Poetry International Poetry International

Sayaka Osaki


“She ate her favorite food all day long and rarely exercised
She had a few brief failed relationships with males of the species
But mostly stayed single
And never gave birth”

When this article about you came out
Girls like me took encouragement
Like Diana gathering courage from Anne of Green Gables
Or Clara learning to be brave from Heidi
Well, I’m sure to have a long life,
I thought with a smirk on my face

But how accurately did those comments
Convey who you really were?
No one knows the truth

Nowhere is it written who you loved and how
Nowhere is it written what made you happy

If I met you
I would’ve brought a big bundle of bamboo leaves
Even though I’m not sure if that was your favorite food
You’d have said, “Sorry to have put you out, please stay a while”
I’d talk on and on about my own problems with the males of the species
And you’d have given me useless advice

How I wish we could have been friends . . .

Ming Ming

“de hele dag at zij niks anders dan haar lievelingskostje, aan bewegen deed ze niet
relaties met mannetjes waren moeizaam
de meeste tijd bracht zij alleen door
jongen heeft zij niet gebaard”

toen ik dit artikel over je las
dacht ik, met een glimlach:
een meisje zoals ik aangespoord
als een Diana die de geest kreeg door een roodharige Anne
of als een Clara die de geest kreeg door een Heidi
zal ook vast een lang leven hebben

maar van wat hier geschreven stond
wat klopte daarvan in hoe het jou beschreef?
hoe het echt zit, weet niemand

hoe jij van wie gehouden hebt is nergens overgeleverd
waar jij blij van werd is nergens overgeleverd

als ik jou had kunnen ontmoeten
zou ik bamboeblaadjes voor je hebben meegenomen
of dat jouw lievelingskostje was weet ik niet

“dat was niet nodig, hoor, doe rustig aan”, zou jij zeggen
ik zou eindeloos over mijn mannenproblemen tegen je aan praten
jij zou me nutteloos advies geven

wat zou het mooi zijn geweest als jij mijn vriendin had kunnen zijn










“She ate her favorite food all day long and rarely exercised
She had a few brief failed relationships with males of the species
But mostly stayed single
And never gave birth”

When this article about you came out
Girls like me took encouragement
Like Diana gathering courage from Anne of Green Gables
Or Clara learning to be brave from Heidi
Well, I’m sure to have a long life,
I thought with a smirk on my face

But how accurately did those comments
Convey who you really were?
No one knows the truth

Nowhere is it written who you loved and how
Nowhere is it written what made you happy

If I met you
I would’ve brought a big bundle of bamboo leaves
Even though I’m not sure if that was your favorite food
You’d have said, “Sorry to have put you out, please stay a while”
I’d talk on and on about my own problems with the males of the species
And you’d have given me useless advice

How I wish we could have been friends . . .


“She ate her favorite food all day long and rarely exercised
She had a few brief failed relationships with males of the species
But mostly stayed single
And never gave birth”

When this article about you came out
Girls like me took encouragement
Like Diana gathering courage from Anne of Green Gables
Or Clara learning to be brave from Heidi
Well, I’m sure to have a long life,
I thought with a smirk on my face

But how accurately did those comments
Convey who you really were?
No one knows the truth

Nowhere is it written who you loved and how
Nowhere is it written what made you happy

If I met you
I would’ve brought a big bundle of bamboo leaves
Even though I’m not sure if that was your favorite food
You’d have said, “Sorry to have put you out, please stay a while”
I’d talk on and on about my own problems with the males of the species
And you’d have given me useless advice

How I wish we could have been friends . . .
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère