Poetry International Poetry International

Gonca Özmen


Sebastian there’s nothing I can tell you about the snow of this mountain
Your every waking isn’t splinters, your every turn is not beyond you
You’ve never given birth so how can you know
Being split down the middle not like a pomegranate or watermelon
It’s not so easy to reach that spell
To gather your things and migrate to your own stomach
To become a ruin

Sebastian in the past I had red animals
Howling at night from both of us for both of us to both of us
If two of us love the same man will a rose grow from this
Let’s take blue buses let’s take them and be cooler
Let’s listen to songs of pain and chew their fruit 
My hanging in between
Would it be something my lover could see

Once I was in love with a rhinoceros
Once he looked at me
Once I had a lump in my throat
Once I was burning for him
Once I was stilled

Sebastian didn’t you once lose your heart too


Jou heb ik over de sneeuw op deze berg niets te zeggen Sebastian
Telkens als jij ontwaakt ontbreekt er een splinter als jij terugkomt een elders
Jij hebt nooit gebaard Sebastian dus hoe zou je het moeten weten
In het midden word je in tweeën gespleten,
                     niet als een granaatappel, al helemaal niet als een meloen
Het is niet zo makkelijk om in hogere sferen te belanden
Om je spullen bij elkaar te pakken en naar je eigen buik te vertrekken
Besmeurd te worden 

Vroeger had ik rode dieren Sebastian
Die 's nachts huilden om ons beiden voor ons beiden over ons beiden
Als we allebei tegelijk van dezelfde man zouden houden kwam daar dan een roos uit
Als we allebei tegelijk in blauwe bussen zouden stappen en af zouden koelen
Naar weemoedige liedjes zouden luisteren en op de vruchten ervan zouden kauwen
Zou mijn geliefde dan misschien zien
Hoe ik daar tussenin ben blijven hangen? 

Ooit was ik verliefd op een neushoorn
Hij had één keer naar mij gekeken
Ik had naar hem gesnakt
Ik had in vuur en vlam voor hem gestaan
Toen was ik tot bedaren gekomen 

Heb jij nooit eens je hart verloren Sebastian?


Sana bu dağın karını diyemem Sebastian
Her uyandığın bir kıymık her döndüğün öte değil ki senin
Sen doğurmadın ki Sebastian nerden bileceksin 
Ortadan ikiye yarılıyor insan öyle nar gibi değil karpuz hiç
Bir tılsıma varmak öyle kolay değil
Toplayıp pılını pırtısını karnına göçüyor insan
Mundar oluyor

Benim eskiden kırmızı hayvanlarım vardı Sebastian
Gecede ikimizden ikimiz için ikimize uluyan 
İkimiz birden bir erkeği sevsek gül çıkar mı bundan
İkimiz birden mavi dolmuşlara binsek binsek de serinlesek
Kahırlı türküler dinlesek türkülerdeki yemişi çiğnesek
Benim böyle aralarda kaldığım
Acep gider yare ayan olur mu     

Ben bir zaman bir gergedana aşık oldum idi
Bana bir kere baktı idi
Yutkunmuş idim ben ona…
Kavrulmuş idim ben ona…  
Bir zaman dindi idim  

Sen de hiç kalbinden oldun mu idi Sebastian?



Sebastian there’s nothing I can tell you about the snow of this mountain
Your every waking isn’t splinters, your every turn is not beyond you
You’ve never given birth so how can you know
Being split down the middle not like a pomegranate or watermelon
It’s not so easy to reach that spell
To gather your things and migrate to your own stomach
To become a ruin

Sebastian in the past I had red animals
Howling at night from both of us for both of us to both of us
If two of us love the same man will a rose grow from this
Let’s take blue buses let’s take them and be cooler
Let’s listen to songs of pain and chew their fruit 
My hanging in between
Would it be something my lover could see

Once I was in love with a rhinoceros
Once he looked at me
Once I had a lump in my throat
Once I was burning for him
Once I was stilled

Sebastian didn’t you once lose your heart too


Sebastian there’s nothing I can tell you about the snow of this mountain
Your every waking isn’t splinters, your every turn is not beyond you
You’ve never given birth so how can you know
Being split down the middle not like a pomegranate or watermelon
It’s not so easy to reach that spell
To gather your things and migrate to your own stomach
To become a ruin

Sebastian in the past I had red animals
Howling at night from both of us for both of us to both of us
If two of us love the same man will a rose grow from this
Let’s take blue buses let’s take them and be cooler
Let’s listen to songs of pain and chew their fruit 
My hanging in between
Would it be something my lover could see

Once I was in love with a rhinoceros
Once he looked at me
Once I had a lump in my throat
Once I was burning for him
Once I was stilled

Sebastian didn’t you once lose your heart too

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère