Poetry International Poetry International

Pooyan Farmanbar


The sea has gone but I'm still drowning 
I no longer need a door 
That opens and shuts in me
I am lost  while kissing 
I'm waiting 
For you to come back 
So I am found in you again 
And not know you're cheating 
So I can swim to before 
into our memories
I have been found again
in you 
who drowned me
at the first rendezvous

Kiss me
in the mirror 



دریا رفته اما هنوز غرقم
ديگر نیاز ندارم به دری 
که در من باز يا بسته
درحالِ بوسیدن    گُمم
كه برگردى 
که در تو پيدا شوم باز
كه با ندیدمِ خيانت 
شنا كنم به گذشت
به گذشته
دوباره پيدا شده‌ام 
در تو 
كه در اولین قرار 
غرقم کرده‌ای

مرا ببوس
در آینه


The sea has gone but I'm still drowning 
I no longer need a door 
That opens and shuts in me
I am lost  while kissing 
I'm waiting 
For you to come back 
So I am found in you again 
And not know you're cheating 
So I can swim to before 
into our memories
I have been found again
in you 
who drowned me
at the first rendezvous

Kiss me
in the mirror 


The sea has gone but I'm still drowning 
I no longer need a door 
That opens and shuts in me
I am lost  while kissing 
I'm waiting 
For you to come back 
So I am found in you again 
And not know you're cheating 
So I can swim to before 
into our memories
I have been found again
in you 
who drowned me
at the first rendezvous

Kiss me
in the mirror 
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère