Poetry International Poetry International

Pooyan Farmanbar


A boat is missing in my eyes
If it sinks in me 
Or comes across Moses
who suffered for the world
The sky won't shuffle 
Or the cloud right above my head 
That is pissing on me
On you 
And even on Beelzebub
That is nothing except a question 

What can the police do
Except to chase the thief 
Who runs away so much 
As to become the police

The Hunter works in the sky 
And I who am idle 
What should I do
So this 'What'
Leaves me alone

We are all flight
Of course a few are only birds
Exactly like solitude
That is water's drip drip in a church
Or this very painter 
Who put me on the cross
Until time goes to sleep 
Like the watch on my wrist

I enjoy tears 
Rain as long as you can
But if I confess
Will I win again?



جای قایقی خالی‌ست در چشم‌هام
که اگر غرق شَوَد در من
یا بربخورد به موسی
که جهان را ‌رنج می‌خواست
 بُرنمی‌خورَد آسمان
یا ابری که درست بالای سرم
دارد چنان می‌شاشد     به من 
به تو
و حتا ابلیس     
که چیزی جز سوال نیست

پلیس اگر پُلی نزند 
دنبال چه باشد جز دزد
که آنقدر فرار مى‌كند
تا پليس شود

شکارچی كار می‌کند در آسمان
و من كه بی‌كارم
باید چکار کنم
که این چه
دست بردارد از سرم

ما همه پروازیم
گرچه تنها برخی پرنده‌اند
درست مثل تنهایی
که چک‌چک آب است در کلیسا
و یا همین نقاش
که مرا کشیده‌ بر صلیب
تا زمان بخوابد 
مثل ساعتم روى مچ

من از اشک لذت می‌برم
تا مى‌توانى ببار
اما اگر اقرار کنم
باز آیا می‌برم؟


A boat is missing in my eyes
If it sinks in me 
Or comes across Moses
who suffered for the world
The sky won't shuffle 
Or the cloud right above my head 
That is pissing on me
On you 
And even on Beelzebub
That is nothing except a question 

What can the police do
Except to chase the thief 
Who runs away so much 
As to become the police

The Hunter works in the sky 
And I who am idle 
What should I do
So this 'What'
Leaves me alone

We are all flight
Of course a few are only birds
Exactly like solitude
That is water's drip drip in a church
Or this very painter 
Who put me on the cross
Until time goes to sleep 
Like the watch on my wrist

I enjoy tears 
Rain as long as you can
But if I confess
Will I win again?


A boat is missing in my eyes
If it sinks in me 
Or comes across Moses
who suffered for the world
The sky won't shuffle 
Or the cloud right above my head 
That is pissing on me
On you 
And even on Beelzebub
That is nothing except a question 

What can the police do
Except to chase the thief 
Who runs away so much 
As to become the police

The Hunter works in the sky 
And I who am idle 
What should I do
So this 'What'
Leaves me alone

We are all flight
Of course a few are only birds
Exactly like solitude
That is water's drip drip in a church
Or this very painter 
Who put me on the cross
Until time goes to sleep 
Like the watch on my wrist

I enjoy tears 
Rain as long as you can
But if I confess
Will I win again?
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère