Poetry International Poetry International

Joost Decorte


This is how it will be when I miss my mother. Dust that will not settle,
Myopia that deceives and clenches all that’s near
Round things we had decreed so as to disappear sooner.

Resistance has the wistfulness of the insect screens.

A wafer-thin weft of time riddles the summers:
Nettle stings, cut glass and of her voice the undertones
Arrange themselves into a scheme of kindred happiness,

Hence the bite drawing close:
Who can assemble this image in a single day, a single body is missing
Always in another light.

It is soft snow refusing winter and tender
That the sooner sinks in the later.
This is how my wife sleeps sometimes in my child’s arms.



Zo zal het zijn als ik mijn moeder mis. Stof dat niet wil liggen,
Een bijziendheid die bedriegt en het herbergzame samendringt
Rond dingen die we verordend hadden vroeger te verdwijnen.

Weerstand heeft de weemoed van de horren.

Een flinterdun stramien van tijd doorzeeft de zomers:
Netelbrand, geslepen glaswerk en van haar stem de ondertonen
Schikken zich tot een schema van verwant geluk,

Vanwaar de naderende beet:
Wie dit beeld kan samenbrengen in één dag, één lichaam ontbreekt Telkens in een ander licht.

Het is een sneeuwen dat de winter weigert en teder
Dat het eerder in het later zinkt.
Zo slaapt mijn vrouw soms in de armen van mijn kind.


This is how it will be when I miss my mother. Dust that will not settle,
Myopia that deceives and clenches all that’s near
Round things we had decreed so as to disappear sooner.

Resistance has the wistfulness of the insect screens.

A wafer-thin weft of time riddles the summers:
Nettle stings, cut glass and of her voice the undertones
Arrange themselves into a scheme of kindred happiness,

Hence the bite drawing close:
Who can assemble this image in a single day, a single body is missing
Always in another light.

It is soft snow refusing winter and tender
That the sooner sinks in the later.
This is how my wife sleeps sometimes in my child’s arms.


This is how it will be when I miss my mother. Dust that will not settle,
Myopia that deceives and clenches all that’s near
Round things we had decreed so as to disappear sooner.

Resistance has the wistfulness of the insect screens.

A wafer-thin weft of time riddles the summers:
Nettle stings, cut glass and of her voice the undertones
Arrange themselves into a scheme of kindred happiness,

Hence the bite drawing close:
Who can assemble this image in a single day, a single body is missing
Always in another light.

It is soft snow refusing winter and tender
That the sooner sinks in the later.
This is how my wife sleeps sometimes in my child’s arms.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère