Poetry International Poetry International

Mostapha Samady


The world can make it uneven 
Tie sorrow to Somalia 
Missiles to Palestine 
The world can
Underline the deadly hell in Myanmar 
Put on a show at Burge Al Arab
Or put a cup of green tea
On the coffee table of a millionaire in the middle of the ocean
The world is a mannequin on the Champs Elysee
A wolf on Wall Street
A woman in Kabul
Whose scarf is burning in the wind
The world can make it uneven 
The world can
And you can too 
You can get at the throat of the world 
The world of this poem 
That hasn't a good form



جهان می‌تواند نابرابرى کند  
غُصه‌ای را به سومالی گره بزند 
موشکی را به فلسطین  
زیر جهنم مرگیِ برمه دستخط بگذارد  
بگذارد شویى در بُرج العرب  
یا فنجانى چای سبز  
روى میز میلیونرى در دل اقیانوس  
جهان مانکنی‌ست در شانزه لیزه  
گُرگی‌ست در وال استریت  
زنی‌ست در کابل  
که روسری‌اش در باد می‌سوزد  
جهان می‌تواند نابرابرى کند  
می‌تواند جهان  
تو هم می‌توانی  
می‌توانى به جان جهان  
جهانِ این شعر بیفتى  
که فُرم خوبی ندارد


The world can make it uneven 
Tie sorrow to Somalia 
Missiles to Palestine 
The world can
Underline the deadly hell in Myanmar 
Put on a show at Burge Al Arab
Or put a cup of green tea
On the coffee table of a millionaire in the middle of the ocean
The world is a mannequin on the Champs Elysee
A wolf on Wall Street
A woman in Kabul
Whose scarf is burning in the wind
The world can make it uneven 
The world can
And you can too 
You can get at the throat of the world 
The world of this poem 
That hasn't a good form


The world can make it uneven 
Tie sorrow to Somalia 
Missiles to Palestine 
The world can
Underline the deadly hell in Myanmar 
Put on a show at Burge Al Arab
Or put a cup of green tea
On the coffee table of a millionaire in the middle of the ocean
The world is a mannequin on the Champs Elysee
A wolf on Wall Street
A woman in Kabul
Whose scarf is burning in the wind
The world can make it uneven 
The world can
And you can too 
You can get at the throat of the world 
The world of this poem 
That hasn't a good form
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère