Poetry International Poetry International

Sayaka Osaki

The Terrorists

The room is quiet
There is no door, only a window
That is how everyone gets in
That is how everyone gets out
The window is large
The window is quiet
The window is filled with the sea of grass beyond

When night falls
A sleepless couple sneaks in
Placing their wet hands on the windowsill
(The couple are stark naked)
(Intruders are welcome)
(Owners are turned away)
They are not Adam and Eve
The couple rarely bathe
And smell slightly greasy
Perhaps they are penniless
But the room doesn’t care
(Intruders are clean)
(They are naked after all)
The room is restful in its emptiness
Look out the window through which you entered
Surely you’ll feel a beautiful thrill

The view is good from the room
Of the distant towns where they never lived
Of the distant stars which crowd the night sky
Of the wild, spiraling eyes of a wolf couple
Of the entire field of grass 

The room was full of longing
It yearned for the naked couple
It yearned to leave and go somewhere
The room felt it
(Walls on three sides, that is too many)
(A window on one side, that is too few)
The room was too protected
(Goodness, even the nails were pounded in too far)
The greasy, naked couple
Will have such an easy time leaving
With one leg astride the windowsill
They’ll throw themselves easily into the wind
The room doesn’t yet despair
It should be possible to leave
There is a big window after all

The window is big
The window is quiet


het is een stille kamer.
zonder deur, maar met een raam.
daar komt iedereen door naar binnen.
daar gaat iedereen door naar buiten.
het is een groot raam.
het is een stil raam.
daarbuiten één grote zee van gras.

als de nacht valt
sluipt het slapeloze paar naar binnen
hun vochtige handen grijpen het raamkozijn
(het paar is poedelnaakt)
(insluipers zijn welkom)
(bezitters zijn ongewenst)
Adam en Eva zijn het niet
het paar gaat niet vaak in bad
en ruikt een beetje vettig
ze hebben misschien geen geld
maar de kamer kan het niet schelen
(insluipers zijn schoon)
(omdat ze naakt zijn, hè)
er is niks in de kamer, dus ze kan gerust zijn
als ze door het raam kijkt waardoor ze naar binnen kwamen
zal ze zich zeker fraai opgewonden voelen

vanuit de kamer heb je een goed uitzicht
op een stad in de verte waar ze niet woonde
op de nachtelijke hemel waarin de sterren krioelen
op de droevige, rollende wolvenogen van het paar
op een uitgestrekte zee van gras

de kamer verlangde
naar een poedelnaakt paar
naar ergens heen te gaan
de kamer voelde
(drie muren, dat is te veel)
(één raam, dat is te weinig)
ze was te beschermd geweest
(met elke spijker was dat haar net iets te diep ingeramd)

die zweetgeur, het poedelnaakte paar
gaat zo gemakkelijk naar buiten
één been over het raamkozijn
zo simpel stort je je in de wind

de kamer wanhoopt nog niet
ze vermoedt dat ze naar buiten kan
er is tenslotte een prima raam

het is een groot raam.
het is een stil raam.






The Terrorists

The room is quiet
There is no door, only a window
That is how everyone gets in
That is how everyone gets out
The window is large
The window is quiet
The window is filled with the sea of grass beyond

When night falls
A sleepless couple sneaks in
Placing their wet hands on the windowsill
(The couple are stark naked)
(Intruders are welcome)
(Owners are turned away)
They are not Adam and Eve
The couple rarely bathe
And smell slightly greasy
Perhaps they are penniless
But the room doesn’t care
(Intruders are clean)
(They are naked after all)
The room is restful in its emptiness
Look out the window through which you entered
Surely you’ll feel a beautiful thrill

The view is good from the room
Of the distant towns where they never lived
Of the distant stars which crowd the night sky
Of the wild, spiraling eyes of a wolf couple
Of the entire field of grass 

The room was full of longing
It yearned for the naked couple
It yearned to leave and go somewhere
The room felt it
(Walls on three sides, that is too many)
(A window on one side, that is too few)
The room was too protected
(Goodness, even the nails were pounded in too far)
The greasy, naked couple
Will have such an easy time leaving
With one leg astride the windowsill
They’ll throw themselves easily into the wind
The room doesn’t yet despair
It should be possible to leave
There is a big window after all

The window is big
The window is quiet

The Terrorists

The room is quiet
There is no door, only a window
That is how everyone gets in
That is how everyone gets out
The window is large
The window is quiet
The window is filled with the sea of grass beyond

When night falls
A sleepless couple sneaks in
Placing their wet hands on the windowsill
(The couple are stark naked)
(Intruders are welcome)
(Owners are turned away)
They are not Adam and Eve
The couple rarely bathe
And smell slightly greasy
Perhaps they are penniless
But the room doesn’t care
(Intruders are clean)
(They are naked after all)
The room is restful in its emptiness
Look out the window through which you entered
Surely you’ll feel a beautiful thrill

The view is good from the room
Of the distant towns where they never lived
Of the distant stars which crowd the night sky
Of the wild, spiraling eyes of a wolf couple
Of the entire field of grass 

The room was full of longing
It yearned for the naked couple
It yearned to leave and go somewhere
The room felt it
(Walls on three sides, that is too many)
(A window on one side, that is too few)
The room was too protected
(Goodness, even the nails were pounded in too far)
The greasy, naked couple
Will have such an easy time leaving
With one leg astride the windowsill
They’ll throw themselves easily into the wind
The room doesn’t yet despair
It should be possible to leave
There is a big window after all

The window is big
The window is quiet
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère