Poetry International Poetry International

Marije Langelaar


I woke up that year on the beach
my bird body

I was shocked to see my boyfriend lying beside me.
Completely made of sand.
Gently began to bury him.

He put up no resistance
came several times in a row but totally
misplaced I felt lonely
in the meantime.

I called animals to me and children:
they helped dig, mechanically or
determinedly some of them following an inner calling.

We found many things, objects, substances
the filthiest things and also a word
stuck in the sand brains, shaking slightly.
I took it between my fingers
we formed a circle and studied the word
which was still in a primordial state.
It hadn’t yet been pronounced, was unformed but it was almost
we could feel it on a sensory level.
I held his hands, in so far as that was possible, as
we all began to say in unison
the word that had been so deeply hidden and in a primordial state
inside him.
And slowly repeating it and the dogs barking
in support and the wind unrelenting
his eyes began to glisten and             
finally he awoke.



Ik werd wakker dat jaar aan het strand
mijn vogellichaam
sterk vermagerd.

Ik schrok van mijn vriend die naast mij lag.
Volledig van zand.
Begon hem zachtjes te graven.

Hij bood geen enkele weerstand
kwam enkele keren klaar maar totaal
misplaatst ik voelde me eenzaam

Ik riep er dieren bij en kinderen:
zij groeven mee, werktuigelijk of
vastbesloten sommige uit innerlijke roeping.

Wij vonden vele zaken, voorwerpen, substanties,
het allervieste en eveneens een woord
tussen de zandhersens geklemd, licht trillend.
Ik nam het tussen mijn vingers
we vormden een kring en bekeken het woord
dat zich nog in zo’n oertoestand bevond.
Het was nog onuitgesproken, ongevormd maar het was bijna
op een zinuiglijk niveau konden we het tasten.
Ik hield zijn handen, in hoeverre dat kon, toen we allen
gezamenlijk het woord,
dat hij zo ziep verborgen en in oerprincipiële toestand
bij zich had
begonnen uit te spreken.
En hoe langzaam herhalend en de honden die blaften
ondersteunend en het waaide onafgebroken
zijn ogen begonnen te glanzen en
toen eindelijk werd hij wakker.


I woke up that year on the beach
my bird body

I was shocked to see my boyfriend lying beside me.
Completely made of sand.
Gently began to bury him.

He put up no resistance
came several times in a row but totally
misplaced I felt lonely
in the meantime.

I called animals to me and children:
they helped dig, mechanically or
determinedly some of them following an inner calling.

We found many things, objects, substances
the filthiest things and also a word
stuck in the sand brains, shaking slightly.
I took it between my fingers
we formed a circle and studied the word
which was still in a primordial state.
It hadn’t yet been pronounced, was unformed but it was almost
we could feel it on a sensory level.
I held his hands, in so far as that was possible, as
we all began to say in unison
the word that had been so deeply hidden and in a primordial state
inside him.
And slowly repeating it and the dogs barking
in support and the wind unrelenting
his eyes began to glisten and             
finally he awoke.


I woke up that year on the beach
my bird body

I was shocked to see my boyfriend lying beside me.
Completely made of sand.
Gently began to bury him.

He put up no resistance
came several times in a row but totally
misplaced I felt lonely
in the meantime.

I called animals to me and children:
they helped dig, mechanically or
determinedly some of them following an inner calling.

We found many things, objects, substances
the filthiest things and also a word
stuck in the sand brains, shaking slightly.
I took it between my fingers
we formed a circle and studied the word
which was still in a primordial state.
It hadn’t yet been pronounced, was unformed but it was almost
we could feel it on a sensory level.
I held his hands, in so far as that was possible, as
we all began to say in unison
the word that had been so deeply hidden and in a primordial state
inside him.
And slowly repeating it and the dogs barking
in support and the wind unrelenting
his eyes began to glisten and             
finally he awoke.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère