Poetry International Poetry International

Thomas Möhlmann

Come little father show your teeth, not

Come my little father show your teeth, not
your advancing insights: when you’re in the right,
be as solid as a house for me, truly I’m pleased

to see you content, that you’ve created things
no one can take from you now
doesn’t mean the world’s a better place

only your own world is malleable
not the one in which I give you a grandson
and I want to be able to talk with you about that

father so it’s time to show your teeth again,
the dumbest are told they’re in the right more and more
and of course they have a vote but what do they choose

you built a beautiful palace dad
on swampy ground, I too believe
in good intentions but

more and more in teeth
I still accept much of what I’ve learned
but nowadays I chew before I swallow:

not your opinion this evening
not your wisdom with the years.
Your teeth.

Kom vadertje laat je tanden zien, niet

Kom vadertje laat je tanden zien, niet
je voortschrijdend inzicht: ik moet in je gelijk
kunnen wonen, echt ik ben blij

je tevreden te zien, dat je dingen hebt
neergezet die niemand je meer afneemt
wil niet zeggen dat alles er mooier op werd

alleen je eigen wereld is maakbaar
niet die waarin ik je een kleinkind geef
en ik wil daarover met je kunnen praten

vader laat dus je tanden weer eens zien, steeds
dommere mensen krijgen steeds meer gelijk
en natuurlijk zijn het kiezers maar waarvan

jullie bouwden een prachtig paleis pa
op een drassige bodem, ook ik geloof
in goede bedoelingen maar

steeds meer nog intussen in tanden
eet mijn pap nog met dezelfde lepel
maar kauw tegenwoordig voor ik slik:

niet je mening van vanavond
niet je wijsheid met de jaren.
Je tanden.

Come little father show your teeth, not

Come my little father show your teeth, not
your advancing insights: when you’re in the right,
be as solid as a house for me, truly I’m pleased

to see you content, that you’ve created things
no one can take from you now
doesn’t mean the world’s a better place

only your own world is malleable
not the one in which I give you a grandson
and I want to be able to talk with you about that

father so it’s time to show your teeth again,
the dumbest are told they’re in the right more and more
and of course they have a vote but what do they choose

you built a beautiful palace dad
on swampy ground, I too believe
in good intentions but

more and more in teeth
I still accept much of what I’ve learned
but nowadays I chew before I swallow:

not your opinion this evening
not your wisdom with the years.
Your teeth.

Come little father show your teeth, not

Come my little father show your teeth, not
your advancing insights: when you’re in the right,
be as solid as a house for me, truly I’m pleased

to see you content, that you’ve created things
no one can take from you now
doesn’t mean the world’s a better place

only your own world is malleable
not the one in which I give you a grandson
and I want to be able to talk with you about that

father so it’s time to show your teeth again,
the dumbest are told they’re in the right more and more
and of course they have a vote but what do they choose

you built a beautiful palace dad
on swampy ground, I too believe
in good intentions but

more and more in teeth
I still accept much of what I’ve learned
but nowadays I chew before I swallow:

not your opinion this evening
not your wisdom with the years.
Your teeth.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère