Poetry International Poetry International

Peter Verhelst

waiting for godot 1 (samuel beckett)

Waiting for you in the dark
I hold a tissue to my mouth
to make sure I am bleeding
because only those who bleed can dream.
I apply a gentle pressure. Who have I

made myself beautiful for as if saying yes
to a question no one’s asked? The world
is a hole that grows warmer as it gorges

on bodies. In the darkness a phone vibrates in vain.

How many lives have I already stood here, hands
pocketed, eyes closed, as if someone inside me is humming?

You can ask me anything. Slower than oil
is the swaying of my hips. Slower still,
my coat, that thickest of oils, dripping off of me.

I have never been this naked before, that is what I think
as I lean back, tissue stuck to my lips. Never this wide.
Until my head appears between my knees
and we are looking at each other, finally,

as if to breathe into each other.
Blinding light. So much desire –
the screech of gulls.

wachten op godot 1 (samuel beckett)

wachten op godot 1 (samuel beckett)

Als ik op jullie in het donker wacht
houd ik een zakdoek aan mijn mond
om mij ervan te vergewissen dat ik bloed
want enkel wie kan bloeden kan ook dromen.
Ik druk het doekje zachtjes aan. Voor wie

heb ik me mooi gemaakt alsof ik ja heb willen zeggen
op een vraag die niemand heeft gesteld; de wereld
is een gat dat warmer wordt naarmate het zich vult

met lichamen. In het duister trilt een telefoon vergeefs.

Hoeveel levens sta ik hier al, handen
in mijn jaszakken, gesloten ogen, alsof iemand in me neuriet.

Alles mogen jullie van me vragen. Trager dan olie
is het wiegen van mijn heupen. Nog trager
druipt mijn jas, die dikste olie, van me af.

Ik was nooit voorheen zo naakt, dat denk ik
als ik achterover buig, zakdoek klevend op mijn lippen. Nooit zo wijd.
Tot mijn hoofd tussen mijn knieën opduikt
en we elkaar eindelijk aankijken

alsof we elkaar willen beademen.
Verblindend licht. Zoveel verlangen –
gegil van meeuwen.

waiting for godot 1 (samuel beckett)

Waiting for you in the dark
I hold a tissue to my mouth
to make sure I am bleeding
because only those who bleed can dream.
I apply a gentle pressure. Who have I

made myself beautiful for as if saying yes
to a question no one’s asked? The world
is a hole that grows warmer as it gorges

on bodies. In the darkness a phone vibrates in vain.

How many lives have I already stood here, hands
pocketed, eyes closed, as if someone inside me is humming?

You can ask me anything. Slower than oil
is the swaying of my hips. Slower still,
my coat, that thickest of oils, dripping off of me.

I have never been this naked before, that is what I think
as I lean back, tissue stuck to my lips. Never this wide.
Until my head appears between my knees
and we are looking at each other, finally,

as if to breathe into each other.
Blinding light. So much desire –
the screech of gulls.

waiting for godot 1 (samuel beckett)

Waiting for you in the dark
I hold a tissue to my mouth
to make sure I am bleeding
because only those who bleed can dream.
I apply a gentle pressure. Who have I

made myself beautiful for as if saying yes
to a question no one’s asked? The world
is a hole that grows warmer as it gorges

on bodies. In the darkness a phone vibrates in vain.

How many lives have I already stood here, hands
pocketed, eyes closed, as if someone inside me is humming?

You can ask me anything. Slower than oil
is the swaying of my hips. Slower still,
my coat, that thickest of oils, dripping off of me.

I have never been this naked before, that is what I think
as I lean back, tissue stuck to my lips. Never this wide.
Until my head appears between my knees
and we are looking at each other, finally,

as if to breathe into each other.
Blinding light. So much desire –
the screech of gulls.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère