen wilde zijn. y. zegt dat ik meer moet drinken, duō hē diǎn, en dat zeggen ze allemaal. gekookt water: kāishuǐ: geopend water.

y. zegt dat iedereen erop zit te wachten dat de vastgoedbubbel uit elkaar spat; y. zegt dat ze nog niet weet of ze dan weer naar berlijn gaat. toen y. voor het eerst naar berlijn ging, duurde het twee maanden voor de muur viel. 1989, dat was een vreselijk jaar voor china, zegt y., ik ben daarna lang niet meer terug geweest. als ik haar aan het hart sluit, vraag ik me af wat ik eigenlijk van haar horen wil. y. werkt voor de staat. y. haat xí jìnpíng omdat xí jìnpíng intellectuelen haat. dat heeft hij dus met máo gemeen, zegt y., dat kleinburgerlijke verachten van de verlichting. y. zegt dat ze geen zin meer heeft in buitenlandse cultuurpolitiek die alleen maar bestaat uit kalligrafeercursussen; y. zegt dat china gecompliceerder is dan dat. ja, zeg ik, en daarom is het ook zo interessant. y. glimlacht vermoeid.

en onder ons ligt het meer, ligt de rust van een stad die ze vergeten hebben, in het chinees: de rust van een stad die ze vergeten zijn zich te herinneren; de rust van een sinds de jaren 50 op de een of andere manier vergeten stad; de rust van een stad met 8 miljoen inwoners.

in nánjīng, in een herfst die een zomer is die we met gesprekken hebben volgestopt als een jiǎozi, zo geestdriftig gevuld dat-ie bij het koken uit elkaar zal klappen, in een herfst die een beginnersfout, die mooier dan objectief mogelijk en een zomer is, leg ik het lexicon van het moderne chinees naast t.’s kopje koffie op een tafel op een balkon waaraan handdoeken hangen te drogen, voetnoten bij voetnoten, aanlegsteigers aan de bruggen van talen die zich van ons losmaken, ons beloven.

en dat terwijl duits en chinees zo op elkaar lijken, zegt y., allebei houden ze vast aan hun woorden, onhandige vertalingen, terwijl andere talen mikken op elegantie, mikken duits en chinees op woordelijkheid. kindertalen waarin alles betekent wat het is, je het niet hebt over televisie, maar over fernsehen, ver kijken, diànshì, elektronisch kijken. talen met een geringe tolerantie voor vreemde woorden; plompe talen die de wereld met zorg benaderen, met de zorg waarmee je een vis fileert.

en dat is geen samenhang, zegt x., geen antropologische constante, geen traditionele lijn, dat is een gat in het papier dat groot genoeg is, een van die toevallige structurele overeenkomsten, iets dat logici als wonder aanduiden, al die op de een of andere manier zielsverwante monsters die vanaf hun eilanden in de geschiedenis fanatiek aan het zwaaien zijn en aandacht willen.
david der-wei wang: the monster that is history (2004)

alles dus verzamelen omdat alles bij de taal hoort: thee-eieren, yóutiáo, de gecensureerde kranten aan de kiosk naast het metrostation gulóu die niemand leest, de kritische reportages in de nánfāng zhōumò en op cáixìn die iedereen leest, het bassin voor de goudvissen en de eksters die voor de tempels staan, hun zwevende siervinnen, het koninginnenblauw onder hun vleugelspiegel, aan hun nek. vogels van welke kleur zijn het die hun eigen vergeten wegvliegen?
xī chuān: nachtvogels (ca. 1992)

in nánjīng zie ik een ijsvogel, de enige ijsvogel die ik ooit gezien heb, aan de rand van een dichtgebetonneerd kanaal in xiānlín bij de voorlaatste halte van metro nr. 2 naar jīngtiān lù.

in nánjīng zijn de platanen tot ongeveer een meter boven de grond wit en de muren in de oude stad pastelgeel geverfd, in nánjīng zijn de airco’s van hǎi'ěr, in nánjīng houden de stroomkabels de hemel bij elkaar.

in nánjīng leer ik het verschil tussen pragmatiek en pragmatisme. het verschil zit ’m in een beslissing en in de prijs die je betaalt: pragmatici willen hem zo klein mogelijk, pragmatisten calculeren hem zo hoog als het gaat. niet uit plezier om de pijn, niet uit heldendom, niet uit hoop – hoop, schrijft lǔ xùn, is dezelfde illusie als wanhoop – maar uit een beslissing, een verplichting, een weigering. uit de weigering cynisch te worden, de weigering om te wennen, het goed te laten zijn, uit de hopeloze ernst waarmee je je overlevert aan een spel, je dat spel ook gunt.
魯迅:鲁迅自选 集
lǔ xùn: voorwoord bij een keuze uit eigen werk (1933)

nee, ik interesseer me echt niet voor hoop, zegt l., ik interesseer me voor ruimte tot handelen

deniz utlu: i’m not interested in hope, i’m interested in agency (2018)

ik schrijf omdat de mensen het haten, zegt lǔ xùn. de wereld is vol met mensen met wie het slecht gaat, en er zijn er ook die op niets anders uit zijn dan zich te verzekeren van hun eigen comfortzone. maar dat zou niet zo eenvoudig mogen zijn, en daarom moeten we hun van tijd tot tijd iets voorzetten dat het waard is gehaat te worden en hen in hun comfortabele wereld stoort.
lǔ xùn: graven (1927)
suǒyǐ yào jué mù, nǐ jiù gǎnkuài dòng shǒu ba, zegt b.: als je graven wilt lichten, nou, begin dan maar.
xī chuān: de maan (ca. 1995)

verstuur je liefde op valentijnsdag, zegt het affiche achter de kiosk in het wūlóngtǎn-park, verstuur ’m met spoed. tóngchéng fēisòng, slechts 5¥, levering in dezelfde stad, slechts 6 uur. valentijnsdag, qīxì, de zevende dag in de zevende maand, valt in de herfst die een zomer is.

qiūfēng qiūyǔ / chóu shā rén, zegt qiū jǐn, china’s eerste feminist, de anarchist met de herfst in haar achternaam en het zwaard van het spiegelmeer in haar kunstenaarsnaam, op 13 juli 1907, de avond voor haar executie: herfstregen, herfstwind / die afschuwelijke angst. qiūfēng qiūyǔ / chóu shā rén, zeggen miljoenen chinese schoolkinderen die haar gedichten van buiten leren.
qiū jǐn: herfstwind, herfstregen (1907)

vroeg of laat, zegt h., zullen we allemaal een kogel door onze kop krijgen. dat is onafwendbaar en daarom moeten we ervoor zorgen dat we ze van onze tegenstanders krijgen, en niet van ons zelf.
jure detela via tibor hrs pandur: manifest ilegale (ca. 1975)

cǐkè, shéi méiyǒu fángwū jí bùbì ànjiē dàikuǎn, zegt h.: wie nu geen huis heeft, hoeft geen krediet af te betalen. en sowieso, zegt h., heb ik nooit begrepen waarom je voor de staat zou werken, er zijn intussen toch mogelijkheden te over in china om geld te verdienen. h. betaalt mijn middageten en lacht. je moet voorzichtig zijn, herinner ik me, als dierbaren je iets te groots schenken: het zal een afscheidsgeschenk zijn.
hán bó: vrijheid nr. 2 (2017)
marina tsvetajeva: verhaal over sonetsjka (1938)

Herbst in Nánjīng

dies ist die südlichere hauptstadt, die hauptstadt, die keine mehr ist. ihr regierungspalast ist nicht europäisch. ihr regierungspalast ist so europäisch wie eine kolonialvilla. ihr regierungspalast kann für 40¥ besichtigt werden, und dann bleibt man den ganzen tag. die regierung blieb bis zum winter 1937. als sie ging, wurden die stadttore versperrt. in den nächsten sechs wochen tötete die japanische armee 400.000 zivilisten. in den nächsten vier wochen vergewaltigte die japanische armee 20.000 frauen. die stadtmauer steht noch, sie kann für 20¥ besichtigt werden, und dann bleibt man den ganzen tag. es ist die einzige komplett erhaltene stadtmauer in china. ich habe das nicht gewusst.

im wūlóngtǎn-park klebt die hitze. alles könnte sehr neu oder sehr alt sein, der unterschied will sich nicht einstellen. ich schreibe briefe an t., der neben mir im schatten liegt. ich schreibe briefe an c., der sie in einer europäischen kleinstadt liest, das heißt: ich schreibe briefe in die vergangenheit. die vergangenheit, sagt l., ist dort, wo nicht alles zeitgleich geschieht; wo die gegenwart keine auf 350km/h beschleunigte gleichzeitigkeit ist.

und genau das ist das problem, sagt b., und greift nach ihrem bier: wir haben keine zeit zum nachdenken. meine studentinnen brauchen 30 jahre, um zu merken, was sie eigentlich wollen, und dann haben sie schon das gemacht, was alle anderen tun. was wir dringend brauchen, sagt b., ist individualismus. sie meint damit etwas anderes als ich.

x. sagt, der individualismus wird kommen, es dauert nur noch ein

h. sagt, er muss in letzter zeit ständig an die 70er denken, es fühlt sich an, als kämen die 70er zurück, und ich frage mich, was würde ich alles nicht für selbstverständlich halten, wenn ich die generation meiner eltern wäre, oder die generation davor, wofür würde ich mehr kämpfen, wovor hätte ich mehr angst. in den 70ern gab es keine presse, nur regierungszeitungen, sagt h. vor drei monaten hat er seinen job als chefredakteur aufgegeben und eine werbe- agentur gegründet.

dies ist nicht die stadt der schwalben. es ist die stadt, die man vergessen hat. vergessen: wàngjì, wörtlich: vergessen, sich etwas zu merken. natürlich, man kann das auch anders sagen. dies ist kein gedicht über den zu kurz gedachten zusammenhang von sprache und denken. dies ist im besten fall: ein loch im papier, das groß genug ist, um durchzuwollen. groß genug, um die fische dahinter schwimmen zu sehen. die pokémon.
样 升 起 丛 书
zāng dì: aufsteigen, wie es die schneeberge tun (2011)

also alles sammeln, weil alles gesehen werden soll: die ingwerscheiben und die muskatbrühe, die 20x20cm großen gehwegplatten, je ein kreis, vier schwünge und sechzehn quadrate am rand – ein auge mit sehr viel schlaf in den ecken. den nudelstand und den pfannkuchenstand, den mann vom mobilen schlüsseldienst, der am straßenrand seine zeitung liest, einen wasserschlauch im garten der universität. die fetten, schlafenden campus-katzen, radios, lautsprecherdurchsagen, ein auto-alarm, der sich in den platanen verfängt, rote bänder in den ästen und fahrräder, lastenräder, zìxíngchē. liùshí niándài de zìxíngchē, sagt x., fahrräder wie aus den 60ern: wo immer sie hinfahren, fahren sie durch staubiges nachmittagslicht.
sūn wénbō: fahrräder in den 60ern (2002)

nostalgie also, sagt l.: eine hitze, in der sich alles verschläft, schwer wird und an wichtigkeit verliert. die straßen gehen an hügeln entlang, an etwas vertraut mediterranem. in nánjīng denke ich

zuerst an italien und dann an etwas, das ich nicht mehr vergleichen
muss, um es gern zu haben.

dies ist nicht die stadt der schwalben. dies ist die stadt, in der ich dich liebe. ihre wände weißgewaschen wie eine akte, die tore rund wie ein langsam platter werdender ball. noch kann man durchgehen. durch eine vergangenheit, die eine von vielen, die ein ohrwurm der gegenwart, die genau so ist, wie sie sein soll, rènao nämlich. rènao ist ein wort für die form von gemütlichkeit, die sich einstellt, wenn in einer großen gruppe von menschen alle durcheinander reden und dabei eine lautstärke erzeugen, in der man oben und unten vergisst – eine müdigkeit, in der alles weich wird, entkrampft und an wichtigkeit verliert.
li-young lee: the city in which i love you (1990)
yú jiān: akte 0 (2002)

in nánjīng sehe ich eine armut, die wie müdigkeit aussieht, eine armut, die alles verkauft, dessen sie habhaft werden kann, dinge, von denen ich keine ahnung hatte, dass man sie verkaufen kann, eine armut, die riesige plastiksäcke mit sich herumträgt, eine armut aus rotweißblauweißrotweißblau gestreiften, wasserabweisenden, zusammengetackerten allzweckplanen, eine armut, die als sichtschutz vor einem baugerüst hängt.

in nánjīng sehe ich platanen, wo immer ich hinkomme, die meisten davon wurden gepflanzt, bevor die regierung ging. nánjīng ist eine stadt aus platanen, eine stadt aus parks und seen, deren große glücksgeschichte noch nicht geschrieben ist. in nánjīng gibt es ein beständiges sägen, das keines ist, ein schubsen heiserer zirper vom ast. wenn ich vorbeikomme, dimmen die grillen kurz ihre lautstärke. als ob sie ihnen peinlich sei.

in nánjīng lese ich einen essay von lǐ chénjiǎn, dem dekan des yuánpéi-kollegs, den alle gelesen haben, weil er fast einen tag lang online war, bevor die zensurbehörde die klickzahlen bemerkte.
lǐ chénjiǎn: zynismus und rückgrat. 120 jahre universität běijīng (2018)

zynismus, schreibt lǐ chénjiǎn, bildet die basis unserer gesellschaft, und das hat einen einfachen grund. wenn du alle entfernst, die ihre meinung sagen, dann bleiben diejenigen übrig, die keine haben. zhūjūn, jù zuò quǎnrú, schreibt lǐ chénjiǎn: sehr geehrte damen und herren, widerstehen sie der versuchung, zynikerinnen zu sein.

also: alles sammeln, weil alles genannt werden soll. eine entscheidung, es nicht gut sein zu lassen; sich nicht zu gewöhnen, nicht der einfachheit halber und nicht an diese erbärmliche angst. eine entscheidung, die in der gegenwart um die gegenwart; die jede trauer verweigert; die im wūlóngtǎn-park auf der kleinen insel hinter einem getränke-automaten – coca cola: kěkǒu kělè – hinter mülltrennung und weidenzweigen und mittagspause, hinter kräutereistee in dosen und take-away in plastiktüten, hinter einer entscheidung, hinter die sie nicht zurückgeht: say it too fast and it sounds like a platitude: exactly the kind of reductive, crushing generality i want to try to avoid.
eileen j. cheng: literary remains. death, trauma, and lǔ xùn's refusal to mourn (2013)
kate briggs: this little art (2018)

dieses land ist kompliziert, sagt b. schwer zu sagen, ob das gut oder schlecht ist, es ist auf jeden fall interessant. keine ahnung, was in zwei jahren sein wird; ich kann mich kaum noch erinnern, wie es vor zwei jahren war.

also alles sammeln, weil alles anders sein wird: sonnenschirme, tomaten mit zuckerguss, die kneipenmeile hinter dem campus, den xuánwǔ-see, wenn man von der stadtmauer herunterschaut, die regattastrecke der ruderboote – winzige nadeln zwischen den inseln, dicken blumenkohlköpfen im see. y. sagt, nach der schule sei sie hierhergekommen, wenn sie allein sein wollte. y. sagt, ich soll mehr trinken, duō hē diǎn, und das sagen alle. gekochtes wasser: kāishuǐ: geöffnetes wasser.

y. sagt, alle warten darauf, dass die immobilienblase platzt; y. sagt,

sie weiß noch nicht, ob sie dann wieder nach berlin geht. als y. zum ersten mal nach berlin ging, dauerte es zwei monate, bis die mauer fiel. 1989, das war ein furchtbares jahr für china, sagt y., ich bin danach lange nicht mehr zurückgekommen. während ich sie ins herz schließe, frage ich mich, was ich eigentlich von ihr hören will.
y. arbeitet für den staat. y. hasst xí jìnpíng, weil xí jìnpíng intellektuelle hasst. das hat er mit máo gemeinsam, sagt y., diese kleinbürgerliche verachtung der aufklärung. y. sagt, sie hat keine lust mehr auf auswärtige kulturpolitik, die nur aus kalligraphie- kursen besteht; y. sagt, china ist komplizierter als das. ja, sage ich, und darum ist es ja so interessant. y. lächelt müde.

und unter uns liegt der see, liegt die ruhe einer stadt, die man vergessen hat, auf chinesisch: die ruhe einer stadt, an die man vergessen hat, sich zu erinnern; die ruhe einer seit den 50er jahren irgendwie übersehenen stadt; die ruhe einer stadt mit 8 millionen einwohnern.

in nánjīng, in einem herbst, der ein sommer ist, den wir mit gesprächen gestopft haben wie ein jiǎozi, so gierig gefüllt, dass es beim kochen platzen wird, in einem herbst, der ein anfängerfehler, der schöner als objektiv möglich und ein sommer ist, lege ich das lexikon des modernen chinesisch neben t.'s kaffeetasse auf einen tisch auf einem balkon an dem trocknende handtücher hängen, fußnoten zu fußnoten, ausleger an den brücken von sprachen, die sich von uns lossagen, uns versprechen.

dabei sind sich deutsch und chinesisch so ähnlich, sagt y., beide behaupten ihre worte, ungeschickte übersetzungen, wo die anderen sprachen sich auf eleganz einigen, einigen deutsch und chinesisch sich auf wörtlichkeit. kindersprachen, in denen alles heißt, was es ist, in denen es nicht television, sondern fernsehen heißt, diànshì, elektronisches sehen. sprachen mit geringer

fremdworttoleranz; grobschlächtige sprachen, die sich der welt mit zärtlichkeit nähern, mit der zärtlichkeit, mit der man einen fisch zerlegt.

und das ist kein zusammenhang, sagt x., keine anthropologische konstante, keine traditionslinie, das ist ein loch im papier, das groß genug ist, eine dieser zufälligen, strukturellen ähnlichkeiten, was logikerinnen als wunder bezeichnen, all diese irgendwie wahlverwandten monster, die hektisch von ihren inseln in der geschichte winken und aufmerksamkeit wollen.
david der-wei wang: the monster that is history (2004)

also alles sammeln, weil alles in die sprache gehört: tee-eier, yóutiáo, die zensierten zeitungen am kiosk neben der metro-station gǔlóu, die niemand liest, die kritischen reportagen im nánfāng zhōumò und auf cáixìn, die alle lesen, das goldfischbecken und die elstern, die vor den tempeln stehen, ihre schwebenden schmuckflossen, das königinnenblau unterm flügelspiegel, am hals. vögel welcher farbe sind das, die ihr eigenes vergessen fortfliegen?
xī chuān: nachtvögel (ca. 1992)

in nánjīng sehe ich einen eisvogel, den einzigen eisvogel, den ich je gesehen habe, am rand eines zubetonierten kanals in xiānlín an der vorletzten haltestelle der metro nr 2 nach jīngtiān lù.

in nánjīng sind die platanen bis etwa einen meter über dem boden mit weißer und die mauern in der altstadt mit pastellgelber farbe gestrichen, in nánjīng sind die klimaanlagen von hǎi'ěr, in nánjīng halten die stromkabel den himmel zusammen.

in nánjīng lerne ich den unterschied zwischen pragmatik und pragmatismus. der unterschied liegt in einer entscheidung, und er liegt im preis, den man zahlt: pragmatiker wollen ihn so klein wie möglich, pragmatisten kalkulieren ihn so hoch wie es geht. nicht aus lust an den schmerzen, nicht aus heldinnentum, nicht aus

hoffnung – hoffnung, schreibt lǔ xùn, ist die gleiche illusion wie verzweiflung – sondern aus einer entscheidung, einer verbindlichkeit, einer verweigerung. aus der weigerung, zynisch zu werden, der weigerung, sich zu gewöhnen, es gut sein zu lassen, aus dem unvermögen, es gut sein zu lassen, aus der hoffnungslosen ernsthaftigkeit, mit der man sich einem spiel verschreibt, verspricht.
lǔ xùn: vorwort zu den selbstgewählten werken (1933)

nein, ich interessiere mich wirklich nicht für hoffnung, sagt l., ich
interessiere mich für handlungsräume.
deniz utlu: i'm not interested in hope, i'm interested in agency (2018)

ich schreibe, weil die leute es hassen, sagt lǔ xùn. die welt ist voll von leuten, denen es schlecht geht, und genauso gibt es diejenigen, die sich für nichts anderes interessieren, als ihre persönliche komfortzone zu sichern. die aber sollte man nicht so einfach haben können, und darum müssen wir ihnen von zeit zu zeit etwas hassenswertes vorsetzen, das sie in ihrer bequemen welt stört.
lǔ xùn: gräber (1927)

suǒyǐ yào jué mù, nǐ jiù gǎnkuài dòng shǒu ba, sagt b.: wenn du
gräber ausheben willst, na, dann leg mal los.

verschick deine liebe zum valentinstag, sagt das plakat hinter dem kiosk im wūlóngtǎn-park, schick sie per schnellkurier. tóngchéng fēisòng, nur 5¥, lieferung in der gleichen stadt, nur 6 stunden. valentinstag, qīxì, der siebte tag im siebten monat, ist in nánjīng im herbst, der ein sommer ist.
xī chuān: der mond ( ca. 1995)

qiūfēng qiūyǔ / chóu shā rén, sagt qiū jǐn, chinas erste feministin, die anarchistin mit dem herbst im nachnamen und dem schwert vom spiegelsee im künstlernamen, am 13. juli 1907, dem abend vor ihrer hinrichtung: herbstregen, herbstwind / diese erbärmliche angst. qiūfēng qiūyǔ / chóu shā rén, sagen millionen chinesische
qiū jǐn: herbstwind, herbstregen (1907)

schulkinder, die ihre gedichte auswendig lernen.

früher oder später, sagt h., werden wir alle eine kugel in den kopf kriegen. das ist unabwendbar, und darum müssen wir sicherstellen, dass wir sie von unseren gegnern kriegen, und nicht von uns selbst.
jure detela via tibor hrs pandur: manifest ilegale (ca. 1975)

cǐkè, shéi méiyǒu fángwū jí bùbì ànjiē dàikuǎn, sagt h.: wer jetzt kein haus hat, muss keinen kredit abzahlen. und sowieso, sagt h., habe ich nie verstanden, warum irgendwer für den staat arbeitet, es gibt doch mittlerweile so viele möglichkeiten, in china geld zu verdienen. h. bezahlt mein mittagessen und lacht. man soll vorsichtig sein, erinnere ich mich, wenn geliebte menschen einem etwas zu großes schenken: es wird ein abschiedsgeschenk sein.
hán bó: freiheit nr. 2 (2017)
marina cvetaeva: erzählung von sonečka (1938)
Poems of Lea Schneider

Autumn in Nánjīng

this is the more southern capital, the capital that is no more. its presidential palace is non-european. its presidential palace is as european as a colonial villa. its presidential palace can be viewed for 40¥, and then you stay all day. the government stayed until the winter of 1937. when it left, the city gates were locked. in the next six weeks the japanese army killed 400,000 civilians. in the next four weeks the japanese army raped 20,000 women. the city walls are still standing, and they can be viewed for 20¥, and then you stay all day. it is the only completely preserved city wall in china. i did not know that.

the heat in the wūlóngtǎn park is sticky. everything could be very new or very old, the difference refuses to emerge. i write letters to t., who is lying next to me in the grass. i write letters to c., who will read them in a small european city, in other words: i write letters to the past. the past, l. says, is there where not everything happens at once; where the present is not a simultaneity accelerated to 350km/h.

and that is exactly the problem, b. says, and reaches for her beer: we don’t have time to think. my students need 30 years to realize what they actually want, and then they’ve already done what everyone else does. what we need urgently, b. says, is individualism. by that she means something different than i do.

x. says individualism will get here, it’ll only take a little time.

h. says he’s constantly been thinking on the 70s recently, it feels like the 70s were coming back, and i ask myself what all i wouldn’t take for granted if i was part of my parents’ generation, or the generation before, what i would fight for more, what i would be more afraid of. in the 70s there was no press, just the government papers, h. says. three months ago he gave up his job as editor in chief and founded an ad agency.

h. says he’s constantly been thinking on the 70s recently, it feels like the 70s were coming back, and i ask myself what all i wouldn’t take for granted if i was part of my parents’ generation, or the generation before, what i would fight for more, what i would be more afraid of. in the 70s there was no press, just the government papers, h. says. three months ago he gave up his job as editor in chief and founded an ad agency.
zāng dì: rise up like a snow mountain (2011)

so collect everything because everything should be seen: the slices of ginger and the nutmeg broth, the 20x20 cm flagstones, each with a circle, four curves, and sixteen squares on the edges – an eye with lots of sleep in the corners. the noodle stand and the pancake stand, the man from the portable key service sitting on the side of the road reading his newspaper, a water hose in the university garden. the fat, sleeping campus cats, radios, loudspeaker announcements, a car alarm that catches in the plane trees, red ribbons in the branches and bicycles, freight bicycles,  zìxíngchē. liùshí niándài de zìxíngchē, says x., bicycles like from the 60s: wherever they go, they’re driving through dusty afternoon light.
sūn wénbō: bicycles in the 60s (2002)

in other words nostalgia, says l.: a heat where everything nods off, gets heavy, and loses importance. the streets go along hills, along something familiar mediterranean. in nánjīng i first think of italy and then of something that i no longer have to compare to like it.

this is not the city of swallows. this is the city in which i love you. its walls washed white like a file, the gates round like a ball slowly becoming deflated. you can still walk through. Through a past, which is one among many, which is an earworm of the present, which is exactly as it should be, namely rènao. rènao is a word for the kind of coziness that emerges when a large group of people all talk at once and produce so much noise that you forget what’s up and what’s down – a tiredness in which everything becomes soft, relaxed, and loses importance.
li-young lee: the city in which i love you (1990)
yú jiān: file 0 (2002)

in nánjīng i see a poverty that looks like tiredness, a poverty that sells everything it can get hold of, things i had no clue you could sell, a poverty that carries around plastic sacks, a poverty made of red-white-blue-white-red-white-blue-striped, water-resistant, all-purpose tarps stapled together, a poverty that hangs from a construction scaffold to protect privacy.

in nánjīng i see plane trees wherever i go, most of them were planted before the government left. nánjīng is a city made of plane trees, a city of parks and lakes, whose great, joyful story was never written. in nánjīng there is a constant sawing, a shoving of hoarse chirps from branches. when i pass by, the crickets briefly turn down their volume. as if it they were embarrassed by it.

in nánjīng i read an essay by lǐ chénjiǎn, the dean of yuánpéi college, that everyone read because it was online for almost a day before the censor authorities noticed the clicks. cynicism, lǐ chénjiǎn writes, forms the basis of our society, and there’s a simple reason. if everyone who dares voice their opinion is eliminated, then what’s left are those who have none. zhūjūn, jù zuò quǎnrú, writes lǐ chénjiǎn: we should never be cynics.
lǐ chénjiǎn: 120 years after the hundred days’ reform (2018)

so: collect everything because everything should be named. a decision to not just let things be; not to become accustomed, not for the sake of simplicity, and not to this miserable fear. a decision in the present because of the present; that rejects all kind of mourning; that one in the wūlóngtǎn park on the little island behind a beverage dispenser – coca-cola: kěkǒu kělè – behind garbage separation and willow branches and lunch breaks, behind herb ice tea in cans and plastic take-away bags, behind a decision, behind which it does not retreat: say it too fast and it sounds like a platitude: exactly the kind of reductive, crushing generality i want to try to avoid.
eileen j. cheng: literary remains. death, trauma, and lǔ xùn's refusal to mourn (2013)
kate briggs: this little art (2018)

this country is complicated, b. says, hard to say whether it is good or bad, at any rate interesting. no clue what will happen in two years; i can hardly remember how it was two years ago.

so collect everything because everything will be different: sun shades, tomatoes with sugar glaze, the bar district behind the campus, the xuánwǔ lake, when you look down from the city wall, the regatta route for the row boats – tiny needles between the islands, thick cauliflowers in the lake. y. says after school she came here when she wanted to be alone. y. says I should drink more, duō hē diǎn, and that’s what everyone says. boiled water: kāishuǐ: opened water.

y. says everyone is waiting for the real estate bubble to burst; y. says she doesn’t know if she’ll go back to berlin then. the first time y. went to berlin it took two months until the wall fell. 1989, that was a terrible year for china, y. says, i didn’t return for a long time. while taking her into my heart, i ask myself, what i actually want to hear from her. y. works for the state. y. hates xí jìngpíng because xí jìnpíng hates intellectuals. he has that in common with máo, y. says, that petty bourgeois scorn for the enlightenment. y. says she’s no longer interested in foreign culture policy that only consists of calligraphy courses; y. says china is more complicated than that. yes, i say, and that’s why it’s so interesting. y. gives me a tired smile.

and below us lies the lake, lies the calm in the city, which had been forgotten, in chinese: the calm of a city that had been forgotten to be remembered; the calm of a city that had somehow been overlooked since the 50s; the calm of a city with 8 million people.

in nánjīng, in an autumn that is a summer, that we stuffed full of conversations like a jiǎozi, filled so greedily that it burst when cooked, in an autumn that is a beginner’s mistake, that is more beautiful than objectively possible, and is a summer, i lay the lexicon of modern chinese next to t.’s coffee cup on a table on a balcony on which drying towels hang, footnotes to footnotes, outriggers on the bridges of languages that break with us, promise us.

even though german and chinese are so similar, y. says., both claim their words, crude translations, where other languages agree on elegance, chinese and german agree on literality. children’s languages in which everything is called what it is, in which it isn’t called fernsehen, but distant looking, diànshì, electronic looking. coarse languages with low tolerance for foreign words, which approach the world with tenderness, with the tenderness with which you carve a fish.

and that is no connection, x. says, no anthropological constant, no line of tradition, that is a hole in the paper that is big enough, one of these chance structural similarities that logicians characterize as miracles, all of these somehow congenial monsters that wave frantically from their islands in history and want attention.
david der-wei wang: the monster that is history (2004)

so collect everything because everything belongs in language: tea eggs, yóutiáo, the censored newspapers at the kiosk next to the metro station gǔlóu, which no one reads, the critical reporting in nánfāng zhōumò and on cáixìn, which everyone reads, the koi pond and the magpies standing in front of the temples, their floating decorative fins, the royal blue under their speculum, on their necks. what color are the birds flying their neglect away?
xī chuān: night birds (ca. 1992)

in nánjīng i see a kingfisher, the only kingfisher i’ve ever seen, in xiānlín on the edge of a canal covered with concrete at the second to last stop on the metro no. 2 to jīngtiān lù.

in nánjīng the plane trees are painted white up to a meter over the ground and the walls in the old city are painted pastel yellow, in nánjīng the air conditioners are from hǎi'ěr, in nánjīng the power cables hold the sky together.

in nánjīng i learn the difference between pragmatics and pragmatism. the difference lies in a decision, and it lies in the price you pay: pragmatics wants to have it as small as possible, pragmatists calculate it as high as possible. not due to desire for pain, not due to heroics, not due to hope – hope, writes lǔ xùn, is the same illusion as despair – but rather due to a decision, a commitment, a refusal. due to the refusal to become cynical, the refusal to become accustomed to letting things be, due to the inability to let things be, due to the hopeless seriousness with which people devote themselves to a game, promise.
lǔ xùn: preface to self-selected works (1933)

no, i am truly uninterested in hope, l. says, i am interested in agency.

i write because people hate it, says lǔ xùn. the world is full of people lacking comfort, and there are also those intent on nothing other than creating a realm of comfort for themselves. this should not be so cheaply achieved, and we should thus place some odious things before them to afflict them in their zone of comfort.
deniz utlu: i'm not interested in hope, i'm interested in agency (2018)
lǔ xùn: graves (1927)

suǒyǐ yào jué mù, nǐ jiù gǎnkuài dòng shǒu ba, b. says: if you want to dig up the graves, well, get started then.

the poster behind the kiosk in wūlóngtǎn park says send your love on valentine’s day, send it with a speedy courier. tóngchéng fēisòng, just 5¥, delivery within the city, just 6 hours. valentine’s day, qīxì, the seventh day of the seventh month, is in autumn in nánjīng, which is a summer.
xī chuān: the moon ( ca. 1995)

qiūfēng qiūyǔ / chóu shā rén, says qiū jǐn, china’s first feminist, the anarchist with autumn in her last name and the sword from mirror lake in her pen name, on july 13, 1907, the evening before her execution: autumn rain, autumn wind / this miserable fear. millions of chinese schoolchildren who learn her poems by heart, say qiūfēng qiūyǔ / chóu shā rén.

sooner or later, h. says, we’ll all get a bullet in the head. it is unavoidable, and that’s why we have to assure that we get it from our opponents, and not from ourselves.
qiū jǐn: autumn wind, autumn rain (1907)

cǐkè, shéi méiyǒu fángwū jí bùbì ànjiē dàikuǎn, h. says: whoever has no house now, will have no mortgage to pay. and anyway, h. says, i never understood why anyone would work for the state, by now there’s so many ways to earn money in china. h. pays for my lunch and laughs. you should be careful, i remind myself, when cherished people give away something too big: it will be a parting gift.
jure detela via tibor hrs pandur: manifest ilegale (ca. 1975)
hán bó: freedom nu. 2 (2017)
marina cvetaeva: story about sonechka (1938)

Autumn in Nánjīng

this is the more southern capital, the capital that is no more. its presidential palace is non-european. its presidential palace is as european as a colonial villa. its presidential palace can be viewed for 40¥, and then you stay all day. the government stayed until the winter of 1937. when it left, the city gates were locked. in the next six weeks the japanese army killed 400,000 civilians. in the next four weeks the japanese army raped 20,000 women. the city walls are still standing, and they can be viewed for 20¥, and then you stay all day. it is the only completely preserved city wall in china. i did not know that.

the heat in the wūlóngtǎn park is sticky. everything could be very new or very old, the difference refuses to emerge. i write letters to t., who is lying next to me in the grass. i write letters to c., who will read them in a small european city, in other words: i write letters to the past. the past, l. says, is there where not everything happens at once; where the present is not a simultaneity accelerated to 350km/h.

and that is exactly the problem, b. says, and reaches for her beer: we don’t have time to think. my students need 30 years to realize what they actually want, and then they’ve already done what everyone else does. what we need urgently, b. says, is individualism. by that she means something different than i do.

x. says individualism will get here, it’ll only take a little time.

h. says he’s constantly been thinking on the 70s recently, it feels like the 70s were coming back, and i ask myself what all i wouldn’t take for granted if i was part of my parents’ generation, or the generation before, what i would fight for more, what i would be more afraid of. in the 70s there was no press, just the government papers, h. says. three months ago he gave up his job as editor in chief and founded an ad agency.

h. says he’s constantly been thinking on the 70s recently, it feels like the 70s were coming back, and i ask myself what all i wouldn’t take for granted if i was part of my parents’ generation, or the generation before, what i would fight for more, what i would be more afraid of. in the 70s there was no press, just the government papers, h. says. three months ago he gave up his job as editor in chief and founded an ad agency.
zāng dì: rise up like a snow mountain (2011)

so collect everything because everything should be seen: the slices of ginger and the nutmeg broth, the 20x20 cm flagstones, each with a circle, four curves, and sixteen squares on the edges – an eye with lots of sleep in the corners. the noodle stand and the pancake stand, the man from the portable key service sitting on the side of the road reading his newspaper, a water hose in the university garden. the fat, sleeping campus cats, radios, loudspeaker announcements, a car alarm that catches in the plane trees, red ribbons in the branches and bicycles, freight bicycles,  zìxíngchē. liùshí niándài de zìxíngchē, says x., bicycles like from the 60s: wherever they go, they’re driving through dusty afternoon light.
sūn wénbō: bicycles in the 60s (2002)

in other words nostalgia, says l.: a heat where everything nods off, gets heavy, and loses importance. the streets go along hills, along something familiar mediterranean. in nánjīng i first think of italy and then of something that i no longer have to compare to like it.

this is not the city of swallows. this is the city in which i love you. its walls washed white like a file, the gates round like a ball slowly becoming deflated. you can still walk through. Through a past, which is one among many, which is an earworm of the present, which is exactly as it should be, namely rènao. rènao is a word for the kind of coziness that emerges when a large group of people all talk at once and produce so much noise that you forget what’s up and what’s down – a tiredness in which everything becomes soft, relaxed, and loses importance.
li-young lee: the city in which i love you (1990)
yú jiān: file 0 (2002)

in nánjīng i see a poverty that looks like tiredness, a poverty that sells everything it can get hold of, things i had no clue you could sell, a poverty that carries around plastic sacks, a poverty made of red-white-blue-white-red-white-blue-striped, water-resistant, all-purpose tarps stapled together, a poverty that hangs from a construction scaffold to protect privacy.

in nánjīng i see plane trees wherever i go, most of them were planted before the government left. nánjīng is a city made of plane trees, a city of parks and lakes, whose great, joyful story was never written. in nánjīng there is a constant sawing, a shoving of hoarse chirps from branches. when i pass by, the crickets briefly turn down their volume. as if it they were embarrassed by it.

in nánjīng i read an essay by lǐ chénjiǎn, the dean of yuánpéi college, that everyone read because it was online for almost a day before the censor authorities noticed the clicks. cynicism, lǐ chénjiǎn writes, forms the basis of our society, and there’s a simple reason. if everyone who dares voice their opinion is eliminated, then what’s left are those who have none. zhūjūn, jù zuò quǎnrú, writes lǐ chénjiǎn: we should never be cynics.
lǐ chénjiǎn: 120 years after the hundred days’ reform (2018)

so: collect everything because everything should be named. a decision to not just let things be; not to become accustomed, not for the sake of simplicity, and not to this miserable fear. a decision in the present because of the present; that rejects all kind of mourning; that one in the wūlóngtǎn park on the little island behind a beverage dispenser – coca-cola: kěkǒu kělè – behind garbage separation and willow branches and lunch breaks, behind herb ice tea in cans and plastic take-away bags, behind a decision, behind which it does not retreat: say it too fast and it sounds like a platitude: exactly the kind of reductive, crushing generality i want to try to avoid.
eileen j. cheng: literary remains. death, trauma, and lǔ xùn's refusal to mourn (2013)
kate briggs: this little art (2018)

this country is complicated, b. says, hard to say whether it is good or bad, at any rate interesting. no clue what will happen in two years; i can hardly remember how it was two years ago.

so collect everything because everything will be different: sun shades, tomatoes with sugar glaze, the bar district behind the campus, the xuánwǔ lake, when you look down from the city wall, the regatta route for the row boats – tiny needles between the islands, thick cauliflowers in the lake. y. says after school she came here when she wanted to be alone. y. says I should drink more, duō hē diǎn, and that’s what everyone says. boiled water: kāishuǐ: opened water.

y. says everyone is waiting for the real estate bubble to burst; y. says she doesn’t know if she’ll go back to berlin then. the first time y. went to berlin it took two months until the wall fell. 1989, that was a terrible year for china, y. says, i didn’t return for a long time. while taking her into my heart, i ask myself, what i actually want to hear from her. y. works for the state. y. hates xí jìngpíng because xí jìnpíng hates intellectuals. he has that in common with máo, y. says, that petty bourgeois scorn for the enlightenment. y. says she’s no longer interested in foreign culture policy that only consists of calligraphy courses; y. says china is more complicated than that. yes, i say, and that’s why it’s so interesting. y. gives me a tired smile.

and below us lies the lake, lies the calm in the city, which had been forgotten, in chinese: the calm of a city that had been forgotten to be remembered; the calm of a city that had somehow been overlooked since the 50s; the calm of a city with 8 million people.

in nánjīng, in an autumn that is a summer, that we stuffed full of conversations like a jiǎozi, filled so greedily that it burst when cooked, in an autumn that is a beginner’s mistake, that is more beautiful than objectively possible, and is a summer, i lay the lexicon of modern chinese next to t.’s coffee cup on a table on a balcony on which drying towels hang, footnotes to footnotes, outriggers on the bridges of languages that break with us, promise us.

even though german and chinese are so similar, y. says., both claim their words, crude translations, where other languages agree on elegance, chinese and german agree on literality. children’s languages in which everything is called what it is, in which it isn’t called fernsehen, but distant looking, diànshì, electronic looking. coarse languages with low tolerance for foreign words, which approach the world with tenderness, with the tenderness with which you carve a fish.

and that is no connection, x. says, no anthropological constant, no line of tradition, that is a hole in the paper that is big enough, one of these chance structural similarities that logicians characterize as miracles, all of these somehow congenial monsters that wave frantically from their islands in history and want attention.
david der-wei wang: the monster that is history (2004)

so collect everything because everything belongs in language: tea eggs, yóutiáo, the censored newspapers at the kiosk next to the metro station gǔlóu, which no one reads, the critical reporting in nánfāng zhōumò and on cáixìn, which everyone reads, the koi pond and the magpies standing in front of the temples, their floating decorative fins, the royal blue under their speculum, on their necks. what color are the birds flying their neglect away?
xī chuān: night birds (ca. 1992)

in nánjīng i see a kingfisher, the only kingfisher i’ve ever seen, in xiānlín on the edge of a canal covered with concrete at the second to last stop on the metro no. 2 to jīngtiān lù.

in nánjīng the plane trees are painted white up to a meter over the ground and the walls in the old city are painted pastel yellow, in nánjīng the air conditioners are from hǎi'ěr, in nánjīng the power cables hold the sky together.

in nánjīng i learn the difference between pragmatics and pragmatism. the difference lies in a decision, and it lies in the price you pay: pragmatics wants to have it as small as possible, pragmatists calculate it as high as possible. not due to desire for pain, not due to heroics, not due to hope – hope, writes lǔ xùn, is the same illusion as despair – but rather due to a decision, a commitment, a refusal. due to the refusal to become cynical, the refusal to become accustomed to letting things be, due to the inability to let things be, due to the hopeless seriousness with which people devote themselves to a game, promise.
lǔ xùn: preface to self-selected works (1933)

no, i am truly uninterested in hope, l. says, i am interested in agency.

i write because people hate it, says lǔ xùn. the world is full of people lacking comfort, and there are also those intent on nothing other than creating a realm of comfort for themselves. this should not be so cheaply achieved, and we should thus place some odious things before them to afflict them in their zone of comfort.
deniz utlu: i'm not interested in hope, i'm interested in agency (2018)
lǔ xùn: graves (1927)

suǒyǐ yào jué mù, nǐ jiù gǎnkuài dòng shǒu ba, b. says: if you want to dig up the graves, well, get started then.

the poster behind the kiosk in wūlóngtǎn park says send your love on valentine’s day, send it with a speedy courier. tóngchéng fēisòng, just 5¥, delivery within the city, just 6 hours. valentine’s day, qīxì, the seventh day of the seventh month, is in autumn in nánjīng, which is a summer.
xī chuān: the moon ( ca. 1995)

qiūfēng qiūyǔ / chóu shā rén, says qiū jǐn, china’s first feminist, the anarchist with autumn in her last name and the sword from mirror lake in her pen name, on july 13, 1907, the evening before her execution: autumn rain, autumn wind / this miserable fear. millions of chinese schoolchildren who learn her poems by heart, say qiūfēng qiūyǔ / chóu shā rén.

sooner or later, h. says, we’ll all get a bullet in the head. it is unavoidable, and that’s why we have to assure that we get it from our opponents, and not from ourselves.
qiū jǐn: autumn wind, autumn rain (1907)

cǐkè, shéi méiyǒu fángwū jí bùbì ànjiē dàikuǎn, h. says: whoever has no house now, will have no mortgage to pay. and anyway, h. says, i never understood why anyone would work for the state, by now there’s so many ways to earn money in china. h. pays for my lunch and laughs. you should be careful, i remind myself, when cherished people give away something too big: it will be a parting gift.
jure detela via tibor hrs pandur: manifest ilegale (ca. 1975)
hán bó: freedom nu. 2 (2017)
marina cvetaeva: story about sonechka (1938)
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