Poetry International Poetry International

Sayaka Osaki

Rice Steamer

There was an artist I used to love but I forgot who it was
There was a song I used to love but I forgot what it was
Not sure what to do, I cooked some rice in the steamer
Even though I don’t like those damn machines

No one knows the weather on the day they were born
No one can talk with people who died the day they were born
I decide to put my faith in something someone told me
The toilet paper has run out so I go look for some more

Night falls as I am looking for a means of resistance
Morning dawns as I am preoccupied with living long
I forgot what I was going to say so I took your hand
You who were breathing, right there in front of me

The words you write across the pages of your notebook
Are not the same as the words in the book which made me cry
You might think it is strange but that thought
Made me so happy I laughed out loud

I will probably say whatever I want
About the weather on the day you were born
I will probably exaggerate and make mistakes
About the people who died the day you were born
At first, you’ll be shocked and believe me completely
Soon you’ll decide not to trust me at all

The fact you won’t trust me gives me courage
As I live here with my rice steamer
I’m fine even though I forget the paintings I love
I have faith in my savage soul

We spread out a blue plastic sheet and on it
We line up the rice balls and other things we brought home
You say it’s like we’re picnicking under the cherry blossoms
And as you do, you live


had ik nou een favoriete schilder    die ben ik vergeten
had ik nou een favoriet nummer    dat ben ik vergeten
niks aan te doen    dus kookte ik de rijst in de rijstkoker
toch is zo’n rijstkoker geen favoriet van me

niemand weet    welk weer het was op de dag dat ze geboren werden
je kan geen gesprek hebben    met iemand die stierf op de dag dat je geboren werd
ik vertrouw sindsdien maar op wat iemand me vertelde
het wc-papier is op,    dus ga ik wat halen

terwijl ik een middel zocht om me te verzetten    was het avond geworden
terwijl ik volledig opging in hoe langer te leven    was het ochtend geworden
wat ik wilde gaan zeggen    kon ik me niet herinneren, dus
greep jouw hand, jij die ademend recht voor me stond

de woorden waarmee jij je notitieboekje vult
en de woorden die me aan het huilen brengen     zijn niet dezelfde
jij mag dat vreemd vinden
maar ik werd daar    al te gelukkig van en lachte

over het weer op de dag dat jij geboren werd
zal ik zeggen wat ik wil
over de mensen die stierven op de dag dat jij geboren werd
zal ik overdrijven en dingen zeggen die niet kloppen
jij zal dat eerst geloven en geschokt zijn
en snel daarna zal je me nooit meer geloven

dat jij me niet geloven wil
geeft me moed als ik met een rijstkoker woon
dat ik mijn favoriete schilderij vergeet kan me niet schelen
ik zal vertrouwen putten uit mijn wilde ziel

op uitgespreid blauw zeil
leggen we rijstballen en andere meegebrachte spullen neer
het is net kersenbloesems kijken, zeg je
en leven doe je


いちばんすきな画家がいたはずなのに 忘れてしまった
いちばんすきな歌があったはずなのに 忘れてしまった
しかたがないから 炊飯器でごはんを炊いた
自分の生まれた日の天気を 誰も知らない
自分の生まれた日に死んだ人とは 会話できない
トイレットペーパーが切れたので 探しにいく
抵抗するための手段を探しているうちに 夜になっていた
生き延びるのに夢中になっているうちに 朝になっていた
何を言いかけていたのか 思いだせなかったから
わたしが本で読んで泣いたことばは ちがう
わたしはそのことが 嬉しすぎて笑えた

Rice Steamer

There was an artist I used to love but I forgot who it was
There was a song I used to love but I forgot what it was
Not sure what to do, I cooked some rice in the steamer
Even though I don’t like those damn machines

No one knows the weather on the day they were born
No one can talk with people who died the day they were born
I decide to put my faith in something someone told me
The toilet paper has run out so I go look for some more

Night falls as I am looking for a means of resistance
Morning dawns as I am preoccupied with living long
I forgot what I was going to say so I took your hand
You who were breathing, right there in front of me

The words you write across the pages of your notebook
Are not the same as the words in the book which made me cry
You might think it is strange but that thought
Made me so happy I laughed out loud

I will probably say whatever I want
About the weather on the day you were born
I will probably exaggerate and make mistakes
About the people who died the day you were born
At first, you’ll be shocked and believe me completely
Soon you’ll decide not to trust me at all

The fact you won’t trust me gives me courage
As I live here with my rice steamer
I’m fine even though I forget the paintings I love
I have faith in my savage soul

We spread out a blue plastic sheet and on it
We line up the rice balls and other things we brought home
You say it’s like we’re picnicking under the cherry blossoms
And as you do, you live

Rice Steamer

There was an artist I used to love but I forgot who it was
There was a song I used to love but I forgot what it was
Not sure what to do, I cooked some rice in the steamer
Even though I don’t like those damn machines

No one knows the weather on the day they were born
No one can talk with people who died the day they were born
I decide to put my faith in something someone told me
The toilet paper has run out so I go look for some more

Night falls as I am looking for a means of resistance
Morning dawns as I am preoccupied with living long
I forgot what I was going to say so I took your hand
You who were breathing, right there in front of me

The words you write across the pages of your notebook
Are not the same as the words in the book which made me cry
You might think it is strange but that thought
Made me so happy I laughed out loud

I will probably say whatever I want
About the weather on the day you were born
I will probably exaggerate and make mistakes
About the people who died the day you were born
At first, you’ll be shocked and believe me completely
Soon you’ll decide not to trust me at all

The fact you won’t trust me gives me courage
As I live here with my rice steamer
I’m fine even though I forget the paintings I love
I have faith in my savage soul

We spread out a blue plastic sheet and on it
We line up the rice balls and other things we brought home
You say it’s like we’re picnicking under the cherry blossoms
And as you do, you live
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère