Gonca Özmen
Once I was black grapes for you
I was juicy, I had plenty of fruit
My arms couldn't encompass the world
I turned and loved my shame
While you were smoothing out the night
I was a jacket an iron never knew
I rose high, I had plenty of fruit
Finally finally I grew into your body
I once smelled of sleep for you
I was all the times you forgot
The world was a friend, one of us
You couldn't stoop to look
Time doesn't last long for anyone
You wept and were cleansed
I was left a handkerchief singed at the edge
Vroeger was ik voor jou als donkere druiven
Was ik sappig, was ik talrijk
De wereld paste niet in mijn armen
Ik kwam terug en hield van mijn schande
Terwijl jij de nacht effende
Was ik een jas die nooit een strijkijzer zag
Ik was lang, ik was tamelijk talrijk
Uiteindelijk begon ik aan je lichaam
Vroeger rook ik voor jou naar slaap
Was ik de tijd die jij vergat
De wereld werd er een van ons
Maar jij bukte en keek niet
En de tijd heelt niet iedereen
Jij huilde en werd gezuiverd
Ik werd een zakdoek met een verbrande rand
Publisher: 2022, Voor het eerst gepubliceerd op PoetryInternational.com,
Ben sana kara üzümlerdim eskiden
Suluydum, çok taneliydim
Dünya değildi kollarıma göre
Dönüp ayıbımı severdim
Geceyi düzledikçe sen
Ben ütü bilmez cekettim
Uzundum, çok taneliydim
Biter biter gövdene başlardım
Ben sana uyku kokardım eskiden
Unuttuğun zamanlardım
Bizden biri olurdu dünya
Eğilip de bakmazdın
Hem zaman kimine gitmez
Sen ağladın arındın
Ben ucu yanık mendil kaldım
Once I was black grapes for you
I was juicy, I had plenty of fruit
My arms couldn't encompass the world
I turned and loved my shame
While you were smoothing out the night
I was a jacket an iron never knew
I rose high, I had plenty of fruit
Finally finally I grew into your body
I once smelled of sleep for you
I was all the times you forgot
The world was a friend, one of us
You couldn't stoop to look
Time doesn't last long for anyone
You wept and were cleansed
I was left a handkerchief singed at the edge
Once I was black grapes for you
I was juicy, I had plenty of fruit
My arms couldn't encompass the world
I turned and loved my shame
While you were smoothing out the night
I was a jacket an iron never knew
I rose high, I had plenty of fruit
Finally finally I grew into your body
I once smelled of sleep for you
I was all the times you forgot
The world was a friend, one of us
You couldn't stoop to look
Time doesn't last long for anyone
You wept and were cleansed
I was left a handkerchief singed at the edge